صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني







O WANDERER! would thy heart forget
Each earthly passion and regret,
And would thy wearied spirit rise
To commune with its native skies;
Pause for a while, and deem it sweet
To linger in this calm retreat;

And give thy cares, thy griefs, a short suspense,
Amidst wild scenes of lone magnificence.

Unmix'd with aught of meaner tone,
Here nature's voice is heard alone:
When the loud storm, in wrathful hour,
Is rushing on its wing of power,
And spirits of the deep awake,
And surges foam, and billows break,
And rocks and ocean-caves around,

Reverberate each awful sound;

That mighty voice, with all its dread control,

To loftiest thought shall wake thy thrilling soul.

But when no more the sea-winds rave,
When peace is brooding on the wave,
And from earth, air, and ocean rise
No sounds but plaintive melodies;
Soothed by their softly mingling swell,
As daylight bids the world farewell,
The rustling wood, the dying breeze,
The faint, low rippling of the seas,
A tender calm shall steal upon thy breast,
A gleam reflected from the realms of rest.

Is thine a heart the world hath stung,
Friends have deceived, neglect hath wrung ?
Hast thou some grief that none may know,
Some lonely, secret, silent woe?

Or have thy fond affections fled
From earth, to slumber with the dead?-
Oh! pause awhile-the world disown,
And dwell with nature's self alone!
And though no more she bids arise
Thy soul's departed energies,

And though thy joy of life is o'er,
Beyond her magic to restore;

Yet shall her spells o'er every passion steal,

And soothe the wounded heart they cannot heal.


No bitter tears for thee be shed,
Blossom of being! seen and gone!
With flowers alone we strew thy bed,
O blest departed One!

Whose all of life, a rosy ray,

Blush'd into dawn and pass'd away.

Yes! thou art fled, ere guilt had power
To stain thy cherub-soul and form,
Closed is the soft ephemeral flower,
That never felt a storm!

The sunbeam's smile, the zephyr's breath,
All that it knew from birth to death.

Thou wert so like a form of light,
That heaven benignly call'd thee hence,
Ere yet the world could breathe one blight
O'er thy sweet innocence:

And thou, that brighter home to bless,
Art pass'd, with all thy loveliness!

Oh! hadst thou still on earth remain'd,

Vision of beauty! fair, as brief!
How soon thy brightness had been stain'd
With passion or with grief!

Now not a sullying breath can rise,
To dim thy glory in the skies.

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