Of human offspring, sole propriety In Paradise of all things common else. By thee adulterous lust was driven from men Among the bestial herds to range, by thee Founded in reason, loyal, just, and pure, Relations dear, and all the charities Of father,... Canticles; or, Song of Solomon: a new tr., with notes, by J. Fry - الصفحة xxvii1825 - عدد الصفحات: 226عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | Isaac Watts - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 574
..." In paradise, of all things common else : " By thec adulterous lust was driv'n from men " A lining the bestial herds to range ; by thee ' Founded in...charities ' Of father, son and brother, first were known: ' ' Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets, ' Here love his gulden shafts employs, here lights ' His... | |
 | John Milton - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...ihe bestial htrds to range; by thee, Founded in reason, loyal, just, and pure, 755 Relations deal . and all the charities Of father, son, and brother first were known. Far beMt that I should write thee sin or blame, Or think thee ui. befitting holiest place, Perpetual fountain... | |
 | Isaac Watts - 1814 - عدد الصفحات: 538
...* In Paradise, of all tilings common else : * By thee adulterous lust was driven from men * Amongst the bestial herds to range; by thee, ' Founded in...charities ' Of father, son, and brother, first were known: « Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets ! ' Here love his golden shafts employs, here lights ' His... | |
 | John Henry Livingston - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 192
...sole propriety In Paradise, of all things common else ; By tbee adult'rous lust was driv'n from men, Among the bestial herds to range ; by thee Founded...and all the charities Of father, son, and brother, 6rst were known. Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets, Whoie bed is undefil'd and chaste pronounc'd.... | |
 | Mrs. Barbauld (Anna Letitia) - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 414
...*- I By thee adult'rous lust was driv'n from men Among the bestial herds to range ; by thee. Pounded in reason, loyal, just, and pure, Relations dear,...charities Of father, son, and brother, first were known. Here Love his golden shafts employs, here lights His constant lamp, and waves his purple wings. Reigns... | |
 | 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 700
...the judgment of honour and reason, could not brand her with disgrace." That mysterious law by which " Relations dear and all the charities Of father, son and brother first were known, Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets." This profane writer, in this Christian country, dared to stigmatize... | |
 | 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 700
...the judgment of honour and reason, could not brand her with disgrace." That mysterious law by which " Relations dear and all the charities Of father, son and brother first were known, Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets." This profane writer, in this Christian country, dared to stigmatize... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1817 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...driven from mart In paradise, of all things common else. Among the bestial herds to range ; by thrr, Founded in reason, loyal, just, and pure, Relations...charities Of father, son, and brother first were known. Perpetual fountain of domestic sweets, Whose bed is uiidefil'd and chaste pronounc'd, Present or past,... | |
 | Thomas Green - 1818 - عدد الصفحات: 618
...sole propriety In Paradise of all things common else. By thee adult' rous lust was ilriv'n from men Among the bestial herds to range ; by thee, Founded...Of father, son, and brother, first were known. Far be't that I should write thee sin or blame, Or think thee unbefitting holiest place, Perpetual fountain... | |
 | John Prior Estlin - 1818 - عدد الصفحات: 430
...sole propriety In Paradise, of all things common else. By thec adulterous lust was driv'n from heaven, Among the bestial herds to range ; by thee, Founded...charities Of Father, Son, and Brother, first were known. i The duties owing from married persons to each other, may be learned from the nature and design of... | |
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