King John: New PerspectivesDeborah T. Curren-Aquino University of Delaware Press, 1989 - 205 من الصفحات Illuminating Shakespeare's complex experimentation with the dramatic genre of history, these twelve essays bring such time-honored critical methods as source study and concentration on genre, imagery and language, theme, and character together with more current techniques based on historiography, the new historicism, feminism, pragmatics, performance history, and perspectivism. |
11 | |
The Historiographic Methodology of King John | 29 |
King John and The Troublesome Raigne A Reexamination | 41 |
King John A Study in Subversion and Containment | 62 |
Patriarchal History and Female Subversion in King John | 76 |
The Kings One Body Unceremonial Kingship in King John | 91 |
So Jest with Heaven Deity in King John | 99 |
Blots Stains and Adulteries The Impurities in King John | 114 |
Fraternal Pragmatics Speech Acts of John and the Bastard | 136 |
Constance A Theatrical Trinity | 144 |
Staging King John A Directors Observations | 165 |
The Unend of King John Shakespeares Demystification of Closure | 173 |
Select Performance History | 186 |
193 | |
Contributors | 197 |
201 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Arden Arthur Arthur's death audience Bastard becomes Blanch blesome Raigne Burckhardt Calderwood ceremony character Charles Kemble Chatillion Church cited in Furness citizens of Angiers claim Claire Bloom Constance Constance's critics Death of King depicts director Dolphin dramatic Drury Lane E. A. J. Honigmann E. M. W. Tillyard Eamon Grennan Elinor Elizabethan England English lords essay F. R. Benson Faulconbridge Festival France French heaven Helen Faucit historiographic Hubert innocent John's reign Kemble King John king's kingship legitimacy Lewis London Macready's majesty Manheim medieval moral mother nobles Pandulph past patriarchal patriotism pattern perspective Philip play's political present production question Renaissance rhetoric Richard Richard II Robert role royal Salisbury scene Shake Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Shakespeare Quarterly Shakespeare's History Plays Shakespeare's King John Shakespearean Meanings Siddons Siddons's speaks speare's spectator speech acts stage Stratford-upon-Avon subversive tetralogy Theatre thee thou throne tion Troublesome Raigne Tudor verbal voice Waith women words
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 17 - Our wills and fates do so contrary run, That our devices still are overthrown ; Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own; So think thou wilt no second husband wed; But die thy thoughts, when thy first lord is dead.