So forcible vidhia my heart, I feel
The bond of nature draw me to my own: My own in thee! for, what thou art is mine: Our fate can not be fever'd, we are one,
One flesh; to lofe thee were to lofe my felf. So Adam; and thus Eve to him reply'd.. O glorious tryal of exceeding loves Illuftrious evidence, example high, Engaging me to emulate! but, short Of thy perfection, how shall I attain, Adam? from whofe dear fide I boaft me fprung; And gladly of our union hear thee speak, One heart, one foul in both! whereof good proof This day affords; declaring thee refolv'd, Rather than death, or ought than death more dread, Shall feparate us, (link'd in love fo dear!) To undergo with me one guilt, one crime, (If any be) of tafting this fair fruit: Whofe virtue (for of good ftill good proceeds, Direct, or by occafion) hath prefented 11 This happy tryal of thy love; which elfe So eminently never had been known
Augmented; open'd eyes, new hopes, new joys ; Tafte fo divine! that what of sweet before Hath touch'd my fenfe, flat feems to this, and harsh. On my experience, Adam ! freely taste, And fear of death deliver to the winds.
So faying, she embrac'd him, and for joy Tenderly wept; much won, that he his love Had fo en-nobled, as of choice t' incur Divine displeasure for her fake, or death. In recompenfe (for fuch compliance bad Such recompenfe beft merits) from the bough She gave him of that fair-inticing fruit, With liberal hand: he fcrupled not to eat, Against his better knowledge ; not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome with female charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again In pangs; and nature gave a second groan :- Sky lowr'd, and mutt'ring thunder, fome fad drops Wept, at compleating of the mortal fin Original! while Adam took no thought, Eating his fill; nor Eve to irerate
Her former trefpafs fear'd; the more to footh Him with her lov'd' fociety: that now
(As with new wine intoxicated both)
They swim in mirth, and fancy that they feel Divinity within them breeding wings,
Wherewith to fcorn the earth. But, that falle fruit Far other operation first dif-play'd !* Carnal defire in-flaming, he on Ever Regan co- caft lascivious eyes ; she him
As wantonly repaid; in luft they burn: Till Adam thus 'gan Eve to dalliance move.. Eve! now I fee thou art exact of tafte, And elegant, of fapience no small part; Since to each meaning favor we apply, And palate call judicious: I the praise Yield thee, fo well this day thou haft purvey'd. Much pleasure we have loft, while we abftain'd. From this delightful fruit, nor known 'till now True relish, tasting; if such pleasure be
In things to us forbidd❜n, it might be wish'd ;... For this one tree had been forbidden cen. But come! fo well refresh, now let us play, As meet is, after fuch delicious fare : For, never did thy beauty, fince the day I faw thee firft, and wedded thee, adorn'd With all perfection, fo in-flame my sense With ardor to enjoy thee; fairer now Than ever; bounty of this virtuous tree!
So faid he, and forbore not glance, or toys Of amorous intent; well understood
Of Eve, whofe eye darted contagious fire. Her hand he feiz'd, and to a shady bank, Thick over-head with verdant roof imbowr'd; He led her nothing loth: flow'rs were the couch. Panfies, and violets, and afphodet,
And hyacinth, earth's fresheft softéft lap.
There they their fill of love, and love's difport: Took largely; of their mutual guilt the seat,, The folace of their fin: 'till dewy Aeep
Opprefs'd them, weary'd with their amorous play. Soon as the force of that fallacious fruit, That with exhilarating vapor bland
About their spirits had plaid, and inmoft pow'rs Made err, was now exhal'd; and groffer sleep, Bred of unkindly fumes, with conscious dreams Incumber'd, now had left them; up they rofe As from un-reft: and each the other viewing, Soon found their eyes how open'd, and their minds How darken'd! Innocence, that (as à vell) Had shadow'd them from knowing ill, was gone Just confidence, and native righteousness, And honor, from about them: naked left To guilty shame! he cover'd; but his robe Uncover'd more: fo rose the Danite strong, Herculean Sampfon, from the harlot-lap Of Philiftean Dalilah; and wak’d.
Shorn of his ftrength: they, deftitute, and bare Of all their virtue! Silent, and in face Confounded, long they fat, as ftrucken mute: 'Till Adam, though no less than Eve abash'd, At length gave utterance to thefe words conftrain'd. O Eve! in evil hour thou didst give ear To that falle worm, of whomsoever taught To counterfeit man's voice : true in our fall, Falfe in our promis'd rifing: fince our eyes Open'd we find indeed, and find we know Both good, and evil! good loft,and evil got ! .... Bad fruit of knowledge, if this be to know Which leaves us naked thus, of honor void
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