On the theology of PlatoLaw, 1816 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abiding adapted all-perfect allotted analogous animals assert assimilative bodies bound called cause celestial co-arranged comprehends conjoined converted convolves Cratylus dæmoniacal dæmons deity demiurgus denominated derived divided divine souls earth energy ennead essence eternal evil exempt fabrication Fate father genera genus gives subsistence gnostic greater number Heaven Hence Hesiod hyparxis hypostasis illuminations immoveable imparticipable imparts indissoluble ineffable infinite infinity intel intellect intellectual Gods intelligible Jupiter leader liberated Gods likewise manner middle monad Morbeka mortal motion multitude mundane Gods mundane natures necessary to read Orpheus Parmenides partial souls participate paternal peculiarity perfect perpetual pertains Phædo Phanes Phorcys Plato Plotinus Pluto possesses posterior primarily principles prior Proc proceeding proceeds Proclus produces progression PROPOSITION Proserpine providential proximately respect Rhea Saturn says secondary natures separate similitude Socrates sublunary subsists according summit supermundane suspended Tethys theologists things Timæus transcendency triad unapparent undefiled union unity universe vivific whole
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 172 - What is below is like that which is above, and what is above is like that which is below, to accomplish the miracles of one thing.
الصفحة 216 - Fortune particularly disposes in an orderly manner the sublunary part of the universe, in which the nature of the contingent is contained, and which being essentially disordered, Fortune, in conjunction with other primary causes, directs, places in order, and governs. Hence she is represented guiding a rudder, because she governs things sailing on the sea of generation. Her rudder, too, is fixed on a globe, because she directs that which is unstable in generation. In her other hand she holds the...
الصفحة 182 - But all the rest rejoicing in progression, are said to have given completion to the will of Earth, but to have assaulted their father, dividing themselves from his kingdom, and proceeding into another order. Or rather, of all the celestial genera, some alone abide in their principles, as the two first triads.
الصفحة 159 - Gods, though they should speak without probable and necessary arguments : but as they declare that their narrations are about affairs to which they are naturally allied, it is proper that complying with the law, we should assent to their tradition.
الصفحة 256 - Homer represents him as desiring a union with body, that he may assist his father. While on the contrary Minos and Rhadamanthus, who were heroes illuminated by Jupiter, raised themselves from generation to true being, and meddled with mortal concerns no farther than absolute necessity required.
الصفحة 89 - ... beneficent will, they make all things similar to themselves ; in permanently abiding, proceeding, and in being separated from all things, being similarly present to all things. Since, therefore, the Gods that govern the world, and the daemons the attendants of these, receive after this manner unmingled purity, and providential administration from their father; at one time he converts them to himself without a medium, and illuminates them with a separate, unmingled, and pure form of life. Whence...
الصفحة 130 - Though perhaps it might be better to be silent, I will speak on this occasion: I will speak, though my discourse will not be properly received by all. The solar orb, then, is moved in the starless, which is far higher then the inerratic sphere. Hence, he is not the middle of the planets, but of the three worlds, according to the mystic hypotheses; if it be proper to call them hypotheses, and not rather...
الصفحة 86 - Gods of gods, of whom I am the demiurgus and father, whatever is generated by me is indissoluble, such being my will in its fabrication. Indeed, every thing which is bound is dissoluble : but to be willing to dissolve that which is beautifully harmonized and well composed, is the property of an evil nature. Hence, so far as you are generated, you are not immortal, nor in every respect indissoluble, yet you shall never be dissolved, nor become subject to the fatality of death...
الصفحة 243 - ... which they bear to divinity evinces their essence to be godlike. For on account of their transcendency with respect to other daemons, they frequently appear as gods. With great propriety, therefore, does Socrates call his daemon a god: for he belonged to the first and highest daemons. Hence Socrates was most perfect, being governed by such a presiding power, and conducting himself by the will of such a leader and guardian of his life.
الصفحة 123 - He presides, therefore, over every species of discipline, leading us to an intelligible essence from this mortal abode, governing the different herds of souls, and dispersing the sleep and oblivion with which they are oppressed. He is likewise the supplier of recollection, the end of which is a genuine intellectual apprehension of divine natures.