| William Shakespeare - 1896 - عدد الصفحات: 138
...smooth song which was made by Kit Marlowe, now at least fifty years ago. And the milkmaid's mother sang an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his young days." censure which a modern poet, Mr Swinburne, has passed upon it. When the genuine Shakespearian... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1593 - عدد الصفحات: 138
...smooth song which was made by Kit Marlowe, now at least fifty years ago. And the milkmaid's mother sang an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his young days." censure which a modern poet, Mr Swinburne, has passed upon it. When the genuine Shakespearian... | |
| Izaak Walton - 1653 - عدد الصفحات: 306
...which was made by Kit Marlow,now at leaft fifty years ago; and the Milk maids mother fung an anfwer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger dayes. They were oldfafhioned Poetry, but choicely good, I think much better then that now in fafhion... | |
| Thomas Percy - 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 406
...fmooth fong, " which 'was made by Kit. Marlow, now at leaft fifty " years ago ; and . . . an Anfiwer to it, which was made " by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days. . . . Old" fajhioned poetry but choicely good." It alfo pajjcdfor Marlow's in the opinion of his contemporaries,... | |
| Izaak Walton, Sir John Hawkins - 1775 - عدد الصفحات: 620
...which was made by Kit Marlowt how at leaft fifty years ago : and the milk-maid's mother fung an anfwer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days. They were old-fafhioned poetry, but choicely good, I think much better than the ftrong lines that are now in... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1785 - عدد الصفحات: 456
...the character of " That smooth song which was made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and an Answer to it, which was made by sir Walter Raleigh" in his younger days ..'... Old fashioned poetry, but. choicely good." See the Reliques, &c. vol. I. p. 218. 221, third... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 606
...of " That fmooth fong which was made by Kit Mar/tfwe, now at leaft fifty years ago ; and an anfiuer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days Old falhioned poetry, but choicely good." See The Reliques , &c. Vol. I. p. ziS, 221, third edit. In... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 632
...charafter of " That fmooth fong which was made by Kit Marlmue, now at leaft fifty years ago ; and an anfwer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days Old fafhioned poetry, but choicely good." See The Relijues, &c. Vol. I. p. 218, 221, third edit. In... | |
| George Burnett - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 556
...voice was good, and the ditty fitted for it: it was that smooth song, which was made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and the milk-maid's mother sung an answer to it, which wa» made by sir Walter Raleigh, in his younger days. They were old-fashioned poetry, but choicely... | |
| John Dryden, Walter Scott - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 564
...smooth song made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago." " The milkmaid's mother," he adds, " sung an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter...I think much better than the strong lines that are in fashion in this critical age." The Complete Angler, Edit. vi. p. 65. VOL. I. B as melody will be... | |
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