صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

the point of view of artistic vitality and originality. The subsequent period of troubles and the time of the Comneni, beginning with the year 1081, witnessed the rise of an entirely different, drier, and more rigid art. "The Byzantine standards, which had been carried (in the time of Basil II) into Armenia, were by degrees withdrawn; those of the Seljuq Turks advanced. At home there reigned the spirit of immobility which finds its expression in ceremonies and displays, the spirit of an Alexius Comnenus and his court. All this was reflected in the art of the century preceding the invasion of the Crusaders from the West. The springs of progress dried up; there was no longer any power of organic growth; the only change now possible was a passive acceptance of external forces. Religious fervor was absorbed in formal preoccupations. The liturgical system, by controlling design, led to the production of manuals, or painter's guides, in which the path to be followed was exactly traced; the composition was stereotyped; the very colors were prescribed. "188


For general works, see the first chapter.

GFRÖRER, A. Byzantinische Geschichten (Graz, 1873–77),Vols. II–III. Sketches of the rules of the emperors, from John Tzimisces to Romanus Diogenes, inclusive.

SKABALANOVICH, N. Byzantine State and Church in the Eleventh Century

(St. Petersburg, 1884). A history of the eleventh century from 1025; very important for the internal history of the empire. In Russian. BURY, J. B. "Roman Emperors from Basil II to Isaac Komnenos,” English Historical Review, IV (1889), 41-64, 251-85.

NEUMANN, C. Die Weltstellung des Byzantinischen Reiches vor den Kreuzzügen (Leipzig, 1894), or a French translation, La situation mondiale de l'empire byzantin avant les croisades (Paris, 1905). Extremely interesting for the general conditions of the empire in the eleventh century. SCHLUMBERGER, G. L'épopée byzantine à la fin du dixième siècle. Troisième partie, 1025-57 (Paris, 1905). Very detailed and interesting.

POPOV, N. Outlines in the Secular History of Byzantium in the Time of the Macedonian Dynasty (Moscow, 1916). Course of lectures.

Monographs on particular reigns:

VOGT, A. Basile 1er empereur de Byzance (867-86) et la civilisation byzantine à la fin du IX siècle (Paris, 1908).

138 Dalton, op. cit., pp. 18-19.

POPOV, N. The Emperor Leo VI the Wise and His Reign from an Ecclesiastical Standpoint (Moscow, 1892). In Russian.

LAMBROS, SP. P. "Leo und Alexander als Mitkaiser von Byzanz,” Byz. Zeitschrift, IV (1895), 92-98.

ZERNIN, A. The Life and the Literary Works of Constantine Porphyrogenitus.

I (Kharkov, 1858). Out of date. In Russian.

RAMBAUD, A. L'empire grec au dixième siècle. Constantin Porphyrogénète (Paris, 1870). Excellent work.

HIRSCH, F. Kaiser Constantin VII Porphyrogennetos (Berlin, 1873). Brief sketch on the basis of Rambaud's work.

SCHLUMBERGER, G. Un empereur byzantin au dixième siècle. Nicéphore Phocas (Paris, 1890). A reprint, without plates and illustrations, Paris, 1923.

L'épopée byzantine à la fin du dixième siècle. Jean Tzimiscès. Les jeunes années de Basile II le Tueur de Bulgares, 969-89. (Paris, 1896). The time from 969 to 989.

L'épopée byzantine à la fin du dixième siècle. Seconde partie. Basile II le Tueur de Bulgares (Paris, 1900). The time from 989 to 1025. All three works of Schlumberger are very important.

ROSEN, V. R., BARON. The Emperor Basil Bulgaroctonus. Selections from the Chronicle of Yahya of Antioch (St. Petersburg, 1883). In Russian. Very important work largely used by Schlumberger.

BEZOBRAZOV, P. V. "The Empress Zoë," in his Historical Articles (Moscow, 1893), I, 225-51. Popular article.

DIEHL, CH. "Zoë la Porphyrogénète," in his Figures Byzantines (Paris, 1906), Vol. I; the English translation by H. Bell, Byzantine Portraits (New York, 1927), pp. 231-75.

MÄDLER, H. Theodora, Michael Stratiotikos, Isaak Komnenos. Ein Stück byzantinischer Kaisergeschichte (Plauen I.V., 1894). A kind of summary with the indication of the sources and general sketches of the reigns of Theodora, Michael Stratioticus, and Isaac Comnenus.

KAROLIDIS, P. ò avтоkpáтwp Alyévns ò 'Pwμavós, 1068-71 (Athens, 1906). In modern Greek. Popular sketch of the reign of Romanus IV Diogenes. Political relations:

The Slavs:

DRINOV, M. S. The Southern Slavs and Byzantium in the Tenth Century (Moscow, 1875). A very important work on the Bulgaro-Byzantine relations. In Russian.

ZLATARSKY, V. N. Geschichte der Bulgaren. I Teil. Von der Gründung des bulgarischen Reiches bis zur Türkenzeuit (679–1396). Bulgarische Bibliothek, herausgegeben von G. Waigand. Vol. V (Leipzig, 1918).

A History of the Bulgarian State in the Middle Ages (Sofia, 191927), I, parts 1 and 2. Excellent work. In Bulgarian.

DVORNIK, F. Les Slaves, Byzance et Rome au IX' siècle (Paris, 1926). Important.

GOLUBINSKY, E. E. History of the Russian Church (2d ed., Moscow, 1901).

Vol. I (1). Excellent book for the early relations between Byzantium and Russia. In Russian. See a very good bibliography for the problem of Byzantium and ancient Russia in the Cambridge Medieval History, IV, 819-21.

The Arabs:

AMARI, M. Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia. Vols. I-III (Firenze, 1854–72). Excellent work on the conquest of Sicily and Southern Italy by the Arabs. VASILIEV, A. A. Byzantium and the Arabs. The Political Relations between Byzantium and the Arabs in the Time of the Macedonian Dynasty. The Emperors Basil I, Leo VI the Philosopher, and Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 867-959 (St. Petersburg, 1902). In Russian.

The Armenians:

LAURENT, J. L'Arménie entre Byzance et l'Islam depuis la conquête arabe jusqu'en 886 (Paris, 1919). Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 117.

The Patzinaks and Uzes:

VASILIEVSKY, V. G. "Byzantium and the Patzinaks,” Journal of the Ministry of Public Instruction. Vol. CLXIV (1872); republished in the Works of V. G. Vasilievsky. Vol. I (St. Petersburg, 1908). Masterpiece. In Russian. The Turks:

GFRÖRER, A. Op. cit., Vol. III.

JORGA, N. Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches. Vol. I (Gotha, 1908).

LAURENT, J. "Byzance et les Turcs Seldjoucides dans l'Asie occidentale jus

qu'en 1081," Annales de l'Est publiées par la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Nancy, 27me année, fasc. 1 (Paris, 1913); 28me année, fasc. 2 (Paris, 1914 [1919]).

LOEWE, H. M. "The Seljuqs," in the Cambridge Medieval History, IV, 299– 317, 836.

The Normans:

GAY, I. L'Italie Méridionale et l'Empire Byzantin depuis l'avènement de Basile Ier jusqu'à la prise de Bari par les Normands, 867–1071 (Paris, 1904). Important.

CHALANDON, F. Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicile. Vol. I (Paris, 1907).

GULDENCRONE, BARONNE DIANE DE. L'Italie Byzantine. Étude sur le Haut Moyen-Age, 400-1050 (Paris, 1914).

Church history:

JAGER. Histoire de Photius (2d ed., Paris, 1854). Out of date.

HERGENRÖTHER, I. Photius, Patriarch von Constantinopel (Regensburg, 186769), vols. I-III. The problem of the separation of the churches is discussed up to 1054. Very important.

BRÉHIER, L. Le Schisme Oriental du XI° siècle (Paris, 1899). Important. See also his chapter (ix) on this subject in the Cambridge Medieval History, IV, 246-73.

LEBEDEV, A. P. History of the Separation of the Churches in the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Centuries. (2d ed., Moscow, 1905). In Russian. MICHEL, A. Humbert und Kerullarios. Studien. Erster Teil (Paderborn, 1925).

Internal history:

On the Byzantine gilds in the connection with the Book of the Prefect (Eparch):

BEZOBRAZOV, P. V. "Craft- and Trade Corporations," in his Russian translation of the book of G. Hertzberg, History of Byzantium (Moscow, 1896), pp. 600-612. In Russian.

STÖCKLE, A. Spätrömische und byzantinische Zünfte (Leipzig, 1911). Interesting.

CHERNOUSOV, E. A. "The Roman and Byzantine Gilds," Journal of the Min

istry of Public Instruction (September, 1914) (a Russian article on the book of Stöckle).

MACRI, C. M. L'organisation de l'Économie Urbaine dans Byzance sous la dynastie de Macédoine, 867–1057 (Paris, 1925). No new results.

Social problem:

VASILIEVSKY, V. G. "Materials for the Internal History of the Byzantine State. Measures in Favor of Peasant Landownership," Journal of the Ministry of Public Instruction, Vol. CCII (March, 1879). The Russian translation of the novels of the tenth century with a very important commentary.

TESTAUD, G. Des rapports des puissants et des petits propriétaires ruraux dans l'Empire Byzantin au X° siècle (Bordeaux, 1898). Learning and literature:

General works of Krumbacher, Montelatici, Rambaud, op. cit.; Skabalanovich, op. cit.; Fuchs, F. Die höheren Schulen von Konstantinopel im Mittelalter (Leipzig and Berlin, 1926). Important.


Theodore Daphnopates:

LATYSHEV, V. V. "Two Orations of Theodore Daphnopates with an Introduction on His Life and His Literary Work and a Russian Translation," Provoslavny Palestinsky Sbornik, Vol. LIX (St. Petersburg, 1910). In Russian.

Constantine the Rhodian:

PAULY-WISSOWA. Real-Encyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft, IV (1901), cols. 1032-33.

Constantine Porphyrogenitus:

RAMBAUD, A. Op. cit.

LECLERCQ, H. Constantine Porphyrogénète et le livre des Cérémonies de la cour de Byzance; Cabrol, Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie (Paris, 1914), III (2), 2695-2713.

Simeon Metaphrastes:

VASILIEVSKI, V. G. "On the Life and Works of Simeon Metaphrastes," Journal of the Ministry of Public Instruction, CCXII (November-December, 1880), 379-437. In Russian.

DELEHAYE, H. "La vie de Saint Paul le jeune et la chronologie de Métaphraste," Revue des questions historiques, new series, X (1893), 49–85. Anthologia Palatina:

WOLTERS, P. De Constantini Cephalae Anthologia. Rheinisches Museum, XXXVIII (1883), 97–119.

Nicholas Mysticus:

ZLATARSKY, V. N. "The Letters of Nicholas Mysticus, Patriarch of Constantinople, to Simeon, Tsar of Bulgaria," Sbornik za Minist. Norodn. Prosv., X (1894), 372-428; XI (1894), 3-54; XII (1895), 121-211. In Bulgarian. Leo the Deacon:

WARTENBERG, G. "Das Geschichtswerk des Leon Diakonos," Byz. Zeitschrift, VI (1897), 106-11; see also 285-317.

SUZUMOV. "On the Sources of Leo the Deacon and Scylitzas,” Vizantiyskoe Obozrenie, II (1) (Yuryev-Dorpat, 1916). In Russian.

John Kyriotes Geometres:

VASILIEVSKY, V. G. "Russian-Byzantine Fragments. II. On the History of the Years 976-86," Journal of the Ministry of Public Instruction, CXXCIV (March, 1876), 162-78; also Vasilievsky's Works, Vol. I. In Russian.

TACCHI-VENTURI, P. S. I. Commentariolum de Joanne Geometra ejusque in S. Gregorium Nazianzenum inedita laudatione in cod. Vaticano-Palatino 402 adversata. Studi e documenti di storia e diritto, Vol. XIV (1893). Christopher of Mytilene :

KURTZ, ED. Die Gedichte des Christophoros Mytilenaios (Leipzig, 1903). Arethas of Caesarea:

KOUGEA, S. Β. Ο Καισαρείας Αρέθας καὶ τὸ ἔργον αὐτοῦ (Athens, 1913). Michael Psellus :

FISCHER, W. Studien zur byzantinischen Geschichte des 11. Jahrhundert (Plauen, 1883).

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