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النشر الإلكتروني

sus. Our work is to "seek and to save that which was lost." O for a tender concern!

2. Solemn admonition-he is the minister of the Father's justice as well as mercy; but more awful justice because of the abused mercy. - Sin is folly-no sacrifice is given up by us; and then heaven guided, guarded, comforted, and saved by the power of Divinity at last. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, ye sinners.

3. Live by faith. - What to fear? He stands in his Church-waits to feed us continually-we shall not want!



1 Corinthians, xiii., 13.-And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

In religion things are not always esteemed according to their value; hence, the form is maintained-the power is denied; gifts are preferred to grace-show to that which is solid-tinsel to gold. This was the Corinthian error; gifts for display rather than charity which edified.-He allows to covet the best gifts, but yet he shows a more excellent way -charity! Having showed her superiority, he then contrasts with her two sister graces-these three abide, and must abide-they are the three cardinal graces-but the greatest of these is charity.

I. Explain the meaning of the terms.

II. Establish the truth asserted.

I. The meaning of the terms.

Faith is an important term in Scripture: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved"-high authority said it-and also said, "He that believeth not."

Definitions not often given in Scripture, but we find one of these in Hebrews, xi., 1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It is a Divine persuasion and conviction of spiritual and Divine truths-e. g.-Faith in God is a conviction of his (attributes) Being (-), self-existence, &c. Faith in Scripture is persuasion and conviction of Divine authenticity. "Holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." Faith in Jesus Christ that he is the true Messiah, the Christ of God, the only Redeemer; that he lived here, suffered, died, rose, ascended, and appeared for us at the right hand of the Father-" that this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners."

But that faith which brings salvation, is not the mere result of rational conviction, but of Divine persuasion of the operation of God. It is a principle in the heart, not an opinion in the head. Saving faith is such a Divine conviction of God, as he is, as leads to seeing him who is invisible. Faith in Scripture implies * * * Faith in Jesus Christ, that he loved me, as leads to personal reliance.

Connected with, and resulting from this Faith, is Hopedefine it. The object must be good, otherwise an object of fear. Hope looks forward to all that heaven is and hasrivers of pleasure-eternal life in heaven with God, &c.The object must next be future-"we hope for that we see not." Many blessings once the object of hope, are now enjoyed by you. Still the great and proper object of hope is before you. The object must also be attainable, else despair: if heaven is not to be attained, I cannot hope for it But we may obtain !

We "can give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason of the hope that is in us, with meekness and fear." Jesus died and revived that my faith and hope might be in God.

"Blessed be the God and Father-a living hopebegotten again"-hence an heir.-We have an earnest in ourselves also: "Christ in you the hope of glory." The promises ensure heaven if faithful to death-his word and oath are given.

Thus the mind tends towards it; hence, it is the pleasing expectation of future good. Faith and hope are nearly allied; so intimate that "faith is the substance of things hoped for."-Faith has respect to things that are true-Hope to things good and desirable.Faith can review the past-all history-look back into eternity before the world was again can penetrate the vista of the future. Hope cannot look back-always future.

Connected with these, and proceeding from them, is charity-love, in its Divinest sense. The substitution of the word charity for love has injured Paul's meaning; both learned and ignorant apply it to almsgiving. Read the context: a man gives all to the poor, and his body to burn, and yet has not charity! Divine love!

It has the blessed God for its great and first object; and what is this? It is his love in us reflected back on himself, "because he first loved us." And this love is supreme-all the heart. "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee." And then our fellow-creatures are the secondary objects of this charity. The brotherhood first. This is distinguished from benevolence * * * But also all the human race, &c., &c.

Thus all the tables are compressed into one word, love *** Though the text refers our love to men chiefly, yet it implies that it springs from love to God.

These three are nearly allied - altogether - the same family. Yet mark the distinction. Faith relates to what God has said, Hope to his promises, Love to what he is, &c. Faith believes, Hope expects, Love enjoys. II. Establish the truth asserted.

Do not mistake Paul, as though he derogated from faith and hope. Lower faith and hope? He says they are great, though love is the greatest. Why?

1. It is greatest in point of rank-talents and gifts are great, but faith and hope are essential-we cannot go to heaven without them. But love is great in its own nature and character.-Faith and hope are of the operation of God, but love is from his heart oozing out-by love we are let into God.-We are called to be strong in faith, to abound in hope, but to be perfect in love! We are to put on the shield of faith, the helmet of hope, but, above all, put on charity. It decides the genuineness of faith and hope. Faith cannot work without love-it is the animation of faith. And what is hope without love? Hope maketh not ashamed, "because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts." Faith sometimes has doubts, hope has fears, charity always hopes: yea, when faith and hope both stop, charity believeth, hopeth, does their work.

Charity is the end of what faith and hope are but the means; the labour of love raises the top stone.

Faith is the root, hope the buds, love is the fruit of the Christian's tree. - Again, faith and hope are essential to man as a sinner, but love was his religion before he was a sinner, and it is now by love that he rises above his fall and forms alliance with heaven. Love is the religion of heaven! burning there the element of heaven. Again, not by faith and hope, but by love, we resemble God. God believes not, hopes not, but "God is love;" and by this we rise into his likeness.

Wonder not, then, that love is the foremost fruit of the Spirit, the end of the commandment, the fulfilling of the ław the royal law-that it sits on the throne-the queen of graces.

2. In point of utility. Faith and hope are selfish graces -private props. - Charity is to others like the sun in the firmament-goes about doing good. - Personally, she visits the sick, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked; has a wise head, an attentive ear, a quick eye, a heart! makes others' woes, &c.; has an eloquent tongue, an open hand: "When the ear heard me, then it blessed me, and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me." Thus she pursues her way; if contradicted, is not easily provoked; whatever is said of her, she thinketh no evil; she overlooks not the temporal interests of man, but chiefly regards the spiritual, and such as take in the good of the world.

3. In point of duration-abideth forever. Faith and hope will perform their last acts-they belong to probation. Faith and hope are Moses. Love is Joshua.-Faith and hope supply here the place of vision: "We see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known." In an evangelical sense, faith and hope are not in heaven; we are to hope to the end; but no end in heaven: "One glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory." Charity shines brightest-one glory in the believer, another in the spirits of just men made perfect; brightest when body and soul are together. Charity is not at home here the atmosphere is impure; there is her element-she shall burn brighter there!

* 1. Learn wherein real Christianity consists. In creeds? professions? No! but in Divine principles, holy tempers, benevolent actions. - Orthodox opinions, &c., unaccompanied with faith, hope, and charity, are fruitless.

He who is without faith cannot please God-without hope is without God-without charity.


Faith is suitable to our weakness here-sense could not discern.-Hope bears up in the vale of tears, holds up the head in the waters. - Charity converts the enmity of the human heart.

2. Learn the excellency of real Christianity. It brings faith, it inspires hope, it fills with the love of God; and when this principle is universal in the world!!



Is this religion ours? yours? mine? Have we this faith, hope, charity? a man is better known by what he loves than by his faith and hope. Who loves strong drink, we know who he is ** So, if man love God, we know who he is! Now we look for the effects of this love in his life and

conversation. Does your faith work by love? On the phrase cold as charity.




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