صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Jews from the Shechinah were a type of the benefits of Jesus among us.

What were these?

1. The manifestation of truth-the Urim and Thummim -the high-priest appeared before the Shechinah with these on his heart-" perfect lights;" this was their design-more important than their form.

• There is nothing dark in the answer of God, but clearly typical of the manifestation of Divine truth by Jesus Christ in the Gospel; Jesus Christ the only medium through which we can have knowledge of God, redemption, and the way of worship. He the Father has declared Head over all to his Church. We have come here, then, to inquire of the Lord; this is the proper place to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. We may see much beauty in nature and Providence; but, for his full-orbed character, come into the sanctuary. The view of creation touches not the penitent's case; the sun, moon, stars cannot preach the Gospel-cannot answer "What shall I do to be saved?" Travel round creation-all is silent here-the sinner is driven back on his own guilty state. But come where the Urim and Thummim are, come into the sanctuary, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world."

"See all your sins on Jesus laid,
The Lamb of God was slain;
His soul was once an off'ring made
For every soul of man."

The Holy Spirit will lead up the hill of Calvary-" Thy sins, which are many, are all forgiven."

This applies to every doctrine of the Gospel all is through Jesus Christ.







2. The display of holiness-an important object.-Wherever the Shechinah appeared, an impression of holiness.Moses and the bush the Holy of Holies.

Thus, in the manifestation of the Gospel, we have not only a display of truth, but of holiness also. "God is in this place;" perhaps I knew it not. How solemn the mind should be-what a display of holiness!

It is intended that we should seek this holiness, "behold

ing, as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, we should be changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." All the promises assure us that we may be holy. Jesus Christ is our model. Put on Christ, and be found in him.

The manifestation of Divine truth is not for speculation, but to sanctify: "Sanctify them through thy truth." I preach in vain otherwise, and you hear in vain. God is the great standard, and the end of all is perpetual assimilation to him through time and eternity. Here it is slow, but eternity is to be employed in increasing the likeness.

3. Communication of comfort. The cloud covered Israel in a heated atmosphere; it dropped dew, and they were baptized in the cloud. Is not this the end of the spiritual manifestation? The Holy Ghost is called the Comforter. When we are dried up, with inward grief, God comforts us; distils a dew which revives; and when ready to perish he strengthens us. How often have you found it so in your closets when your hearts were surcharged with grief-not a word was uttered-you groaned - then God appearedlight burst in refreshing influence! Then the sluices opened; you could then pray, and went forth blessed.-Is it not so in the assembly also ? See that orphan, that widow, that prodigal dissolved in tears. To communicate happiness God is present: "God will dwell among them." For what purpose? "He will wipe away all tears from their eyes."

III. These manifestations of the Divine presence constitute the glory of the Church.

What was the Temple without it? No sacred fire thena solitude; no show of truth, holiness, or happiness. Apply this. - What made the second temple more glorious than the first? " I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of Hosts." And how is this house filled with glory? It is not in the altar, the shew-bread, the ark, or the manna, but the internal operation of Jesus' presence walking among the candlesticks, trimming them, &c.; when Christ crucified is the minister's theme: "God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Every other doctrine bears on this. Learning may aid, eloquence may be powerful, moral virtue may please some; but what will convince, convert, save? The preaching of the cross only-it is the power of God! Many may say, "If thou hadst been here, my brethren had not, our congregations had not, died." When this is absent the glory is departed. Our glory is the exhibition of Jesus Christ. Ichabod.

IV. "Over all this glory shall be a defence."

The point is, this glory is its own defence; persecution may come, but not destruction-where Jesus is, cannot be consumed-the bush-the Jewish temple. While the Shechinah is there, all is right-not a stone removed; but when, "Let us depart," &c.! The Asiatic churches-now the crescent waves! While the Church walks in truth and the love of Jesus, it cannot be hurt. True, it has often been persecuted. Mangled victims, &c. But destroyed? No; the time came, &c. Safe was the ark; the pilot with us, &c. Appeal. You are living in the splendour of the Shechinah. Jesus is set for the falling and rising of many in Israel. Believers, faith alone can change you from glory to glory; live for a higher manifestation; walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called.







Psalm cxxii., 6.-Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee DAVID's zeal for the glory of God. "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his tem ple." This zeal has embalmed his memory-example to Solomon.-God long lingered his judgments upon Judah for David's sake. "Is any left of the house of David?" * * 'Mephibosheth.)

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David a model to us. Live we not too much to ourselves? enlarged spirit of Christianity-Jerusalem which is above is yet with us-David's greater Son therein.-Pray for this Jerusalem.



I. The nature of the good contemplated.
II. The means of attainment proposed.
III. The motive to this expressed.

I. The nature of the good contemplated.


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem-primarily Jerusalem in Palestine-but we, for the spiritual prosperity of the Church. Wherein does it consist? -Prosperity is the word, not peace only; the original means more.

1. Not merely increase of numbers, although this is desirable, else the walls not raised. But this is no sign of piety. Rome. Constantine.

2. Nor in worldly honour-'tis to be desired-yet this is not the glory. - Perhaps the Church was purest when poor"Not many mighty, not many noble are called."


You know what a church is. We look at it internally: its prosperity is then seen.

First. In its spirituality. All glorious within-fruit of the heart-an Israelite indeed. That church is most prosperous wherein is most fruit-orchard-"Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit."

1. I refer to the character of the ministry in the spirituality of the Church-under the influence of the Holy Spiritnot in a nice selection of subjects. The ministry ought to be dealers of bread "for instruction in righteousness." Awful responsibility! The burden of the Lord!-often they sigh in secret. Their zeal is a fire from a beam of the Son of Righteousness-their lips a live coal-an influence unseen by mortals-they are a medium for God to exert his power in-the minister an organ of God!



2. I refer to spirituality in the people. You must come not to be amused. It is when the minister is under the influence of the Holy Spirit, and with a praying people-then, &c., &c.

Secondly. The prosperity of the Church is seen in its purity-in discipline. In admission and exclusion we must know no man after the flesh-neither father nor mother. These are subjects for prayer! "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."-Laxity of discipline is awful!-(Miller's anecdote of Wesley.)-On admission he ought to show that he is fleeing the wrath to come. *** None should be kept in who are immoral-no poor man-no rich man; no partiality should be shown to the rich!-inflexible moral discipline. Then our ministers and people will be examples in moral practice also; and then the minister can say, "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men."

Thirdly. Our prosperity is evidenced by unity and harmony. Satan tries to destroy this" By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." (Contention - gladiator-like! -the arena of the Church.) Love! makes the church a family circle-sympathy, tenderness, forbearance, golden words of kindness! love! love! spreads from one to another. It is the atmosphere over the Church. Angels come to breathe in it, and God dwells in it.

"God is love."

Fourthly. Multiplication and extension. The Church is not to remain stationary. This mark is evidently among us-pause here-reflect on it!

Our quantum of spirituality is unknown to us; yet my all depends on my spirituality-yours also. Do you feel alive in the closet?-(Moses' face)-family prayer, &c.


We have the evidence of purity among us, in practice and

discipline-may we go on in this! "Which of you convinceth us of sin?" Not that we are perfect.-Achan-Ananias and Sapphira-Judas, &c., &c. There may be many whom discipline may not touch. Sin is bad-but a million times worse to commit sin in the Church. Quit sin, or quit us; we want a holy Church.

We have the evidence of harmony among us. True, there may be at times a jar; earth is not heaven; yet we do love one another; we have your hearts, and you have ours; thus we are labourers together, and God is with us.

We have the evidence of extension. We do not magnify

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