صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

-true, "the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handy work" - true, his glory was displayed in giving the law to the Israelites-they could not look on Moses! - But the Gospel more glorious than the law: more glorious in its ministers, design, privileges — blessings-extent-it is the moon, but the Gospel is the sun!

See how his wisdom is gloriously displayed in the Gospel -sentence has passed on man-the soul that sins must die -this must be executed, or where is God's truth? If executed, where is God's mercy? But see the wisdom of God -he finds out the way himself Jesus must die, "the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God"-mercy and truth meet, all the attributes agree, and his wisdom is displayed.

See his power displayed in the Gospel :

""Twas great to speak a world from naught,
'Twas greater to redeem;"

easier that God should draw earth to heaven, than vice versa. See his love, mercy, goodness! they shine with lustre! Herein is love! - Romans, v.

3. All its blessings are peculiarly excellent. Divine truth can only be known by revelation-" Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him;" but the Spirit revealed them in the Gospel the atonement, faith, and holiness, &c., &c., bring life and immortality to light through the Gospel and the resurrection of the body, &c.

4. Glorious in its design. Many are conquerors of nations-thousands of orphans and widows thereby; and yet they covered themselves with glory!-but a glory only worthy Apollyon!-But the Gospel's design is to save (Calvinism)-not a country * * * the world.

5. Glorious in privileges. Sometimes we are attracted by wealth, titles, &c. But, sons of God!-the honour! "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." "If sons, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ."

6. Peculiarly excellent in the moral effects it produces In the hearts and lives of men. - Let the heart receive it by faith, and it operates. Dark? Light in the Lord. - Bound? Chains fall off. - Is the soul like a troubled sea? When the Gospel comes, there is peace. - Is it polluted? A general alteration on the reception of the Gospel. Drunkards made sober, &c.; the soul is then exalted in the scale of being.Let the Gospel penetrate a foreign land-be they cannibals, idolaters, semi-devils-human nature entirely changed, temples turned to churches, &c.; peace and good-will is among them, and they love each other, &c.

Now God often chooses instruments the most unlikely, which shows the power to be of God. - See Moses with the rod at the Red Sea-speak to the rock, and strike, and waters flowed.-Jericho's walls-blind man and clay-fishermen its instruments, and all the power of the wisdom of the world against it-how unlikely it should prevail!-but the weapons mighty through God, and nations subdued to the obedience of faith.

7. It is glorious in its reward, here, and beyond this world. Describe the New Jerusalem and Him that sits on the throne, and the eternal weight of glory.



III. Its Divine authority: " Of the blessed God."-Mention some of his titles as the High, the Holy One that inhabiteth eternity; but no title more endearing than this. Blessedhappy and glorious in himself, yet he formed man to communicate a portion of his own happiness, and then gave the Gospel to restore him (two senses of blessed).

Now it is Divine-its purity and design prove this: it has the marks of human credibility on it-it gives names, places, &c.; but more-its Author proclaims its Divine authority"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me," &c. Just men penned it-miracles confirmed it-all these prove it was Divine. The prophecies it contains prove it; part are fulfilled, and others fulfilling-the effect produced everywhere in the hearts of all who receive it, proves this; it is the same in all.

IV. Its design: "Committed to my trust;" it is a deposite -" Stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1. Committed to Christian ministers in trust. 2. To all who receive it -not the terms or matter given by way of trust these are settled: but the dispensation committed to man that he may enjoy its blessings, &c. And, 3. To mankind at large : "The light of the world," says Jesus-its blessings are suited to man as man: it interferes with no civil government, and all who possess the Gospel have it in deposite for others.

Are we partakers of its blessings, pardon, &c. else the Gospel will condemn us; it will be the condemnation of the world. This is the sin of the world, "That light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." "If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but now they have no cloak for their sin." God offers you pardon in it: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Cast your souls on the atoning blood. If pardoned, seek its highest blessings-endeavour to communicate it to others:

1. Our children.

2. In the town.

3. In the country.

4. In the kingdom. 5. All the world.



Hebrews, xii., 1, 2. - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

THE subject the Christian race-all men are candidatesbut those only to be considered truly in this light who have entered the lists-all Christians.

I. The race-'tis one of,

1. Christian knowledge.

2. Christian experience.

3. Christian duties.

4. Christian sufferings. The phrase implies,

1. Exertion.

2. Progression.

3. Perseverance.

II. The duties connected with it.

Lay aside every weight-sin of every kind-but particularly,

1. Attachment to the company with which formerly connected.

2. Love of the world, and inordinate attachment even to our lawful calling.

3. Improper fear of man-accommodation and compromise of the fear of God.

And the besetting sin!

III. The encouragement afforded.

1. The cloud of witnesses.

These are testifiers as well as spectators.

2. Jesus himself.

And he as an example also, "who for the joy," &c.
Can we be tempted or suffer as he did?

And remember, we too shall sit down in his throne.



Daniel, v., 27.-Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting

THE king in high glee. -Struck pale in a moment. Con


I. Balance the law.

Explain the ten commandments.

II. Balance the Gospel.

1. Repentance.

2. Faith in Christ.

3. Love to God in Christ.

4. Divine obedience.

5. Evangelical holiness.

III. Balance the last judgment.

1. All men raised from the dead.

2. The whole heavens pass away.

3. The world in flames.

4. Sovereign Judge seated.

5. Angelic hosts surround him.

6. The books opened.

7. The balances erected.


8. Evangelical works the weights in the one end, men in

the other. The fate, salvation or damnation.

No need of weighing the herd of sinners in general; their

state is evident without. - But let us see,

1. The Socinians.

2. The Pharisees.

3. Antinomians.

4. Apostates.

5. Hypocrites.

6. Saints.

Application. Let us examine ourselves.





Galatians, vi., 14. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

UNDER the influence of strong emotions, Paul departs from the common modes of speech, as in the text.-Paul was the subject of powerful excitement his mind strongly agitated -he had heard that the Galatians, among whom he had planted the cross, &c., to avoid persecution, were glorying in circumcision, &c. How did he feel! and how did he express it!-Disdaining everything as a substitute for the cross, he exclaims, "God forbid that I should glory, save in the

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