TEXT. 8 How shall not the ministration of the Spirit be rather glorious? 9 For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. 10 For even that, which was made glorious, had no glory, in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth. 11 For, if that which is done away was glorious, much more that, which remaineth, is glorious. PARAPHRASE. ness of it, which was but temporary, and was quickly to 8 vanish; How can it be otherwise, but that the ministry of the Spirit, which giveth life, should coufer more glory 9 and lustre on the ministers of the gospel? For, if the ministration of condemnation were glory, the ministry of justification', in the gospel, doth certainly much more 10 exceed in glory. Though even the glory, that Moses's ministration had, was no glory, in comparison of the far 11 more excelling glory of the gospel-ministry *. Farther, if that which is temporary, and to be done away, were NOTES. 7 b Kalapysμérny, "done away," is applied here to the shining of Moses's face, and to the law, ver. 11 and 13. In all which places it is used in the present tense, and has the signification of an adjective, standing for temporary, or of a duration, whose end was determined; and is opposed to Tirol, "that which remaineth," i. e. that which is lasting, and hath no predetermined end set to it, as ver. 11, where the gospel dispensation is called to μÉVOV, "that which remaineth." This may help us to understand aò dóns eiç dóşar, ver. 18, "from glory to glory," which is manifestly opposed to doεn xaτapyapim," the glory done away," of this verse; and so plainly signifies a continued, lasting glory of the ministers of the gospel; which, as he tells us there, consisted in their being changed into the image and clear representation of the Lord himself; as the glory of Moses consisted in the transitory brightness of his face, which was a faint reflection of the glory of God, appearing to him in the mount. 9 i Sixxoría tus dixaloons, "the ministration of righteousness;" so the ministry of the gospel is called, because, by the gospel, a way is provided for the justification of those, who have transgressed; but the law has nothing but rigid condemnation for all transgressors; and, therefore, is called here," the "ministration of condemnation." 10k Though the showing, that the ministry of the gospel is more glorious, than that of the law, but what St. Paul is here upon, thereby to justify himself, if he has assumed some authority and commendation to himself, in his ministry, and apostleship; yet in his thus industriously placing the ministry of the gospel, in honour, above that of Moses, may he not possibly have an eye to the judaizing, false apostle of the corinthians, to let them see, what little regard was to be had to that ministration, in comparison of the ministry of the gospel? TEXT. 12 Seeing then, that we have such hope, we use great plaimess of speech. 13 And not as Moses, which put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished. PARAPHRASE. delivered with glory, how much rather is that, which remains, without being done away, to appear in glory'? 12 Wherefore, having such hope", we use great freedom 13 and plainness of speech. And not as Moses, who put a veil over his face, do we veil the light; so that the obscurity of what we deliver should hinder" the children. NOTES. 11 Here St. Paul mentions another pre-eminency and superiority of glory, in the gospel, over the law; viz. that the law was to cease, and to be abolished: but the gospel to remain, and never be abolished. 12 m Such hope:" that St. Paul, by these words, means the so honourable employment of an apostle and minister of the gospel, or the glory, belonging to his ministry, in the gospel, is evident, by the whole foregoing comparison, which he has made, which is all along between diazovia," the mi"nistry" of the law and of the gospel, and not between the law and the gospel themselves. The calling of it "hope," instead of glory, here, where he speaks of his having of it, is the language of modesty, which more particularly suited his present purpose. For the conclusion, which, in this verse, he draws from what went before, plainly shows the apostle's design, in this discourse, to be the justifying his speaking freely of himself and others; his argument amounting to thus much: "Having, therefore, so honourable an employment, as is the ministry of the "gospel, which far exceeds the ministry of the law in glory; though even that gave so great a lustre to Moses's face, that the children of Israel could not "with fixed eyes look upon him: I, as becomes one of such hopes, in such a post as sets me above all mean considerations and compliances, use great free. "dom and plainness of speech, in all things that concern my ministry." 66 13 Пposto un atεviσal, &c. "That the children of Israel could not "stedfastly look," &c. St. Paul is here justifying in himself, and other ministers of the gospel, the plainness and openness of their preaching, which he had asserted, in the immediately preceding verse. These words, therefore, here, must of necessity be understood, not of Moses, but of the ministers of the gospel: viz. that it was not the obscurity of their preaching, not any thing veiled, in their way of proposing the gospel, which was the cause, why the children of Israel did not understand the law to the bottom, and see Christ, the end of it, in the writings of Moses. What St. Paul says, in the next verse, "But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same "veil untaken away," plainly determines the words, we are upon, to the sense I have taken them in: for what sense is this? "Moses put a veil over "his face, so that the children of Israel could not see the end of the law; but "their minds were blinded; for the veil remains upon them, until this day." But this is very good sense, and to St. Paul's purpose, viz. "We, the ministers "of the gospel, speak plainly and openly, and put no veil upon ourselves, as TEXT. 14 But their minds were blinded; for until this day remaineth the same veil untaken away, in the reading of the Old Testament; which veil is done away in Christ. 15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. 16 Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. PARAPHRASE. of Israel from seeing, in the law, which was to be done 14 away, Christ, who was the end of the law. But their not seeing it, is from the blindness of their own minds: for, unto this day, the same veil remains upon their understandings, in reading of the Old Testament; which veil is done away in Christ; i. e. Christ, now he is come, so exactly answers all the types, prefigurations, and predictions of him, in the Old Testament, that presently, upon turning our eyes upon him, he visibly appears to be the person designed, and all the obscurity of those passages concerning him, which before were not under15 stood, is taken away, and ceases. Nevertheless, even until now, when the writings of Moses are real, the veil remains upon their hearts, they see not the spiri16 tual and evangelical truths contained in them. But, when their heart shall turn to the Lord, and, laying by prejudice and aversion, shall be willing to receive the truth, the veil shall be taken away, and they shall plainly see him to be the person spoken of, and intended 3. NOTES. "Moses did, whereby to hinder the jews from seeing Christ, in the law: but "that, which hinders them, is a blindness on their minds, which has been "always on them, and remains to this day." This seems to be an obviating an objection, which some among the corinthians might make to his boasting of so much plainness and clearness in his preaching, viz. If you preach the gospel, and Christ, contained in the law, with such a shining clearness and evidence, how comes it that the jews are not converted to it? His reply is, "Their un"belief comes not from any obscurity in our preaching, but from a blindness, "which rests upon their minds to this day; which shall be taken away, when "they turn to the Lord." • Vid. Rom. x. 2-4. 15 P St. Paul, possibly, alludes here to the custom of the jews, which continues still in the synagogue, that, when the law is read, they put a veil over their faces. 16 9 When this shall be, see Rom. xi. 25-27. TEXT. 17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with open face, beholding, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. PARAPHRASE. 17 But the Lord is the Spirit', whereof we are ministers; and they, who have this Spirit, they have liberty', so 18 that they speak openly and freely. But we, all the faithful ministers of the New Testament, not veiled, NOTES. 17 No KúpC Tò anữuá is...v, “but the Lord is that Spirit." These words relate to ver. 6, where he says, that he is a minister, not of the letter of the law, not of the outside and literal sense, but of the mystical and spiritual meaning of it; which he here tells us, is Christ. "There is liberty;" because the Spirit is given only to sons, or those that are free. See Rom. viii. 15, Gal. iv. 6, 7. 18 St. Paul justifies his freedom and plainness of speech, by his being made, by God himself, a minister of the gospel, which is a more glorious ministry, than that of Moses, in promulgating the law. This he does from ver. 6, to ver. 12, inclusively. From thence, to the end of the chapter, he justifies his liberty of speaking; in that he, as a minister of the gospel, being illuminated with greater and brighter rays of light, than Moses, was to speak, (as he did) with more freedom and clearness, than Moses had done. This being the scope of St. Paul, in this place, it is visible, that all from these words, "who put a "veil upon his face," ver. 13, to the beginning of ver. 18, is a parenthesis; which being laid aside, the comparison between the ministers of the gospel and Moses stands clear: "Moses, with a veil, covered the brightness and glory of "God, which shone in his countenance;" but we, the ministers of the gospel, with open countenances, xaloтpovo, reflecting as mirrours the glory of the Lord. So the word xaloτCouero, must signify here, and not "beholding as "in a mirrour:" because the comparison is between the ministers of the gospel and Moses, and not between the ministers of the gospel and the children of Israel: now the action, of "beholding," was the action of the children of Israel; but of" shining, or reflecting the glory, received in the mount," was the action of Moses; and, therefore, it must be something answering that, in the ministers of the gospel, wherein the comparison is made; as is farther manifest, in another express part of the comparison between the veiled face of Moses, ver. 13, and the open face of the ministers of the gospel, in this verse. The face of Moses was veiled, that the bright shining, or glory of God, remaining on it, or reflected from it, might not be seen; and the faces of the ministers of the gospel are open, that the bright shining of the gospel, or the glory of Christ, may be seen. Thus the justness of the comparison stands fair, and has an easy sense, which is hard to be made out, if naτompióμsvo be translated, "heholding as in a glass." Τὴν αὐτὴν εἰκόνα μεταμορφώμεθα, σε we are changed into that very image, i.e. the reflection of the glory of Christ, from us, is so very bright and clear, that we are changed into his very image; whereas the light that shone in Moses's TEXT. IV. 1 Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have feceived mercy, we faint not: 2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but, by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience, in the sight of God. PARAPHRASE. but with open countenances, as mirrours, reflecting the glory of the Lord, are changed into his very image, by a continued succession of glory, as it were, streaming upon us from the Lord, who is the Spirit, who gives us this IV. 1 clearness and freedom. Seeing, therefore, I am intrusted with such a ministry, as this, according as I have received great mercy, being extraordinarily and miraculously called, when I was a persecutor, I do not fail", nor flag: I do not behave myself unworthily in it, nor misbecoming the honour and dignity of such an employment: 2 But, having renounced all unworthy and indirect designs, which will not bear the light; free from craft, and from playing any deceitful tricks, in my preaching the word of NOTES. countenance, was but a faint reflection of the glory, which he saw, when God showed him his back parts, Exod. xxxiii. 23. 'Amo dons is dócar, "from glory to glory, i. e. with a continued influx and renewing of glory, in opposition to the shining of Moses's face, which decayed and disappeared in a little while, ver. 7. Kaláπep and Пupie, wiμare," as from the Lord, the Spirit," i. e. as if this irradiation of light and glory came immediately from the source of it, the Lord himself, who is that Spirit, whereof we are the ministers, ver. 6, which giveth life and liberty, ver. 17. This liberty he here speaks of, ver. 17, is wapincía, "liberty of speech," mentioned ver. 12, the subject of St. Paul's discourse here; as is farther manifest, from what immediately follows, in the six first verses of the next chapter, wherein an attentive reader may find a very clear comment on this 18th verse we are upon, which is there explained, in the sense we have given of it. 1 · Οὐκ ἐκκακῶμεν, “ we faint not,” is the same with πολλη παρρησία χρώμεθα, we use great plainness of speech," ver. 12, of the foregoing chapter; and signifies, in both places, the clear, plain, direct, disinterested preaching of the gospel; which is what he means, in that figurative way of speaking, in the former chapter, especially the last verse of it, and which he more plainly expresses, in the five or six verses of this: the whole business of the first part of this epistle being, as we have already observed, to justify to the corinthians his behaviour in his ministry, and to convince then, that, in his preaching the gospel, he hath been plain, clear, open, and candid, without any hidden design, or the least mixture of any concealed, secular interest, |