| William Hayley - 1799 - عدد الصفحات: 376
...whatfoever in religion is " holy and fublime , in virtue amiable or grave , " whatfoever hath paffion or admiration in all • " the changes of that, which is called fortune " from without , or the wily fubtleties and re" fluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all " thefe things , with a folid and treatable... | |
| 1815 - عدد الصفحات: 892
...against lh« enemies of Christ; to deplore the general relapses of kingdoms und states fromjustice and God's true worship. Lastly, whatsoever in religion...and sublime, in virtue amiable or grave ; whatsoever bath passion or admiration in all the changes of that which is called fortune from without, or the... | |
| 1856 - عدد الصفحات: 634
...the throne and equipage of God's ' almightiness ; to sing victorious agonies of saints and martyrs. ' Whatsoever in religion is holy and sublime, in virtue amiable ' or grave, whatsoever hatli passion or admiration, in all the ' changes of fortune from without, or the wily subtleties and... | |
| Nathan Drake - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 378
...providence in his church ; to sing victorious agonies of martyrs and saints, the deeds and triumphs of just and pious nations doing valiantly through faith...worship. Lastly, whatsoever in religion is holy and subliiiit•, in virtue amiable or grave, whatsoever hath passion or admiration in all the changes... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 446
...Lattly, whatfoever in religion is holy and fublime, in virtue amiable or grave, whatfoever hath paffion or admiration in all the changes of that which is called fortune from without, or the wily fubtleties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all thefe things with a folid and treatable... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 436
...Laftly, whatfoever in religion is holy and fublime, in virtue amiable or grave, whatfoever hath paffion or admiration in all the changes of that which is called fortune from without, or the wily fubtleties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all thefe things with a folid and treatable... | |
| John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 440
...Laftly, whatfoever in religion is holy and fublime, in virtue amiable or grave, whatsoever hath paffion or admiration in all ' the changes of that which is called fortune from without, or the wdly fubtleties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all thefe things with a folid and treatable... | |
| George Burnett - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 556
...providence in his church ; to sing victorious agonies of martyrs and saints, the deeds and triumphs of just and pious nations, doing valiantly through faith...called fortune from without, or the wily subtleties apd refluxes of man's thoughts from within; all these things, with a solid. and treatable smoothness,... | |
| John Milton, Henry John Todd - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 670
...Laftly, wlmtfoever in religion is holy and fubliine, in virtue amiable or grave, whatfoever hatk paillon or admiration in all the changes of that, which is called fortune from without, or the wily full. Irties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within ; all thele things, with a folid and treatable... | |
| Francis Wrangham - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 524
...providence in his Church ; to sing victorious agonies of martyrs and saints, the deeds and triumphs of just and pious nations, doing valiantly through faith...which is called fortune from without, or the wily subtilties and refluxes of man's thoughts from within — all these things with a solid and treatable... | |
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