صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

At Inveresk, Mrs Taylor, wife of John Taylor, Esq. of the Exchequer.

At Glasgow, Mrs Kennedy, wife of James Kennedy, Esq. M. D. physician.

At Dumfries, Miss Margaret Lawrie, younger sister of the late General Sir Robert Lawrie of Maxwelton, Bart.

At Nith Bank, Walter Ritchie, Esq. late Lieutenant 14th Light Dragoons.

2. At Edinburgh, Mr George Wilson, writer. At Edinburgh, Mr John Spence, solicitor in the Supreme Courts of Scotland.

3. At 15, London Street, Edinburgh, Mr John Wright, merchant.

-At the Castlehill, Edinburgh, Mr Andrew Rochead, musical-instrument maker, in the 86th year of his age.

At Edinburgh, Rebecca, second daughter of Mr William Boyd, W. S. At Balbegno, in Kincardineshire, Mrs Ramsay, wife of Captain Thomas Ramsay, half-pay 14th foot.

13. At Edinburgh, David Forrest, Esq. solicitor in the Supreme Courts.

14. At Edinburgh, Mrs Ross, widow of Hugh Ross, Esq. of Kerse.

At Edinburgh, Mr John Murray, baker. 15. At London, the Earl of Portmore, aged 78. - At Jersey, on the 15th inst. aged 45, of apoplexy, John Dumaresq, Esq. his Majesty's Attorney-General, and colonel of the 1st regiment of militia of that island.

16. At Edinburgh, Henrietta, youngest daughter of Sir Robert Dundas, Bart.

At Kirkden, the Rev. William Milligan, minister of that parish, in the 90th year of his age, and 40th of his ministry.

At Dumbarton, Walter, youngest son of Mr Archibald Colquhoun, writer.

At Smeaton, Lady Buchan Hepburn, widow of Sir George Buchan Hepburn, Bart. one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland. aged 39.

At Glasgow, Mr Robert Watson, merchant, At Balveny, Captain A. Cameron, late of the Scots Brigade.

17. At Innergellie, Robert Lumsdaine, Esq. of Innergellie.

At Hexham, Elizabeth, infant daughter of the Rev. James Richardson, minister of the Presbyterian Church there.

At Port Elliot, John Earl of St Germans. At Methven Manse, the Rev. John Dowe, minister of that parish, in the 78th year of his age, and 51st of his ministry.

- At Blackheath, General Sir Anthony Farrington, Bart. D.C.L. commandant of the 1st battalion royal artillery, and director general of the field train department, aged 83; he had been in the army 68 years, and was the oldest officer in the British service.

4. At the Manse of Urquhart, Sarah Louisa, daughter of the Rev. William Smith of Petty.

At New Saughton, John Hope Watson, second son of the deceased James Watson, Esq. of Saughton, aged 6 years.

At Edinburgh, Robina, youngest daughter of Mr Alexander Douglas, W. S.

5. At Edinburgh, Miss Jane Grant Simpson, third daughter of John Simpson, Esq. late captain in the 27th regiment of foot, formerly captain in the Inverness-shire militia.

The Honourable Frederick Eden, eldest son of Lord Henley.

- At Kettle Manse, Fife, Helen Moncrieff, fifth daughter of the Rev. Dr Barclay.

At London, in her 20th year, Mary, only daughter of the late Robert Hamilton, Esq. of Queenston, Upper Canada.

- At Weymouth, Colonel Chichester, of Arlington, Devonshire.

At Berwick, suddenly, Mr Henry Richardson, proprietor and printer of the Berwick Advertiser.

Ann White, wife of John Wigham, jun. Salisbury Road, Edinburgh.

6. At Falkirk, Charles Mackintosh, Esq. in the 28th year of his age.

7. At Edinburgh, Niel Gow, son of Mr Nathaniel Gow, music-seller.

At Musselburgh, Jessy, youngest daughter

of Mr George Stuart, merchant there.

10. At Belfast, the Rev. Josias Alexander, pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation there, and teacher of mathematics in the Belfast Academy.

-At Edinburgh, Anna, eldest daughter of David George Sandeman, Esq. Springland.

- Mrs Stewart of Alderston.

Mr Charles Broughton, W. S. accountant in


11. Robert Lorimer, Esq. of Holmhead, residing at Kirkland, near Sanquhar.

At Kingsbarns, Mrs Moncrieff, widow of the Rev. David Moncrieff of Whitewells, minister of Redgorton.

At London, Lord Chief Baron Richards. 12. At Edinburgh, Mr William Sibbald, architect and builder.

18. At 14, George Street, Mrs Turner, formerly residing at Newbattle.

At Ammondale, a seat of his brother, the Right Hon. the Earl of Buchan, -the Right Hon. Thomas Lord Erskine, K. T. third son of the deceased Henry David, Earl of Buchan, a Privy Councillor and late Lord High Chancellor of England. His Lordship is succeeded in his title and estates by the Hon. David Montague Erskine, his eldest son, late ambassador to the United States of America.

19. At his house in Queen Street, George Kinnear, Esq. banker in Edinburgh.

John Wilson, Esq of Cultershogle, merchant in Dundee.

20. In Roxburgh Street, Robert, aged 23, third son of Mr Adam Anderson.

At his house, Hunter-Square, Mr John Ferguson, clothier.

West Bank, Portobello, Alexander, fourth son of Mr Alexander Guthrie, bookseller, Edinburgh.

21. At his house, Trinity Square, London, John Roebuck, Esq.

22. At Libberton, Mr Robert Johnstone, late merchant, Port-Glasgow.

23. At Edinburgh, Mrs Marion Bell, wife of Mr Andrew Steele, of Crosswoodhill, W. S.

24. In New Palace Yard, Westminster, London, Mrs Bankes, wife of the Hon. Member for

Corse Castle.

-At Greenbank, near Glasgow, Mrs Jane Bruce wife of William Davidson Blair, Esq.

25. At Edinburgh, Mrs Isabella Cochrane, relict of Mr James Taylor, Mound Place. At Edinburgh, Mary Rooke Geva, infant daughter of Sir James Riddel, Bart.

At Edinburgh, Charles, youngest son of Charles Tawse, Esq. W. S.

27. In Graham Street, Robert Barclay, only son of Mr John Sim, accountant of the Bank of Scotland.

Lately. At Petersburgh, the celebrated Steibelt. He was the author of a great number of musical compositions; among which, is the fine opera of Romeo and Juliet. He had resided for fifteen years in St Petersburgh, and acquired a large fortune.

At London, Colonel Lyon, in his 50th year. He expired in the arms of his son, Captain Lyon, of the Hecla, recently returned from the Northern Expedition.

At the Manse of Glammis, on the 25d ult. Barbara, daughter of the Rev. James Lyon. - At Edinburgh, Miss Jean Baillie, 56, Queen


Printed by James Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh.

ABERCROMBY, Mr D., review of his
speech at the Scottish club, Liverpool,

African Institution, remarks on their pro-
ceedings, as affecting our West Indian
colonies, 438

Age of Homer, prize dissertation on the,
review of, 343

Ambrosianæ, Noctes, No. X. 100-No.

ΧΙ. 236-No. XII. 484

Ancient manners and customs, vestiges of,
in Italy and Sicily, 254
Angler, the Complete, review of 473
Appointments, promotions, &c. 117, 368,
618, 739

Ariosto, review of his Orlando Furioso,
translated by W. S. Rose, 30
Attacks on the Lord Chancellor, on the
late Whig, 202

Author, tales by an unwilling, review of,


Ball at the Opera-house, Paris, 196
Bankrupts, British, 116, 367, 617, 738
Bartholomew fair, 259

Battle between Spring and Neat, Idyl on
the, 65

Beaton, Cardinal, review of Tennant's
drama of, 421

Beauty, remarks on, 472
Births, 119, 372, 622, 740

Bits, by the Director-General, 342

Black Jack and leather bottle, dissertation
on the, 521

Blaquiere, Mr, remarks on his Report on
Greece, &c., 465

Blessington, Earl of, on his observations
on Ireland, 534

Bloody bread-bag, the, a sailor's story,


Bloomfield, Robert, verses to the memory
of, 353

Blunt, Rev. J. J., review of his Vestiges
of Ancient Manners and Customs, 254
Bridal Song, a, 672

Brides' Tragedy, the review of, 723
Bridges, Rev. G. W., remarks on his an-
swer to Mr Wilberforce, on the West
India slave question, 444

British dramatists, notices of modern, 421,

Brougham, Mr, remarks of Tickler on,
215-On the dinner given to, at Glas-
gow, 459

Buonaparte, review of Las Cases' Journal
of the Private Life of, 169
Burridge, Joseph, Esq., on the diary of,

[blocks in formation]

Chancellor, the Lord, on the late Whig

attacks on, 202, 627
Chapter on Goblins, 639

Charles Edwards, Esq., the last words of,


Cobbett and Sir Francis Burdett, 314
Cobbett's Year's residence in America,
Remarks on, 319 - His attacks on
Shakespeare and Milton, 222-On the
objections to rural sports, 223-Speci-
mens of Cobbett, merry, 225-His let-
ter to Mr Malthus, 226

Coleridge's translation of Wallenstein, re-
marks on, 377
Complete angler, the review of, 473
Confessions of a footman, the, 590
Contributor, letter from one in the sulks,


letter from one in love, 471
Controversy, remarks on the West Indian,
437, 647

Conveyancing, remarks on a proposal to
obtain a chair in the University, for the
lecturer on, 148

Corn markets, 114, 355, 614, 736
Credit, public, project in aid of, 516
Cruickshank, George, on his talents as an
artist, 18

Deaths, 119, 373, 624, 741
December, lines on, 670
Dinner to Mr Brougham at Glasgow, re-
marks on, 459

Dissertation on the leather bottle and the
black jack, 521

Domestic Scottish Tales, by James Hogg,
review of, 427
Doncaster, Sawney at, 468
Don Juan, on Cantos 9, 10, 11, of, 88
-By Odoherty, 282
Dramatic writers, modern dramas and, re-
marks on, 555

Dramatists, modern British, notices of,
421, 723
Ear-trumpet, a new one, 199
Edwards, Charles, Esq. the last words or


Eloquence, on the gormandizing school of,
73, 497

English songs, remarks on, 4

Esk, sonnets on the scenery of the, 601
Exhibition of Paintings in London, re-
marks on, 10

Faust, a drama, by Goethe, review of trans-
lation of, 35

Faux, William, review of his Memorable
days in America, 561-The voyage, 565
-Arrival in Charleston, 566-Wash-
ington, 567-Quinsville, ib. -Family
pictures, 568_Judicial sketch, 569-
Philadelphia, 570

Fine Arts, lectures on the, No. I., 18
Footman, confessions of a, 590
France, Memoirs of the History of, during
the Reign of Napoleon, review of, 173
Garcilaso de la Vega, review of his works
translated by Wiffen, 26
Garden of plants at Paris, review of his.
tory of the, 121, 577

General Question, the, No. I., 332
Gentlemen of the press, letter of Tickler
on the, 511

Germanicæ, Horæ, No. XVI., 377
Glasgow dinner, the, by Mr Tickler, 459
Goblins, a chapter on, 639
Goethe's Faust, &c., review of Lord F. L.

Gower's translation of, 35
Gormandizing school of eloquence, No. I.
Mr D. Abercrombie, 73-No. II. Mr
Lawless, 497

Gower, Lord F. L., review of his transla-
tion of Goethe's Faust, &c., 35

Graces, the, or Literary Souvenir, review
of, 669

Grave, the unknown, 59
Greece, remarks on Blaquiere's Report on,
&c., 465

Haydon, remarks on his style of painting,
&c., 11

Hayley's Memoirs, review of, 303
Heaven and hell, Mr Irving's, 346
History of the garden of plants at Paris,
review of the, 121, 577
Hoaxing, Italian art of, No. IV.
Hogg, James, account of a Scots mummy
by, 188-Review of his Three Perils of
Woman, 427

Homer, review of prize dissertation on the
age of, 343
Hopetoun, death of the earl of, 376
Horæ Germanicæ, No. XVI., 377
Horticultural Tour, note on Mr Niell's,

Hunt, Leigh, lecture on his poem of the
Choices, 241

Idyl on the battle between Spring and
Neate, 65. Round the First, 67.-
Round Second and Third, 68. Round
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh, 69.
Round Eighth and Last, 70. _ Lament
of a big Bristol butcher, 72

Inhabited Well, the, 93

Letter concerning Mr Tickler's last ap-
pearance in Maga, 572


from a contributor in the sulks,

to the editor from Andrew Ardent,
Esq. 330-Mr North's answer, 331
- from a contributor in love, 471
from Gabriel South, Esq. 532
Letters of Timothy Tickler to eminent li-
terary characters, No. VIL 80-No.
VIII. 212-No. IX. 308-No. X. 312
-No. XI. 511-No. XII. 695
Literary Souvenir, review of, 669
Litt, William, review of his Wrestliana,

Liverpool Scottish Club dinner, review of
the, 73

London oddities and outlines, No. L. 3
English songs, 4-Exhibition at Somer-
set House, 10-No. II. the drama, 191
-Mr Irving, 192-No. III. 294-A
traveller's week, 296-No. IV. The
theatre, 470.

Lord Chancellor, on the late Whig attacks
on, 202

Love, Learning, and Jealousy, the Three
Perils of Woman, review of, 427.
-, letter from a contributor in, 471
Maga, letter concerning Tickler's last ap-
pearance in, 572
Manifesto, the, 504
Man-of-war's-man, the, Chap. VIII. 269
-Chap. IX. 278

Manners and customs, ancient, vestiges of,
in Italy and Sicily, 254
Marriages, 119, 372, 623, 741
Memoirs of General Rapp, review of, 39
of the History of France, by Na-

poleon, review of, 173

of Hayley, review of, 303
Memorabilia, the, of William Faux, re-
view of, 561

Meteorological tables, 113, 364, 616, 738

Inscription for Picton's cenotaph at Wa- Mexico, sketch of the revolution in, 61
terloo, 671

Irishman, the, No. I. 354

Irving, the Rev. Mr, review of orations by,
145. Opinions of the Londoners on,
192. His "Judgment to Come" put
into verse, 246

Italian art of hoaxing, No. IV. Tenth
and last tale of the third supper, 43
Italy, modern, vestiges of ancient manners
and customs in, 254
Jeffrey, Mr, remarks on his conducting
of the Edinburgh Review, 220

Journal of the private life and conversa-
tions of the Emperor Napoleon at St
Helena, review of, 169

Keats, John, and the Edinburgh Review,
remarks on, 225
Lasca, extract from the novels of, 43
Las Cases' journal, review of, 169

Last words of Charles Edwards, Esq. 396
Lawless, Mr, remarks on his speech at the

Glasgow dinner, 497
Leasowes, a visit to the, 262
Leaving port, a passenger's olio, 520
Lecture on " The Choices," a poem by
Leigh Hunt, 241

Lectures on the fine arts, No. I. George
Cruickshank, 18

Military promotions, &c. 117, 368, 618
Milton at Chalfont, 265

Miracles, short rules respecting the evi-
dence of, 552

Modern British dramatists, notices of, 421
Modern dramas and dramatic writers, re-
marks on, 555

Mummy, account of a Scots one, 188
Napier, Lord, death of, 376
Napoleon, review of Journal of his Private

Life and Conversations, 169
Napoleon's Memoirs, review of, 173
Naval promotions, 621
Navigation code, song occasioned by the
change in the, 254

Neill, Mr, note on his horticultural tour,

New poetical translations, review of, 26
New ear-trumpet, a, 199
Night-walker, the, 507
Noctes Ambrosianæ, No. X. 100-No.
ΧΙ. 236-No. XII. 484

North, Mr, lecture of, on Leigh Hunt's
Poem of " The Choice," 241
Northern nations, review of popular tales
of the, 293

Notices of modern British dramatists, No.
I. Tennant, 421-No. II. Beddoes, 723


Oddities and outlines, London, No. I. 3.
-No. II. 191.-No. III. 294. No.
IV. 470.

ODoherty on Cantos 9, 10, 11, of Don
Juan, 282.

O'Driscoll, J. remarks on his Views of
Ireland, 534.

Orations of the Rev. Mr Irving, review of,

Orlando Furioso, review of Rose's transla-
tion of, 30.

Paintings exhibiting at Somerset-House,
remarks on, 10
Pamphlets on Ireland, remarks on, 534
Panaceas for Poverty, 635

Parliament, on the proceedings of the last
Session, 184

Paris, review of history of the garden of
plants there, 121

Parisian Sketches-No I.-Six months
before, and six months after October,
1814, 193-A ball at the Opera-house,


Parson's Visitor, the, 200
Passengers' Olio, a, 530

Perry, Mr, late of the Morning Chronicle,
note on, 228

Pewter quart, the, 520

Picton, General, inscription for his ceno-
taph at Waterloo, 671

Picturesque and beautiful, on the sources
of the, 249

Plants, history of the garden of, review of,
121, 577.

Pluckless school of politics, No. I. 139-
No. II. 330.
Pococurante, 133

Poetical Translations, review of new ones,

Poetry. The flowers of Guido, 27. The
progress of passion, 28. - The unknown
grave, 59.-The inhabited well, 93.-
The parson's visitor, 200.- The Tories,
a national melody, 241. On a childe
playing, 268.- Verses to the memory of
Robert Bloomfield, 353. Song, 345.
-Sunday evening, 483. - The pewter
quart, 520.-The leather bottle, and
black jack, 521.- Leaving port, 530.-
Sonnets on the scenery of the Esk, 601.
December, 670.- Inscription for Gene-
ral Picton's cenotaph at Waterloo, 671.
Bridal song, 672.

Politics, on the pluckless school of, No.
I. 139. No. II. 380

Popular Tales of the northern nations, re-
view of, 293

Press, letter of Mr Tickler, on the gentle-
men of the, 511

Prices current, 115, 366, 615, 737
Prize-dissertation on the age of Homer, re-
view of, 343

Promotions, appointments, &c. 117, 368,

Public credit, project in aid of it, 516.
Publications, monthly list of new ones,
108, 537, 607, 732

Pyrenees, the review of a tour in, 13.
Question, the general, No. I. 332

Raeburn, Sir Henry, death of, 375

Rapp, General, review of Memoirs of, 39

Remarks on English songs, 4-On the ex-
hibition of paintings at Somerset-House,
10-On the Edinburgh and Quarterly
Reviews, 80_On the new Cantos of
Don Juan, 88-On the pluckless school
of politics, 139, 380-On the late Whig
attacks on the Lord Chancellor, 202-On
the sources of the picturesque and beau-
tiful, 249-On Bartholomew Fair, 259
-On Coleridge's translation of Wal-
lenstein, 377-On the West Indian
controversy, 437-On the dinner to Mr
Brougham, at Glasgow, 459-On Mr
Blaquiere's Report on Greece, &c. 465-
On pamphlets on Ireland, 534-On mo-
dern dramas, and dramatic writers, 555
-On the Edinburgh Review's attack on
the Lord Chancellor, 627-On the Diary
of Joseph Burridge, Esq., 702

Review of Thiers's Tour in the Pyrenees
and South of France, 13-Of new poet-
ical translations, 26-Of General Rapp's
Memoirs, 39-Of Mr D. Abercromby's
speech at the Liverpool Scottish club
dinner, 73 Of the history of the garden
of plants, 121-Of the Rev. Mr Irving's
Orations, 145-Of Quin's Visit to Spain,
163-Of Count Las Cases' Journal, 169
-Of Napoleon's Memoirs, 173-Of
Blunt's Vestages of Ancient Manners
and Customs, 254-Of Popular Tales of
the Northern Nations, 293-Of Hayley's
Memoirs, 303-Of prize dissertation on
the age of Homer, 343-Of Mr Irving's
" judgment to come," 346-Of Tales by
an unwilling author, 417--Of Tennant's
Cardinal Beaton, 421-Of Hogg's Three
Perils of Women, 427-Of Walton'
Complete Angler, 473-Of Faux's Me-
morable days in America, 561-Of the
Literary Souvenir, 669-Of Litt's Ac-
count of Ancient and Modern Wrestling,

Review, the Edinburgh, on the last num-
ber of, 212, 695-Its attack on the Lord
Chancellor, 627

Reviews, the Edinburgh and Quarterly,
remarks on, 80
Revolution in Mexico, sketch of the, 61
Rose's translation of Orlando Furioso, re-
view of, 30

Roxburgh, death of the Duke of, 376
Rules respecting the evidence of miracles,


Sawney at Doncaster, 468
Scots mummy, a, 188

Scottish Tales, domestic, review of 427
Short rules for plain people regarding the
evidence of miracles, 552

Sicily, modern, vestiges of ancient man-
ners and customs in, 254
Sketch of the revolution in Mexico, 61
Slavery, proceedings of the Society for the
Mitigation of, remarks on, 441

Song of a fallen angel over a bowl of rum-
punch, 102

Songs, English, remarks on, 4

Sonnets on the scenery of the Esk, 601
Sources of the picturesque and beautiful,
on the, 149

Spain, Visit to, in 1822-23, review of, 163
Spanish affairs, on the present state of, and
on the late campaign, 675.


Spring and Neat, an idyl on the battle
between, 65

Sulks, letter from a Contributor in the, 181
Sunday evening, verses on, 483
Tales, Popular, of the Northern Nations,
review of, 293

Tales by an unwilling author, review of,

Tennant, Mr, review of his drama of
Cardinal Beaton, 421

Things in general, letter of Tickler on, 212
Three Perils of Woman, by James Hogg,
review of, 427

Tickler, Timothy, letters of, to the Editor
of Blackwood's Magazine, 80, 212, 308,
312, 511, 695-Remarks of, on the
Glasgow dinner, 459-Letter concerning
his last appearance in Maga, 572

Time's whispering gallery, No. V. Visit
to the Leasowes, 262-No. VI. Milton
at Chalfont, 255

Tories, the, a national melody, 247
Tory, the, No. 1. 78-No. II. On the late
session of Parliament, 184
Toryism in 1823 the representation of
Whiggism in 1688, 76



Adam, 622

Aitchison, 622

Anderson, 372
Alison, 372

Baillie, 119, 372
Balfour, 119, 372

Ballard, 622

Barber, 372

Becher, 372
Bell, 119, 622
Bethune, 372
Black, 372
Blackburn, 372
Blair, 741
Block, 622
Bogle, 372

Borthwick, 741
Boswell, 622

Boyd, 622
Bradford, 622
Brewster, 623

Bridges, 119, 741
Brodie, 372
Broomfield, 119
Brougham, 119

Bruce, 622

Burn, 372, 741

Burnet, 622

Cadell, 119, 372

Cameron, 372

Cheyne, 372

Clarke, 741

Cook, 372

Crawford, 622
Curle, 372

Traveller's week, a, 296
Unknown grave, the, 59
Verses on a child playing, 268

to the memory of Robert Bloom-
field, 353

on Sunday evening, 483
Vestiges of ancient manners and customs
discoverable in modern Italy and Sicily,

Visitor, the parson's, 208
Wallenstein, Coleridge's translation of, re-
marks on, 377

Walton's Complete Angler, review of, 473
Well, the inhabited, 93
West Indian controversy, remarks on the,
437, 647

Whig attacks on the Lord Chancellor, re-

marks on the late, 203, 627

Whig and Tory, 666
Wiffen, J. H. review of his translation of
Garcilaso de la Vega's poems, 26
Wilberforce, Mr, remarks on his conduct
regarding the African slave question,


Works preparing for publication, 107,
355, 604, 730

Wrestling, Ancient and Modern, review of
Historical Account of, 705.


Dalzel, 119, 622

Davidson, 622, ib.
Davis, (3 children,)


Dick, 372
Dickie, 623
Dickson, 372
Dimma, 372
Douglas, 372,


Guthrie, 740
Hamilton, 119,372

Hastings, 622
Hay, 372, 622

Henderson, 372
Hepburne, 119

Hesse, 740
Hislop, 622

Hope, 622, 623
Hopetoun, 372

Hopkirk, 622

Howe, 372

Horrocks, 119

Hume, 741

Hutchison, 622

Dudgeon, 372, ib. Inglis, 372


Dunbar, 741
Dunlop, 119

Elliott, 119, 372

Espinasse, 622
Farquharson, 623
Ferrier, 622
Ferguson, 119
Filder, 119
Fleming, 372
Foggo, 622
Forbes, 372
Fortescue, 741
Fraser, 622

Fullarton, 622

Campbell, 622, ib., Gibson, 372


Cargill, 622

Carmichael, 372

Carnegy, 740

Carruthers, 622
Cathcart, 622

Cay, 623

Gifford, 119, 372

ib. 623

Inverarity, 622
Irvine, 119

Iveson, 622
Johnstone, 622, 623
Laurie, 622, 623
Learth, 622
Loch, 372, 622
Londonderry, 372
Long, 622
Lyon, 741
M'Arthur, 622
Macbean, 372
M'Candlish, 119
Macfarlane, 372
Macgregor, 622

Mackenzie, 372,

622, ib. 740

Maclean, 119

Gordon, 119, 372,

Macleod, 740

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ross, 622, ib.
Scott, 119, 622, ib.

Shandos, 622
Silver, 372
Sinclair, 372
Sitwell, 622
Skinner, 372

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