صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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TO bless thy chosen race,


In mercy, Lord, incline;
And cause the brightness of thy face
On all thy saints to shine:-

2 That so thy wondrous way

May through the world be known; While distant lands their tribute pay, And thy salvation own.

3 O let them shout and sing

With joy and pious mirth;
For thou, the righteous Judge and
Shalt govern all the earth. [King,

4 Let differing nations join
To celebrate thy fame;
Let all the world, O Lord, combine
To praise thy glorious name.




LEST Comforter Divine,
Whose rays of heavenly love
Amid our gloom and darkness shine,
And point our souls above;

2 Thou, who with " still small voice"
Dost stop the sinner's way,
And bid the mourning saint rejoice,
Though earthly joys decay;
3 Thou, whose inspiring breath
Can make the cloud of care,
And e'en the gloomy vale of death,
A smile of glory wear;

4 Thou, who dost fill the heart
With love to all our race,
Blest Comforter! to us impart
The blessings of thy grace.

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LEST be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
2 Before our Father's throne

Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one,
We pour our ardent prayers:

Our comforts and our cares.

3 We share our mutual woes,
And often for each other flows
Our mutual burdens bear,
The sympathizing tear.
4 When we asunder part,

It gives us inward pain ;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.
5 This glorious hope revives
Our courage by the way;
While each in expectation lives,
And longs to see the day.
6 From sorrow, toil, and pain,
And sin we shall be free;
And perfect love and friendship reign,
Through all eternity.



FOR the death

of those

Who slumber in the Lord!

O be like theirs my last repose,
Like theirs my last reward!

2 Their bodies in the ground
In silent hope may lie,
Till the last trumpet's joyful sound
Shall call them to the sky.

3 Their ransomed spirits soar,
On wings of faith and love,
To meet the Saviour they adore,
And reign with him above.
4 With us their names shall live

Through long succeeding years,
Enbalmed with all our hearts can give,
Our praises and our tears.

5 O for the death of those,

Who slumber in the Lord!
O be like theirs my last repose,
Like theirs my last reward.



Ye an-gels round the throne, And saints that dwell be - low, Wor

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PREPARE me, gracious God,
stand before thy face;
Thy Spirit must the work perform,
For it is all of grace.

2 In Christ's obedience clothe,
And wash me in his blood:
So shall I lift my head with joy,
Among the sons of God.

3 Do thou my sins subdue,

Thy sovereign love make known; The spirit of my mind renew, And save me in thy Son.

4 Let me attest thy power,

Let me thy goodness prove, Till my full soul can hold no more Of everlasting love.

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Our Saviour and our King, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring.

2 'Tis his almighty love,

His counsel and his care,

13 He will present our souls,
Unblemished and complete,
Before the glory of his face,
With joys divinely great.

4 Then all the chosen seed
Shall meet around the throne;
Shall bless the conduct of his grace,
And make his wonders known.

5 To our Redeemer God

Wisdom and power belongs,
Immortal crowns of majesty,
And everlasting songs.

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「OW beauteous are their feet Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal!

2 How charming is their voice! How sweet their tidings are! "Zion, behold thy Saviour King, He reigns and triumphs here.

3 How happy are our ears

That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found!

4 How blessed are our eyes

That see this heavenly light!
But died without the sight.

Preserves us safe from sin and death, Prophets and kings desired it long,
And every hurtful snare.

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Bring thy salvation near;

God shall lift up thy head. [tears;

Out of the deadly snare?

He gently clears the way;

Wait thou his time: the darkest night

Of my forgiving God,

Shall end in brightest day.

When will thy hand release my feet 2 Through waves, and clouds, and storms,

3 When shall the sovereign grace

Restore me from those dangerous ways 3 Far, far above thy thought
My wandering feet have trod?

4 O! keep my soul from death,

Nor put my hope to shame,
For I have placed my only trust
In my Redeemer's name.

5 With humble faith I wait
To see thy face again;
Of Israel it shall never be said,
He sought the Lord in vain.


OT with our mortal eyes

Yet we rejoice to hear his name,
And love him in his word.

2 On earth we want the sight
Of our Redeemer's face;

His counsel shall appear,

When fully he the work hath wrought,
That caused thy needless fear.

4 What though thou rulest not!
Yet heaven and earth and hell
Proclaim-God sitteth on the throne,
And ruleth all things well.


THE day is

past and gone,
The evening shades appear;
O may we all remember well,
The night of death draws near.

2 We lay our garments by,
Upon our beds to rest;

So death will soon disrobe us all Of what is here possessed.

Yet, Lord, our inmost thoughts delight 3 Lord, keep us safe this night,

To dwell upon thy grace.

3 And when we taste thy love,

Our joys divinely grow, Unspeakable, like those above, And heaven begins below.

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Secure from all our fears; May angels guard us while we sleep, Till morning light appears.

4 And when we early rise,

And view the unwearied sun,
May we set out to win the prize,
And after glory run.

5 And when our days are past,
And we from time remove,
O may we in thy bosom rest,
The bosom of thy love.

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We are his works, and not our own; 337

He formed us by his word.

4 To-day attend his voice,

Nor dare provoke his rod;
Come, like the people of his choice,
And own your gracious God.

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OME, we that love the Lord,
be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.

2 The God that rules on high,

And thunders when he please,
That rides upon the stormy sky,
And manages the seas:

3 This awful God is ours,

Our Father and our love;

He shall send down his heavenly
To carry us above.

4 The men of grace have found
Glory begun below:
Celestial fruits on earthly ground,
From faith and hope may grow.

5 The hill of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets,
Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets.

6 Then let our songs abound
And every tear be dry;
We're marching through Immanuel's
To fairer worlds on high.



THY name, almighty Lord,

3 Grace first inscribed my name
In God's eternal book;
'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
Who all my sorrows took.

4 Grace led my roving feet


To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I While pressing on to God. 5 Grace taught my soul to pray, And made my eyes o'erflow; '"Twas grace that kept me to this day, And will not let me go.

Shall sound through distant lands: 6 Grace all the work shall crown,

Great is thy grace and sure thy word:
Thy truth for ever stands.

2 Far be thine honor spread,

And long thy praise endure,
Till morning light and evening shade
Shall be exchanged no more.




AR as thy name is known
The world declares thy praise;
Thy saints, O Lord, before thy throne
Their songs of honor raise.

2 With joy thy people stand
On Zion's chosen hill,
Proclaim the wonders of thy hand,
And counsels of thy will.

3 Let strangers walk around
The city where we dwell,
Compass and view thy holy ground,
And mark the building well.

4 The orders of thy house,

The worship of thy name,
The cheerful songs, the solemn vows,
Our blessedness proclaim.

5 The God we worship now
Will guide us till we die;
Will be our God while here below,
And ours above the sky.

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Through everlasting days;
It lays in heaven the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.


"FOR ever with the Lord!"

it be:

Life from the dead is in that word: 'Tis immortality!

2 Here in the body pent,

Absent from him I roam,
Yet nightly pitch my moving tent
A day's march nearer home.

3 My Father's house on high,
Home of my soul! how near,
At times, to faith's aspiring eye,
Thy golden gates appear!'

4 "For ever with the Lord!"
Father, if 'tis thy will,
The promise of thy gracious word,
Ev'n here to me fulfil.

5 Be thou at my right hand;
So shall I never fail:
Uphold thou me and I shall stand;
Help, and I shall prevail.
6 So, when my latest breath

Shall rend the vail in twain,
By death I shall escape from death,
And life eternal gain.

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