Earth, so fresh and gay, Ye hills and dales, ye rivers, woods, and plains, And ye that live and move, fair creatures, tell, Tell, if ye saw, how came I thus, how here ! Not of myself; by some great Maker then, In goodness and in power pre-eminent. Tell... Milton's Paradise lost, a poem. With prefatory characters of the several ... - الصفحة 195بواسطة John Milton - 1767عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | 1840 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...some great Maker then, lu goodness and in power pre-eminent. Tell me how I may know Him, how adore; From whom I have, that thus I move and live And feel that 1 am happier than I know ? Such is the impression the universe would make on our mind, if, when we... | |
 | John Milton - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 518
...Tell, if ye saw, how came I thus, how here ? Not of my self, by some great Maker then, In goodness and in power preeminent : Tell me, how may I know...I am happier than I know. While thus I call'd, and stray'd I knew not whither, From where I first drew air, and first beheld This happy light, when answer... | |
 | William Whewell, Caleb Sprague Henry - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 252
...great Maker then, In Goodness as in Power, pre-eminent: Tell me how I may know him, how adore, Front whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know." Now, what means this instinctive sentiment of gratitude, spontaneously rising up in the heart? It is... | |
 | George Willson - 1840 - عدد الصفحات: 298
...some great Maker then, In goodness and in power pre-eminent ; 4 Tell me how may I know him, how adore, From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know." While thus I called, and strayed I knew not whither, From where I first drew air, and first beheld This happy light... | |
 | John Milton - 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 556
...then, " ' In goodness and in power pre-eminent : 280 " ' Tell me, how I may know him, how adore, " ' From whom I have that thus I move and live, " ' happier than I know.' " While thus I call'd, and stray'd I knew not whither " From where I first drew air, and first heheld 285 " This happy light ;... | |
 | John Milton - 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 492
...Maker then, " ' In goodness and in power pre-eminent : " ' Tell me, how I may know him, how adore, " ' From whom I have that thus I move and live, " ' happier than I know.' " While thus I call'd, and stray'd I knew not whither " From where I first drew air, and first beheld " This happy light ; when,... | |
 | 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 404
...Tell, if ye saw, how I came thus, how here ?— Not of myself;—by some great Maker then, In goodness and in power preeminent: Tell me, how may I know him, how adore, From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know. While thus I call'd,... | |
 | 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 346
...if ye saw, how I came thus, how here 1 — Not of myself ;— by some great Maker then, In goodness and in power pre-eminent: Tell me, how may I know him, how adore, From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I know. While thus I call'd,... | |
 | John Aikin - 1841 - عدد الصفحات: 840
...if ye saw, how I came thus, how here Ï — Not of myself; — by some great Maker then, In goodness , Or human h 4 From whom I have that thus I move and live, And feel that I am happier than I kno\v.' — While thus... | |
 | John Aikin - 1843 - عدد الصفحات: 830
...some great Maker then, In goodness and in power pre-eminent: Tell me, how may I know him, how adore. foes, Messiah his t stray'd I knew not whither, From where I first drew air, and first beheld This happy light; when answer... | |
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