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النشر الإلكتروني

cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."-What ? - ashamed to own that death by which we live?




There was a period in Paul's life when he thought otherwise. * * * But there was another period in his history never to be forgotten, when the law came home. * ** Now "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." From that period to his dissolution, all he did or said was in reference to the cross!the ground of his confidence the object of his triumph."But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world."

I. Explain the terms.
II. Justify the resolution.

I. "The cross of Christ." Not the literal cross, for it was the basest kind of suffering; as though he had said, "God forbid that I should glory, save in a piece of timber."

Nor the martyr's cross; though there was a striking instance of humility, meekness, patience; as though he had said, "God forbid that I should glory, save in those stones fatal to Satan," or any other instrument, &c.

But the meritorious sacrificial cross! By the Father's appointment redeemed man. (Bunting on 12th Luke, 32d ข.) The cross was the consummation of the mysterious scene and transaction. In connexion with this he means the whole doctrine of salvation through the merit of Jesus; this is synonymous with the cross. "Glorying" in the cross -not boasting only-no man would boast of anything he was not acquainted with. -Experimental-Paul found all else but loss. He saw everything in the doctrine to command his approbation.

Not merely his affectionate attachment to it-though how did his affections cling to it.

Not merely acquaintance, approbation, affection, but triumph. His feelings struggled for expression-he never concealed his glory-among friends or foes-though insulted for it, no matter-"laugh at me, confine me, kill me, still I glory in Christ crucified!"

Only in the cross-what means he by this? All kinds of glorying unconnected with the cross are vain!-He could boast-Hebrew of the Hebrews-his countrymen gloried in these things, and he formerly.- (Enlarge on that passage in the Philippians.)

Some say he gloried in nothing but the cross-not truebut in nothing but what was connected with the cross. - See him with the thorn in the flesh-he gloried there, but it was because the power of Christ would be more illustriousagain, "We glory in tribulations," but we refer them to the cross; they come on account of it.

Doubtless, also, he gloried in the birth of Christ, for angels did so he gloried in the ministry of his Lord-in the miracles in the example of his Master-in the resurrection of Jesus in the ascension of Jesus in the intercession of Jesus but he knew that all these were in vain without the sacrificial death!

He gloried in the wisdom of Christ-the power-the throne-the crown--the sceptre-the kingdom of Christ ; but all these are nothing to guilty man without the vicarious offering, for "without shedding of blood there is no remission."

"How can these things be?" says one. "Glory in a spectacle of horror! a man crucified! - an event that discovered nothing but desertion, humiliation, and shame!"But see Elijah, when his servant's eyes were opened, &c.so Paul's eyes were opened; and if the Holy Ghost speak "Ephphata" to thy heart, thou shalt see that the cross of Christ is our crown, his death our life, his shame our glory. Then shalt thou say, "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."

II. Justify the resolution.

That it was Paul's conduct and sentiment, ought to be enough for a common mind * * * his mighty mind-his learning. (Littleton.) Come, ye infidels; ye who boast


your powers of intellect-but you are in good company if with the great apostle of the Gentiles.

In justifying Paul's resolution, so many reasons offer, we can scarce make a selection-there is every reason.

1. It is the grand consummation of all the preceding dispensations of God to man.-For four thousand years, Grace, Providence, &c., all tended to this one object. In reference to this, promises made, predictions, sacrifices. Jews kept distinct, for of them Christ came. Every part of their history had a special reference hereto: their deliverance from bondage-the rock in the desert-serpent of brass, and multitude of other circumstances, all pointed hereto; and every pious Jew waited for the consolation of Israel. Now it came, &c.

Now the Jewish altars need smoke no more. Thou rock in Horeb, we turn from thee-thou brazen serpent, we leave thee to look on Jesus, &c., &c. Ye twinkling stars of typical dispensations, hide your heads, for the sun has risen, though eclipsed in blood-but soon over.

2. It is the place and scene of a decisive victory over the Lord's enemies and ours-promise to Eve-the opposition on Satan's part was kept up till the seed came then a fierce attack-Herod-the wilderness-the garden, what a struggle the annals of war record nothing like this!-In this scene the potsherds of the earth are not striving; nor is it for a few inches of ground, like human warfare. * * * The fate of all nations suspended on that hour-all hell's legions in motion. See how Jesus approaches it! "Father, the hour is come!" -the hour! the moment towards which all time has been tending. -He enters singly, " for of the people none to help him"-nailed to the cross! The joy of hell on this! they are sure of victory!-But hush! Jesus is travailing in the greatness of his strength-on the cross his victory is the greatest-rocks-sun-angels suspend, and make a pause in heaven-hell trembles" spoils principalities and powers-in it, the cross." True, he died; but in dying he conquered! - We will then glory-shout, shout, shout!

3. As the procuring cause of every blessing to Adam's


Not enough to rescue us, but purchase good things for us also (Clarke) Rom., viii., 32, all tinged with blood! Were not his blood meritorious, these things might in Scripture have been attributed to the birth, example, &c., of Christ. But no, all is attributed to his blood, and that meritorious-"Made nigh by blood" -" opened the holiest by blood." The agonizing conscience can only go to Calvary's wounded tree, which bleeds the balm he wants-" redemption in his blood."-Is he anxious to be now in the family?" Peace by his blood"-" reconciled," not by the example, but "by the death of his Son." Are we unclean? Only one specific, "the fountain opened"-" the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin." Have we an enemy? The road to victory over death gained by the blood of the Lamb; for by his dying he conquered death. Is Paradise to be obtained? Only one way: they all cry there, "To him that washed and redeemed us by his own blood"-all, all given to the precious blood!!!

Shall we not, then, glory in it? What grace-gloryheaven: the grand charter of all is from this cross!" God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."

4. The most powerful and effectual incentive to all kinds of moral excellence. - Many have said "this doctrine tends to licentiousness;" if so, Paul could never glory in it.

He was aware that such objections would be made. "Do we make void the law through faith?" "God forbid," as in the text; "we establish the law:" this produces genuine morality. "Shall we continue in sin?" "God forbid.” We are dead to sin by the cross of Christ!

On the cross, the moral law stands out in greater characters. See moral grandeur there! - Hatred of sin? What could God give in proof of this equal to Jesus? Can you, then, love sin? * * * What are you thinking of? What moral excellence ?-Patience, fortitude, &c. are you thinking of this? - What moral virtue is before you? Is it forgiveness? See the cross-he prays! - Is it charity? See the cross-dying for a world!

5. The cross of Christ furnishes the power to (transenter) all this morality in your hearts. Talk of morals? Talk, talk, talk to us of repentance-everlasting reason * * * The grand morality is love of him! Implant this in a penitent's heart." The dying love of Christ constrains us, &c." * * * By its power crucified to the world. (Compare the cross of Christ with the Upas-tree.) If plants of bitterness be yet in us, it is not the fault of the cross; but we do not live under its shade, or they would wither, while all the fruits of Paradise, of righteousness which are by Christ, &c.-And is it so? Then "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Many other reasons-let these suffice.

What place does the cross of Christ hold with you! Have you erased the cross of Christ from your creed ?

If it is there, what place does it hold in your affections? Is this cross the ground of your confidence &c. ?-Some of you glory in wealth-learning, &c. I hope none of you are glorying in sin-glorying in your shame? I charge you-the blood of Christ be on thee!-the wrath of the Lamb! * * * Great day of his wrath! "If in his love so terrible" * * * Are you glorying in pious parents-baptism, &c. ?-Alas! - But ah! poor penitent! I look to thee! The command has come home! Thou hast been pointed to Jesus! thou hast believed - thou art washed, &c.! In what dost thou glory? " I nothing have, I nothing am"-" I glory in him who loved me better than his own life !"-Go on-confess him and his cross-be not ashamed.

"Christian ministers," do we make Christ crucified the topic of our sermons?-You will then know whether we preach like apostles. -" We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." Can we glory in our talents and keep Christ out of sight? Shall we glory in the harmony of periods, and keep Christ out of mind? But can we glory in the life, the example of Christ, and keep his death out of sight? "I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ, and him crucified!" Again, going to Rome-ah! he will talk then about the Supreme Being, &c. "I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome

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