The African Repository, المجلدات 43-45American Colonization Society, 1967 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
African Repository agent American Colonization Society Annual Arabic arrived Baptist Bishop blessings Board brethren British Cape Palmas chief Christian Church citizens civilization Coast of Africa colored commerce Committee continent desire dollars emigrants enterprise established Farmer favor foreign freedmen friends Georgia Golconda Gospel Government Grand Bassa Grand Bassa County heathen hope hundred increase influence intelligent interest interior James January John King labor land letter Liberia College living meeting ment Methodist miles mission missionary Monrovia nation native negro Orcutt palm oil persons population port Presbyterian present President President of Liberia race Read received Republic of Liberia river Roberts Robertsport sailed Samuel schools Secretary sent settlement ship Golconda shore Sierra Leone slave trade slavery South South Carolina steamer thousand tion town tribes United vessel voyage West Coast White Nile William York