The Rod of MercuryHealth Research Books, 1996 - 53 من الصفحات We have been told by several of our customers this book has been banned by the church. it has proven to be one of the most provocative books we've read in many a moon. If you are looking for a book which will keep you up nights this is it! Truth is far. |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
alphabet Ammon ancient Arian Aryan barbarians boundary Britain Caduceus Caesar called Carthage Celtic Druids Celts Chapter children of Israel Christ Christian church Circe circle colonies cross crucified Culdees cult Damnonii Deity Dictionary of Folklore Druid Priests Druids Egypt Egyptian Elohim emblem England English Europe Funk & Wagnalls garden gate Gaul Germany goddess gods Greece Greek heaven Hebrew Hermes Hesus Higgins History holy Homer Hyperboreans Ireland Irish Isca island Israelites Italy Jackal Jehovah Josephus King Kostrubonko land language Latin letter Lincoln Library Loki Lombards Lord Mercury Moses myth nations navel Odin Oracle Pausanias Phoenician Pope prehistoric priest of Mercury priesthood Putnam's Historical Atlas reader Redfield's Dictionary religion rites river river Exe Roman Empire Rome savior Saxon serpent settled signified slaves Spain Standard Dictionary stone Stonehenge symbol temple Teutonic thousand translated Venetian Venice word worship Zeus