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" Now as he was there present himself with his guard about the treasury, the Lord of Spirits, and the Prince of all Power, caused a great apparition, so that all that presumed to come in with him were astonished at the power of God, and fainted, and were... "
The Works of Mrs. Hemans, with a Memoir by Her Sister, and an Essay on Her ... - الصفحة 106
بواسطة Mrs. Hemans - 1840
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

A New and Complete Universal History of the Holy Bible, from the Creation of ...

Edward Kimpton - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 536
...speaking of Heliodorus attempting to enter the treasury of the temple, he says, " As he was " there, with his guard about the treasury, the Lord of Spirits,...all power, caused a great apparition, so that all who pre** -» iiicd to go in with him, were astonished at the power of God, and •* fainted, and were...

Tales and Historic Scenes in Verse

Mrs. Hemans - 1819 - عدد الصفحات: 268
...those that had committed them. — 23. Nevertheless Heliodorus executed that which was decreed. — 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...astonished at the power of God, and fainted, and were sore afraid. — 25. For there appeared unto them an horse with a terrible rider upon him, and adorned with...

Poems: A New Edition, المجلد 1

Mrs. Hemans - 1828 - عدد الصفحات: 400
...those that had committed them. — 23. Nevertheless Heliodorus executed that which was decreed. — 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...astonished at the power of God, and fainted, and were sore afraid. — 25. For there appeared unto them a horse with a terrible rider upon him, and adorned with...

The Poetical Works of Hemans, Heber and Pollok: Complete in One Volume

Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans, Mrs. Hemans - 1831 - عدد الصفحات: 510
...those that had committed them.— 23. Nc»erthele» Heliodorus executed that which wao decreed.— 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...of Spirits, and the Prince of all Power, caused a greut apparition, so that all that presumed to come in with him were astonished at the power of God,...

The Five Books of Maccabees in English with Notes and Illustrations, by ...

1832 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...and sure for those who had committed 23 them. But Heliodorus was executing that which was decreed. 24 Now as he was there present himself with his guard about the treasury, the Lord of spirits1', and the Prince of all power, caused a great apparition ; so that all who presumed to come...

The Poetical Works of Hemans, Heber, and Pollok

Mrs. Hemans, Reginald Heber - 1833 - عدد الصفحات: 526
...•24. Now as he was there present hinurtf with ha guard about the treasury, the Lord of Spire*. uJ the Prince of all Power, caused a great apparition, so that all that presumed to come in with ha were astonished at the power of God, and faiattd, and were sore afnuVL— 25. For there appenei...

The Poetical Works of Hemans, Heber and Pollok: Complete in One Volume

Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...those that had committed them.— 23. Nevcrtheleas Heliodorus executed that which was decreed. — 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...were astonished at the power of God, and fainted, .nd were sore afraid.— 25. For there appeared unto them a horse with a terrible rider upon him, and...

Catalogue of the Pictures, which Formed the Collection of Joseph Capece ...

New York Dispensary, New York - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 48
...sure for those that had committed them. " Nevertheless, Heliodorus executed that which was decreed. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...astonished at the power of God, and fainted, and were sore afraid. Forthere appeared unto them an horse with a terrible rider upon him, and adorned with a very...

The Poetical Works of Mrs. Felicia Hemans: Complete in One Volume

Mrs. Hemans - 1836 - عدد الصفحات: 472
...those that had committed them. — 23. Nevertheless Heliodorus executed that which was decreed. — 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...that presumed to come in with him were astonished at (he power of God, and fainted, and were sore afraid. — 25. For there appeared unto them a horse with...

The Works of Mrs. Hemans, with a Memoir by Her Sister, and an Essay on Her ...

Mrs. Hemans - 1840 - عدد الصفحات: 372
...that had committed them. — 23. Nevertheless, Heliodorus executed that which waa decreed. — 24. Now as he was there present himself with his guard...astonished at the power of God, and fainted, and were sore afraid. — 25. For there appeared unto them a horse with a terrible rider upon him, and adorned with...

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