صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Course of Exchange, Oct. 9. Amsterdam, 12:14. C. F. Ditto at sight, 12: 11. Rotterdam, 12:15. Antwerp, 12:7. Hamburgh, 37. 10. Altona, 37: 10. Paris, 3

d. sight, 25: 60. Ditto 25: 60. Bourdeaux, 25:90. Frankfort on the Maine, 156. Petersburgh, perrble. 9:3 Us. Vienna, 10:18 Eff. flo. Trieste, 10: 18 Eff.flo. Madrid, 36. Cadiz, 36. Bilboa, 354. Barcelona, 354. Seville, 354. Gibraltar, 304. Leghorn, 47. Genoa, 434. Venice, 118. Lisbon, 50. Oporto, 50. cent. Cork, 9 per cent.

27: 60. Malta, alta, 45. Naples, 391. Palermo, Rio Janeiro, 46. Bahia, 51. Dublin, 8 per

Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Foreign gold, in bars, £3: 17: 104d. New Dollars, 4s. 9d). Silver in bars, stand. 4s. 11d.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Weekly Price of Stocks, from 1st to 22d October 1821.



Bank stock,

3 per cent. reduced,.....




[blocks in formation]

3 per cent. consols,.......

76 77 78 77 78 78

34 per cent. consols,


4 per cent. consols,...........

[blocks in formation]

5 per cent. navy ann.....

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


62 pr.

65 pr. 70 72 pr.

1 pr.

312 pr.

54 pr.

73 pr. 64 5 pr.

[blocks in formation]

79 8

[blocks in formation]


Exchequer bills,~~~~~~

Consols for acc.

Long Annuities

French 5 per cents~~~~~~

89 90 89 65

89 60

Amer. 7 per cent........


of Sept. and the 20th of Oct. 1821,

Arnold, J. H. Lanblethian, near Cowbridge, cattle-

Barnby, I. New Malton, dealer.
Barton, J. Blackburn, upholsterer.
Beeston, J. Drayton in Hales, Salop, mercer.
Beleher, I. Enfield, stone-mason.

Bower, J. Tothill-street, Westminster, grocer.
Bursey, I. jun. Goodge-street, Tottenham-court-

road, stationer.

Butt, I. Tewkesbury, miller.

Clayton, J. Bury, Laneaster, undertaker.
Colyer, W. Broad-street, St Giles's boot-maker.
Dubois, J. and E. Copthall-street, merchants.
Dunderdale, N. Holbeck, Leeds, clothier.
Evans, T. B. Strand, wine-merchant.
Gardiner, B. Leigh, Worcester, maltster.
Gibson, T. jun. Liverpool, ship-bread-baker.
Gilbert, R. T. Stockbridge, Hants, coal-merchant.

Gird, H. Park-lane, saddler.

Green, T. Alfreton, Derby, grocer.

Hailstone, W. Mildenhall, Suffolk, grocer. Hamelin, Peter, Belmont-place, near Vauxhall, plasterer.

Hancock, S. Judd Place, St Pancras, hardware


Hole, W. M. Kingskerwell, Devon, tanner.

Harrox, W. Liverpool, dealer in corn.

Jaekson, J. Lusted Farm, Kent, farmer.

extracted from the London Gazette.
Inman, I. K. Blackman-street, brazier.
Knowles, J. and Co. Salford, machine-makers.
Lavender, J. Leominster, mercer.

Llewellyn, J. and Co. Old Jewry, insurance-bro-

Lownd, W. Sloane-street, Chelsea, linen-draper.

Mead, T. Sandwich, victualler.

Mercer, H. Liverpool, merchant.
Moody, S. Frome Selwood, mealman.
Richardson, I. Manchester, dealer in cotton.

Rose, R. N. Holborn, bookseller.

Rowbotham, W. Oldham, Lancashire, machine-

Rowley, M. Bear-street, Leicester-square, dealer.
Spear, J. Sheffield, merchant.

Steel, W. Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-square, baker.
Stuart, H. Worcester, wine-merchant.
Surrey, I. and J. Mark-lane, mealmen.
Tate, R. Market Weighton, shopkeeper.
Thompson, T. I. Long Acre, coach-joiner.
Thompson, P. and C. A. Cornhill, wine-merchants.
Travis, J. Oldham, Lancaster, grocer.
Walker, F. Rippon, money-scrivener.

Ward, T. Seamer, York, maltster.
Wells, S. Middleton Terrace, Pentonville, green-

Whitehead, R. Withnell, Lancashire, corn-mer


Jones, T. St John-street, West Smithfield, rag- Williams, H. Lombard-street, merchant. merchant.

ALPHABETICAL LIST of SCOTCH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the Ist and

30th October, 1821, extracted

Anderson, M'Culloch, and Co. merchants and
dealers in Glasgow.

Atkinson, John, currier and leather merchant,

Balfour, Ebenezer, merchant in Stirling.
Black, John, grazier and cattle-dealer, at Waltown
of Crochies, Perth.

Caverhill, Walter, merchant, Galashiels.

Crawford, Wm. and James, coal-masters, Lochwinnoch.

Graham, Thomas, of Eastwood Park, writer, merchant, and builder, in Glasgow.

Ouller, James, grazier and cattledealer, at Memus, county of Forfar.

Rankin, Robert, merchant and grocer in Edinburgh.

Skinner, Thomas, merchant in Collinsburgh, now residing in Edinburgh.

Stenhouse, Andrew and George, merchants, ⚫ agents, wharfingers, and ship-owners, Leith.


Adams, Alex. tanner, Falkirk; a final dividend 1st December.

Anderson and Brown, tanners, Glasgow; a final
dividend 14th December.

Barr, Peter Allan, and Co. merchants and grocers,
Edinburgh; a final dividend 19th November.

from the Edinburgh Gazette.

Clink, Robert, merchant, Perth; a dividend 6th

Galbraith, Wm. and Co. merchants, Greenock;
3d dividend 19th November.

Laird, John, and Co. merchants in Greenock, and Laird, Wm. and Co. merchants in Liverpool; an equalizing dividend to those creditors who have not received payment of the first.

Laird, James, jun. and Co. mill-spinners at Murt-
hill; a final dividend 16th November.

Moodie, James, merchant, Dunfermline; a divi-
dend of 6s. 6d. per pound on 10th December, if
no objections are offered before that day.
Rae, John, merchant, Aberdeen; a dividend 6th

Robertson, James, merchant, Anstruther; a 1st
dividend 9th November.

Scott, Hugh, haberdasher, Greenock; a 2d dividend 6th December.

Scott and Balmanno, merchants, Glasgow; a divi-
dend 16th November.

Smith, Ishmael, some time merchant, Aberdeen;
a dividend 26th December.
Young, and Co. merchants and general agents in
Edinburgh; a 2d dividend on 12th November,
and an equalizing dividend to those who have
received no share.

Observatory, Calton-hill.

METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, extracted from the Register kept at Edinburgh, in the

N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, at nine o'clock, forenoon, and four o'clock, afternoon. The second Observation in the afternoon, in the first column, is taken by the Register Thermometer.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Average of Rain, 1.432 inches.


2 Life G. Assist. Surg. Broughton, to be Surg. Royal En. 1st Lieut. Lewis, h. p. Ist Lieut.


W. C. Smith, Cornet by purch. vice

Lord G. Bentinck, prom. Sept. 12.
Hon. J. Coventry, do. do. vice Lord J.
Bentinck, prom.
do. 13.

vice Moore, ret.
E. Cutler, Assist. Surg.

July 25, 1821

9 Dr.





Lieut. Trevillian, from 1 Dr. Capt. by
purch. vice Townsend, prom. do.

E. W. Sewell, Cornet by purch. vice De

Lisle, ret.

2d Lt. Randolph,

April 13, 1821. do.


Trevelyan, from h. p. 2d Lt.

Capt. Hustler, from h. p. Capt. do. do.

1st Lt. Victor, 2d Capt.

June 19.

Blackiston, from h. p. 1st Lt. do.


2d Lieut. Kennedy, 1st Lieut.

June 19, 1821.

[blocks in formation]

Dixon, from h. p. 2d Lieut.


Ensign Halford, from 43 F.

Lieut. by

Bt. Maj. Moody, from h. p. Capt.

July 1.



1st Lt. Grierson, 2d Capt.



J. Hare, Ensign by purch. vice Halford,

Beague, from h. p. 1st Lieut.


33 F.


2d Lt. Hope, 1st Lt.


Larcom, from h. p. 2d Lt.


Ordnance Department.


[blocks in formation]

Qua. Mast. Stewart, from 91 F. with Qua. Mast.

Bryce, from 92 F. with

Resignations and Retirements.

Colonel O. E. of Bradford, Shropshire Militia.
Capt. Rist, 33. F.

Cornet De Lisle, 19 Dr.

Ensign Burney, 87 F.

do. 6.

K.C.B. Col. Com..

Bt. Col. and Lt. Col. Pritchard, Col. do.

Bt. Lt. Col. and Maj. Tobin, Lt. Col. do.
Bt. Maj. and Capt. Brome, Maj. do.
Capt. Gordon, from h. p. Capt. do.
1st Lt. Durnford, 2d Capt.

Surgeon Moore, 2 Life Gds.


General Cowell, late Coldst. Gds. London,


Sept. 29, 1821.

2d Lt. Elliot, 1st Lt.


Colonel M'Leod, 59 F. Dinapore,

March 29.

Welsh, from h. p. 2d Lt.


1st Lt. Somerville, from h. p.

1st Lt.

vice Earle, h. p.

do. 10.

2d Capt. Chesney, from h. p.

2d Capt.

vice Robertson, h. p.

Oct. 10.

2d Lt. Warren, from h. p. 2d Lt. vice

C. P. Jones, h. p.


Sankey, R. Dublin (City) Militia.
Major Giles, 55 F. Cannanore, Madras, May 2.

Biggs, ret. R. Mar.
Gordon, do,

Horlock, h. p. R. Mar.

Captain Mansfield, ret. Invalids, Bath.

Roche, h. p. 14 F. near Calcutta, Apr. 3.

March 9.

Manley, h. p. 36 F.

Callagy, h. p. 15 F..

Captain Carter, h. p. 22 F. Chester.


Saunderson, h. p. 89 F. on passage from
M'Pherson, h. p. Delancy's Cor.

Oct. 1, 1820.
Sir Armstrong, h. p. Portug. Service.
Lieut. Mayer, 8 Dr. East Indies.
Lynam, 3 Vet. Bn. (formerly of Rifle Brig.)
Seates, late West Ind. Gar. Co. Curacoa,
May 27, 1821.
Strangeways, 65 F. Surat, Bombay, Jan. 11.
Atkinson, R. Mar, killed in an attack on
the Forts of Mocha, East Indies, Dec. 4, 1820.
Buchanan, h. p. 4 F. Newtown Butter,
Aug. 25, 1821.
Kelly, h. p. 39 F.
Sept. 5.

[blocks in formation]



March 30. At Bombay, Mrs Henry Oakes, of a


July 20. At Malta, the lady of George Ward, Esq. Deputy Paymaster-General to the Forces, of a daughter.

Sept. 16. At London, the lady of William Davidson, Esq. of Muirhouse, of a daughter.

9. At Tours, in France, the lady of William Downe Gillon, younger of Wellhouse, Esq. of a daughter.

Oct. 2. At Edinburgh, the Right Hon. Lady Torphichen, of a son. -At Portswood-house, Hants, the lady of William Alexander Mackinnon, Esq. of a daughter. 3. In Hili-street, Berkeley-square, London, the lady of Henry Drougham, Esq. of Brougham, M.P. of a daughter.

At the Manse of Lauder, Mrs Cosens, of a


4. The lady of Stair Stewart, Esq. of Physgill, of a daughter. 5. At Pitrichie-house, Mrs Mackenzie, of a son. 7. Mrs Robert Thomson, late of 44, GilmorePlace, of a daughter.

8. In York-Place, the lady of the Hon. H. T. Liddell of Ravensworth Castle, Durham, of a son and heir.

At the Government-house, Jersey, the lady of his Excellency Sir Colin Halket, K. C. B. and G. C. H. of a daughter.

9. In York-Place, the lady of Rear-Admiral Otway, Commander-in-Chief, of a daughter.

10. In Great Cumberland-street, London, the lady of the Right Hon. Lord Glammis, of a son and heir, who died the same day.

- At Hillhousefield, Mrs James Borthwick, of a daughter.

- At Drummond-Place, Edinburgh, the lady of Major Nickle, of the 88th regiment, of a daugh


[blocks in formation]

Playfair, of a son.

15. At Aberdeen, the lady of Major Henderson, royal engineers, of a son.

17. At Edinburgh, Mrs George Wauchope, of a daughter.

Mrs Stoddart, Albany-street, of a daughter. At Loudam Hall, Suffolk, Lady Sophia Macdonald, of a son.

- At the house of Mrs Grant, sen. of Kilgraston, Mrs Fraser Tytler of Burdsyards, of a son.

18. At Arbuthnott-house, the Viscountess of Arbuthnott, of a son.

-At Harcourt-street, Dublin, the Countess of Errol, of a daughter.

19. At Campbeltown, Argyleshire, the lady of the late Dr Alexander M'Larty, physician, Kingston, Jamaica, of a posthumous daughter.

July 26.

Mar. 29.

25. At 16, James' Square, Mrs M. Pattison, of a daughter.

26. At Orchardhead, Stirlingshire, Mrs Walker, of a son.

27. In Grosvenor-Place, London, Lady Emily Drummond, of a daughter.

29. At New Garden, Mrs Ramage Liston, of a


- At Paris, the lady of Alexander Norman Macleod, Esq. of Harris, of a son.

- At her house in Park Place, St James's, London, the Viscountess Cranborne, of a son and heir. 30. At Edinburgh, the lady of Sir William Jardine, Bart. of Applegarth, of a daughter.

In St Andrew's-square, Mrs Graham, of a son. 51. At No. 42, North Hanover-street, Mrs Espinasse, of a daughter.

- Mrs James Simpson, Northumberland-street, of a daughter.

Lately. At Durham, the lady of Samuel Sproul, Esq. M. D. Member of the Medical Board, Bombay, of a son.

At Agra, in the East Indies, the lady of

Lieutenant-Colonel M'Leod, of a daughter. - At Edinburgh, the wife of Mr William MacDiarmid, printer, of a daughter.


Sept. 10. At Leghorn, the Hon. Arthur Hill Trevor, eldest son of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Dungannon, to Sophia, daughter of George D'Arcy Irvine, Esq. of Castle Irvine, county of Fermanagh, Ireland.

Oct. 2. At Inver Dunning, Mr Alexander M. Anderson, writer, Nelson-street, Edinburgh, to Catherine, eldest daughter of Alexander Stewart, Esq. of Inver Dunning.

3. At Edinburgh, Henry Sibbald, Esq. writer to the signet, to Agnes, only child of the late James Edmond, Esq. Glasgow.

4. At George's-square, Edinburgh, Dr Robert Renton, physician, Edinburgh, to Miss Christina Adam, daughter of the late Dr Adam.

6. At Valleyfield, John Hay, Esq. younger of Smithfield aud Hayston, to Miss Anne Preston, daughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel George Preston, of the Royal Marines, and niece of Sir Robert Preston, Valleyfield, Bart.

8. At the Manse of Urray, Alexander Mackenzie, Esq. of Kinnahard, to Margaret, only daughter of the Rev. Donald Macdonald of Urray.

At Fountainhall, near Aberdeen, Alexander Murchison, Esq. M. D. of Jamaica, to Mary, only daughter of Dr Patrick Copland, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University and Marischal College of Aberdeen.

9. At Kinning-house, Archibald Graham, Esq. writer in Glasgow, to Miss Barbara Loriston, daughter of the late John Dixon, Esq. of Knightswood.

10. At Barnes Church, Surrey, Charles Stuart, Esq. of Rothsay, to Miss Leake, of Barnes.

11. At Elister, Island of Islay, Duncan Campbell, Esq. Kilehomen, to Anne, eldest daughter of Niel M'Niel, Esq.

At Newington, Mr James Scott, tertius, merchant in Leith, to Miss Marion Smart, daugh ter of the late Captain Robert Smart.

16. At St Andrews, Mr John Anderson, merchant there, to Miss Jean, second daughter of Mr James Clark, Balrymounth.

- At Edinburgh, Mr John Wilson, plumber, Liverpool, to Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr William Bathgate, merchant, St James's Square.

-At Dumfries, at the house of Thomas Goldie, Esq. of Craigmuie, John Hyndman, Esq. advocate, to Maria Le Maitre, daughter of the late James Macrae, Esq. of Holmains.

17. At the Church of Overton, the Rev. Dr Dewar, minister of the Tron Church, Glasgow, to Susan, youngest daughter of Edward Place, Esq. of Skelton Grange, Yorkshire.

18. At 42, Macvicar Place, Mr James Dowell, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, East Thistle-street, to Isabella, only daughter of Mr James Browning, merchant.

At Greenock, George Noble, Esq. to Geils, only daughter of the late Andrew Donald, Esq. of Virginia, North America.

20. At Cairnsmore, the Rev. David Wilson, minister of Stranraer, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Peter Stewart, Esq. of Cairnsmore. 23. At Paisley, William Mercer, Esq. W. S. to Catherine, eldest daughter of Robert Maxwell, Esq. Paisley.

At St George's Chapel, Edinburgh, Captain J. Thornton, H. P. 78th regiment, son of J. Thornton, Esq. of Kensington, to Miss Helen Small, daughter of the late John Small, Esq. of Overmains, Berwickshire.

24. In the British Chapel of Leghorn, John Christie, Esq. of Hodderdon, in the county of Hertford, to Caroline, eldest daughter of John Falconer, Esq. his Britannic Majesty's ConsulGeneral for Tuscany.

25. At Edinburgh, William Johnstone, Esq. 30, Northumberland-street, to Mrs Reidie, widow of Dr Reidie, physician, Brechin.

At Edinburgh, William Herries Ker, Esq. to Magdaline, only daughter of the late Colonel William Riccart Hepburne of Riccarton.

30. At St James's Church, Sir William Johnstone Hope, M. P. one of the Lords of the Admiralty, to the Right Honourable Maria, Countess of Athlone, sister to Sir Robert Eden, Bart. of Windlestone, in the county of Durham.

- At Edinburgh, Mr R. Scott Thompson, druggist, Prince's Street, to Isabella M. Cowan, eldest daughter of Mr William Cowan, merchant, Edinburgh.

At Dover, James Walker, Esq. of Dover, to Henrietta, eldest daughter of the late Major James Murray Grant, of the Barrack Department.

Lately. In Maitland Street, William Fraser, Esq. of Madras, to Mrs Mary Turner, daughter of the late Captain William Bruce, of the Honourable East India Company's service, Madras.

At Windsor, Nova Scotia, John M'Kay, of Berry Hill, Sutherlandshire, Esq. Captain 27th regiment of foot, to Amelia Isabella, third daughter of the late Benjamin De Wolf, Esq. of that place. -At Glasgow, Mr James Rait, merchant, there, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Robert Watt, Esq. merchant, Montego Bay, Jamaica.

[ocr errors]

Sept. 23. Robert, and on the 5th Oct. Janet, infant children of Mr H. P. Macleod, teacher of music, Caltonhill.

27. At Peebles, greatly regretted, the Rev. Thomas Leckie, 27 years minister of the associate congregation there.

28. At Sloan-street, London, Mrs Sherringham, youngest daughter of the late Captain Gamage, of the East India Company's service.

At Cray, Catherine Anabella, eldest daughter of Major James Robertson, of Cray.

29. At her house, 22, Society, Miss Margaret Aikman, daughter of the late Mr James Aikinan,

House of Muir.

50. At Frankfort, Lady Charlotte Hill, eldest daughter of the Marchioness of Downshire. Oct 1. At East Dalry, Richard Shirreff, Esq.

At Bellaberta, in the county of Berwick, Miss Veronica Hogg, younge daughter of the late Rev. Robert Hogg, minister of Roxburgh, aged 63.


March 11. At Madras, of the cholera morbus, Mr Robert Stevenson, a native of Kilmarnock.

19. At Dinapore, in India, Colonel Alexander M'Leod, C. B. commanding his Majesty's 59th regiment.

April. In Elchipore, in India, Mrs Ogilvie, wife of Captain Duncan Ogilvie, 2d regiment Madras native infantry, and daughter of the Rev. Dr Duncan, Ratho.

10. At Cochin, East Indies, George Browne, son of the late Rev. John Browne, Falkirk.

May 8. Near Calcutta, aged 68 years, Colonel Colin Mackenzie, C. B. of the Madras Engineers, Surveyor-General of India.

12. At Madras, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Dalrymple, C. B. of the Madras Artillery.

July 15. At his house in Stromness, John Lout tit, Esq. of Banks, merchant in Stromness.

Aug. 12. At Demerary, universally regretted,

Patrick Macintyre, Esq.

23. At Demerara, of the yellow fever, Lieutenant-Colonel Nooth, C. B. of the 21st Royal Scots Fuzileers, eldest son of Dr Nooth of Bath.

At Leith Walk, after a severe illness of three days, Mr James Allison, sen. gardener there, in his 102d year.

- At Noranside, John Mill, Esq. of Noranside. - At Edinburgh, Mr David Vallance, merchant.

2. Mr William Currie Lawric, surgeon. - In the south of France, after a painful illness, George Maxwell, Esq. younger of Curruchan, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Galloway militia.

At the manse of Morebattle, Alexander, son of the Rev. Walter Morrison.

At Greenlaw House, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, Lady Gordon, much and justly regretted by all who knew her.!

3. At Edinburgh, Mrs Jane Robertson, reliet of the late William Smellie, Esq. printer, secretary to the Royal Society of Scottish Antiquaries, author of the Philosophy of Natural History, translator of the works of M. de Buffon, &c.

-At Dublin, Mrs Anna Maria Ivers, wife of Mr James M. Graham, surgeon of the Fifeshire militia.

- At Thornhill (Perthshire), William M'Ewan, Esq. writer to the signet.

4. At her house, No. 15, North Frederick-street, Mrs Charles Mackenzie, widow of the late Charles Mackenzie, Esq. writer in Edinburgh.

- At Dunkeld, Mrs D. Landale, of Kirkaldy. 6. At Cunninghamhead, Niel Snodgrass, Esq, of Cunninghamhead, in the 82d year of his age.

9. At Glasgow, in the 19th year of his age, David, and on the 11th, in the 25th year of his age, William, sons of Mr David Hamilton, architect, Glasgow.

10. At Gillespic's Hospital, Mrs Margaret Miller, aged 95, one of the persons who were first admitted into that hospital.

- At her son-in-law's house, Myles, Mrs Hislop.

11. Of an enlargement of the heart, Horatio Nelson Matcham, second son of General Matcham, Esq. and nephew to Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson of the Nile, and of the present Earl, aged 18. -At Perth, Mr David Marshall, of Manchester, youngest son of William Marshall, Esq. Perth. - At her father's house, James's Square, Joanna Craig, aged 17.

12. In Doctors Commons, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr Richard Hope, of Luxted, near Down, in Kent, in the 73d year of her age.

15. At Ormly, Caithness, Captain Donald Sinclair, late of the 30th regiment of foot.

Maria Matilda, wife of S. F. T. Wilde, Esq.

of Sergeant's Inn, barrister at law.

At Belfast, Major Andrew Pattison, late of the 29th regiment of foot and 8th royal veteran battalion.

14. At Cult Manse, Elizabeth Hunter, wife of the Rev. Thomas Gillespie, minister of Cult.

At Edinburgh, Mrs Esther Yellowlees, wife of Mr John Yellowlees, coach-maker, Mound


15. At the Manse of Killearn, the Rev. James Graham, minister of that parish, in the 86th year of his age, and 54th of his ministry.

At Edinburgh, Mrs Jean Gall, wife of Mr John Moffat, engraver.

At her house, in George-street, Edinburgh, Miss Grace Suttie, eldest daughter of the late Sir George Suttie, Bart. of Balgone.

At Edinburgh, James Hay, Esq. W. S.

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