ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S.-continued 326 Twelfth term, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, commencing March 4, 1833- 327 Thirteenth term, Martin Van Buren and R. M. Johnson, commencing March 4, 1837 328 Fourteenth term, Wm. H. Harrison and John Tyler, commencing March 4, 1841.... 329-331 Fifteenth term, James K. Polk and George M. Dallas, commencing March 4, 1845. 332 Sixteenth term, Zachary Taylor and M. Fillmore, commencing March 4, 1849 333 13 ELECTORS shall be equal to the number of Senators and Representatives to 291 ELECTORS of President and Vice President of the U.S. Enactments of the law for the government of the 291 ELECTORS of the President and Vice President in all the States. An act to es- 302 ELECTORS. Each State may, by law, provide for filling vacancies in the college of......... 302 EVIDENCE in all tribunals and offices of the United States, and of the individual -302, 303 EXECUTIVE officers of the Government, from 1789 to 1851. Names, States, service, &c., of all the high.... EXTRADITION Treaties. Act giving effect to. • 395 FAREWELL Address of George Washington, President of the U. S., September 215 "FIRST in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his Countrymen," as applicable to George Washington. Origin of the words... 242 armament by land or water being fitted out in the U. S. against any....... 296 301 FUNERAL Procession and Oration of Henry Lee, in honor of Gen. George Wash- ington...... -245-247 GEORGIA, in 1757, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Constitu- tion. Act of ..... 179 GEORGIA. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of... 408 422 321 probation from John B....... xiii GOVERNMENT of the Confederation to provide for its support, defence, &c. ......131-139, 140-142-146-150, 151 GOVERNMENT under the Constitution of the U. S. Resolutions of Con- gress of the Confederation of September 13, 1788, providing for the com- 190 GOVERNMENT under the Constitution. Brief statement of the manner of commencing proceedings of the... 191 GOVERNMENT. George Washington's opinions of the principles and po- licy of our. 211-215 GOVERNMENT. John Adams'...do.....do. 270 GOVERNMENT. Thomas Jefferson's. do..do Xxxi. 275-279 .... GOVERNMENT. James Madison's do........do... xxxii. 283 GOVERNMENT and providing the means of executing the Constitution, &c. General Laws relating to the continued organization of the.... 287 GOVERNMENTS of the several States and territories. Chronological state- 405-449 An ordinance for the.... 423 GOVERNMENT of the U. S. in possession of the public offices. Description 451 HABEAS Corpus in all cases of foreigners confined in the U. S., &c. The 301 vernment. Description of the sources of... 451 respondence relative to 205-200 HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Oaths of office to be taken by the Members and Clerk of the..... 388 &c., of the Clerks of the ILLINOIS. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 431 IMPOST duties of April 18, 1783, was the cause of proceedings which ulti- 456 131-139, 140-142-146, 150, 151 IMPOST, &c., as provided by resolution of Congress, April 18, 1783. See 139, 141-149, 151-153 INAUGURAL address of George Washington, President of the U. S. April 211 INAUGURAL address of John Adams, President of the U. S...... .. 270 283 June 8, to July 4, 1776, respecting a declaration of........ 193 assembled, July 4, 1776. The Declaration of. 195 tion of ... 200 INDEPENDENT STATES. Resolution of Congress of July 2, 1776, that 38 IOWA. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of..... 443 JACKSON, as President of the U. S. First election of Andrew 326 327 JEFFERSON'S declaration of the principles of our Government. Thomas xxxi, 275-279 JEFFERSON, President of the U. S., on March 4, 1801. First inaugural address of Thomas.. 275 JEFFERSON, President of the U. S., on March 4, 1805. Second inaugural address of Thomas. 279 JEFFERSON, as Vice President of the U. S. Election of Thomas. 317 sentatives of Thomas 318 JEFFERSON, as President of the U. S. Second election by electors of Thomas 319 328 (The number of electoral votes required for an election being 148, and JOHNSON, Vice President, in Senate of the U. S. Attendance of Rich- 342-344 of the 453 JOURNAL of the Convention that formed the Constitution in 1787. Descrip- tion of the.. 453 JOURNAL of the House of Representatives of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Description of. 454-456 JOURNAL of the Senate of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Description of Le- gislative 455, 456 JOURNAL of the Senate of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851 (in part). Descrip- tion of the Executive 455 JOURNAL or record of the Senate on impeachments, from 1789 to 1851. De- scription of 456 JOURNALS of the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. S. Re- 456 JUDGES of Courts of the U. S. authorized to grant writs of Habeas Corpus them. The... 301 JUDGES of the Supreme Court of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Names, states, 389 290-294 xiii KANE, Judge of the District Court of the U. S. for the Eastern District of LAND in the north-western and western territory of the U. S. Proceedings 414 vacant 419 LANDS to the U. S. Resolution of Congress recommending to the States to 421 LANDS ceded by the States should be disposed of for the common benefit of 422 LANDS were ceded to the U. S., and dates of cession. Names of States by 422 LANDS of the U. S., and private land claims to March 3, 1851. Description XXV LAWS, relating to the continued organization of the Government, and pro- 287 LAWS of the U. S. declared competent evidence in all tribunals and offices 302, 303 LAWS of the U. S., including the Treaties. Description of the books con- 461 LAWS of the U. S. Description of Books of Abridgments and Digests of 465-467 LEGISLATIVE Journals. (Vide Journals.) LEE, on the death of George Washington. Funeral oration of Henry 247 An act to prevent Privateers or. 296 LIBERTY. Definition of rational or civil..... xxii LIBERTY and independence on July 4, 1776. Declaration of..... 195 nance of American 203 LIBERTY consists. In what the enjoyment and even the support and pre- servation of.... xxix LIBRARY of Congress. Description of selection of certain books in the.... 472 in the 479 LIEUTENANT-GENERAL and commander-in-chief of the Armies of the 231-239 xxxiii LITTLE and Brown's editions of the Laws of the U. S., declared to be com- States.. 302, 305 MADISON'S declaration of the principles of our Government. James xxxii. 283 MAINE. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of... 432 |