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" THE Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye : My noon-day walks he shall attend; And all my midnight hours defend. "
Morning and evening hymns, for every day of the year, selected, revised and ... - الصفحة 349
المحررون: - 1857
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Poems on various subjects, selected by E. Tomkins

E Tomkins - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 280
...eye; My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile...rivers, soft and slow, Amid the ** verdant landscape now. My stedfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, 0 Lord, art with me still; Thy friendly crook shall...

A Choice Selection of Evangelical Hymns ...: For the Use of the English ...

Ralph Williston - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...eye. My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2. When on the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile...peaceful rivers, soft and slow,. Amid the verdant landskape flow. 4. Though in a bare and rugged way, Through devious lonely wilds I stray, Thy bounty...

The Beauties of the Poets: Being a Collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry

1806 - عدد الصفحات: 330
...glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountains pant; To fertile vales, and dewy meads, My weary wand' ring steps He leads ; Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow, Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My stedfast heart shall fear...

A collection of hymns and psalms, for public and private worship, selected ...

Collection - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 630
...eye : My noon-day walks he will attend, And all my midnight hours defend. ! When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant ; To fertile...soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. 3 Tho' in a bare and rugged way, Thro' devious lonely wilds I stray ; Thy presence shall hny pains beguile,...

The British Essayists, المجلد 12

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 346
...My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. II. ' When !n the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile...weary, wand'ring steps he leads; Where peaceful rivers, sort, and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. III. • Though in the paths of death 1 tread, With...

Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: Selected and Designed for the Use of the ...

George Richards - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 404
...attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountains pant, To fertile vales, and dewy meads, My weary,...death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My stedfast ha^rt shall fear no ill, For thou, O Lord) art with me still ; Thy friendly crook shall give...

The British Essayists;: Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 344
...noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. II. • When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile...wand'ring steps he leads; Where peaceful rivers, soft, and siow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. III. • Though in the paths of death 1 tread. With gloomy horrors...

Selection of Poems ...

Charles Snart - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...attend, And all my midnight hours defend. When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountains pant ; To fertile vales, and dewy meads, My weary...rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My stedfast heart shall fear...

The Spectator in miniature: being a collection of the principle ..., المجلد 1

Spectator The - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 348
...noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. When in the sultry glehe I faint, Or oa the thirsty mountain pant; To fertile vales and dewy meads, My weary wand'ring steps he leads ; Wliere peaceful rivers soft and glow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. Thongh in the paths of death...

The Spectator, المجلد 7

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 362
...My noon-day walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. II. 'When in the ssltry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant ; To fertile...he leads ; Where peaceful rivers, soft, and slow, And the verdant landscape flow. III. ' Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy hprrors overspread,...

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