صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ORDERS. Essential and fundamental Rules, &c., of the House of Commons, relating to their Forms of Proceedings, Privileges, &c.: 1756.

ORDERS on Controverted Elections and Returns: 1741.

PAMPHLETS, POLITICAL, in relation to the Revolutionary war of the United

States of America, from 1765 to 1781.

PAMPHLETS, POLITICAL. The same by A. Hamilton, J. Madison and others; also, Plea for the poor soldiers who really and actually supported the burden of the war.-[With a large collection made by Mr. Jefferson of Political Pamphlets on various exciting and interesting subjects, which in turn agitated the public mind, from 1798 to 1812, several of which were written by himself, J. Madison, A. Hamilton, E. Randolph, A. Gallatin, R. G. Harper, De Witt Clinton, W. C. Nichols, C. Pinckney, R. H. Lee, Oliver Wolcott, John Adams, Samuel Adams, T. Pickering, S. Sinith, W. Giles, Earl of Buchan, Mr. Leigh, of Dinwiddie, James Monroe, and many other distinguished statesmen, as well as other political writers and Editors of public Journals.]

PITKIN, TIMOTHY. Statistical view of the Commerce of the United States; Banks, Manufactures, and Internal Trade and Improvements; also Revenue and Expenditures of the General Government: 1835.

POLITICAL CLASSICS, viz.: Algernon Sidney's Discourses on Government, with his letters and memoirs of his life, &c.: 1795.

PRESIDENTS' ADDRESSES and Messages, from 1789 to 1837.
RAWLE, WILLIAM. View of the Constitution of the United States: 1829.
REGISTER OF OFFICERS and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval, in the ser

vice of the United States in 1802, the same from 1816 to 1845. REPORTS of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Finances, from 1790 to 1836.

SAY, J. B. Catechism of Political Economy, letters to Malthus, Traité d'Economie Politique, Treatise on Political Economy; translated from the French, with notes: 1821.

SECRET JOURNALS of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting in 1774, to the dissolution of the Confederation, in 1789.

SEYBERT, ADAM. Statistical Annals; embracing views of the Population, Commerce, Fisheries, Public Lands, Revenues, Mint, &c.: 1818.

STORY, JOSEPH. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, with a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States, before the adoption of the Constitution: 1833.

STORY, JOSEPH. Constitutional Class Book, being a brief exposition of the Constitution: 1834.

TEXAS. Constitution of the Republic of Mexico and of the State of Coahuila and Texas: 1832.

TENNESSEE. Description of this State and its constitution: 1796.

TRACTS. Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati: 1783.

VINDICATION of Edmund Randolph's Resignation: 1795.

VIRGINIA and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 and 1799, with T. Jefferson's ori

ginal draught thereof: also Madison's report; Calhoun's address: 1832.

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VIRGINIA. Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates for the Counties and Corporations in the Colony of Virginia, held in Richmond, March 20, 1775:


WAIT'S State Papers and Public Documents of the United States, from 1789 to 1818.

WATTERSTON AND VAN ZANDT. Tabular Statistical Views of the Commerce, &c., of the United States: 1829.-Continuation of the same: 1833. YATES, ROBERT. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention which formed the Constitution of the United States: 1821.

CLASS No. 21.


The eminent statesmen who have from time to time occupied the highly important and responsible station of Secretary of State, have not been unmindful of the utility of providing for themselves and their successors in office, a choice and valuable collection of books, maps, charts, and atlases appropriate to the peculiar business of the Department, and indispensable in the performance of their extensive and varied duties, as well as others in various branches of the liberal arts, literature and science. The limited design of this volume will not admit of the insertion of more than the general heads, and a reference to a few volumes of general public utility of this collection:


Ancient history-Modern history, Foreign, British and American-Biography and Memoirs-Natural history-Botany-Mineralogy and Geology-Natural philosophy-Agriculture and Horticulture-Chemistry-Anatomy and SurgeryMedicine-Occupations of Man, Technical Arts, Education, Roads and Canals, Military Tactics-Mental Philosophy and Ethics-Religion-Law of Nature and Nations-Laws of the United States-Laws of the several States and Territories -JURISPRUDENCE; comprehending, Law in general, the Civil Law, the Law of Equity, the Common Law, Constitutional Law, the Law Merchant and Maritime, the Law Military and the Law Ecclesiastical-JURISPRUDENCE; comprehending, English and American Reports of Cases-Foreign Law-POLITICS; comprehending, Diplomacy, Treaties, Negotiations, Constitutions or forms of Government, Statistics, Commerce, Finance, Political Economy, Journals and histories of Legislative Bodies, Foreign State Papers, Political Pamphlets and General Treatises-POLITICS; comprehending American State Papers and Political Pamphlets-Mathematics-Arts and Sciences-GEOGRAPHY; comprehending, General Geography, Voyages and Travels-GEOGRAPHY; comprehending, Atlases, Maps and Charts-PHILOLOGY; comprehending, Dictionaries, Lexicons, Grammars and Elementary works-Oratory and Rhetoric-Magazines, Reviews and Political Journals-Miscellaneous.

Of these, particular reference will be made only to the following:


ARNOULD. Système Maritime et Politique des Européens, pendent le dixhuitième siècle, fondé sur leurs Traités de Paix, de Commerce, et Navigation: 1797.

BOUCHER. Consulat de la Mer, ou Pandectes du Droit Commercial et Maritime:

1494. Printed, 1808.

BOUCHER. Institution au Droit Maritime: 1803.

BURLAMAQUI. Principes du Droit de la Nature et des Gens. The same trans

lated into English, by Nugent: 1823.

BURLAMAQUI. Elémens du Droit Naturel, par Burlamaqui; et Devoirs de L'Homme et du Citoyen, tels qu'ils lui sont prescrits par la Loi Naturelle, traduits du Latin de Pufendorf par Barbeyrac, avec les Notes du Traducteur et le judgement de Leibnitz: 1820. CORNELII Van Bynkershoek, Opera: 1752.

CODIGO de las Costumbres Maritimas de Barcelona, hasta aqui vulgarmente Llamado Libro del Consulado: por D. Antonio de Capmany, y de Monpalan. Madrid: 1791.

GROTIUS'S rights of War and Peace, including the Law of Nature and Nations. translated from the original Latin, with Notes and illustrations from the best political and legal writers.- [In French, 1724, and English, 1814.]

HEINECCIUS, Scriptores de Jure Maritimo: 1740.

JACOBSEN'S Laws of the Sea, with reference to Maritime Commerce during peace and war: 1818.-[In German and English.]

LE BRUN. Libertad de los Mares: 1820.

LE NOUVEAU VALIN, ou Code Commercial Maritime par Sanfourche-Laporte: 1809.

MABLY. Le Droit public de L'Europe fondé sur les Traites: 1764. MARTENS'S Summary of the Law of Nations, with a list of the principal Treaties concluded since 1748 down to the present time, indicating the works in which they are to be found; translated from the French by William Cobbett: 1795.

MARTENS. Guide Diplomatique ou traité des droits, des immunités et des devoirs, des Ministres publics, des agens diplomatiques et consulaires, dans toute l'etendue de leurs fonctions, précédé de considérations générales sur l'étude de la diplomatie; suivi d'un traité du style des compositions diplomatique, d'une bibliographie diplomatique choisie, etc. etc. Paris:


PEUCHET, Du Commerce des Neutres en temps de Guerre, traduit de L'Italien de Lampredi: 1802.

PUFENDORFII de Jure Naturæ et Gentium. Libri octo: 1698.
RUTHERFORD'S Institutes of Natural Law: 1799.

SYSTEME Universel des principes de Droit Maritime de L'Europe, par D. A.

Azuni, traduit d'Italien par M. Digeon: 1798.

TRATADO JURIDICO-POLITICO, sobre Pressas de Mar, y calidades que deben concurrir para hacerse legitimamente el Corso: su Autor Don Felix Joseph de Abreu, y Bertodano. Cadiz: 1746.

VALIN. Nouveau Commentaire sur L'Ordonnance de la Marine: 1681.
VATTEL'S Law of Nations; or principles of the Law of Nature, applied to the
conduct and affairs of Nations and Sovereigns. - [In French, 1775, and
English, 1820.]

WARD'S Inquiry into the foundations and history of the Law of Nations in Eu-
rope, from the time of the Greeks and Romans, to the age of Grotius: 1795.
WENCKII Codex Jurisgentium.
WHEATON'S Digest of the Law of Maritime Captures and Prizes: 1815.

Elements of International Law: 1846.

WICQUEFORT'S Ambassador and his functions: to which is added an historical Discourse concerning the election of the Emperor, and the Electors. translated into English by Mr. Digby.


ELLIOT'S Diplomatic Code of the United States of America: embracing a collection of Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Foreign Powers, from 1778 to 1827.

HALL'S Observations on the Warehousing System and Navigation Laws, &c.:


HAMILTON'S (Alexander) Works, printed in 1810.

HATSELL'S Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons; with obser

vations: 1786.

LORD'S Principles of Currency and Banking. New York: 1829.
MCARTHUR'S Financial and Political Facts of the 18th Century: 1801.
MALTHUS'S Principles of Political Economy: 1821.

Essay on the Principle of Population: 1809.

PHILLIPS'S Manual of Political Economy: 1828.

RAYMOND'S Elements of Political Economy: 1823.

SAY'S Treatise on Political Economy, translated from the French: 1827.

Catechism of Political Economy, do.: 1816.

SKIDMORE'S Rights of Man to Property: 1829.

SMITH'S Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, with

Notes and Supplementary Chapters, by William Playfair: 1818. TAYLOR'S Construction Construed, and Constitutions Vindicated: 1820. THE DIPLOMACY of the United States: being an account of the Foreign Rela

tions of the country, from 1778 to 1814. Printed in 1826.

A DIGEST of the Commercial Regulations of the different Foreign Nations with

which the United States have intercourse: 1824.

A GENERAL Outline of the United States of North America, her Resources and Prospects, with a Statistical Comparison, showing the advances made in National Opulence in thirty years: 1823.

NOVANGLUS AND MASSACHUSETTENSIS, or Political Essays, published in 1774 and 1775, on the principal points of controversy between Great Britain and her colonies: the former by John Adams, the latter by Jonathan Sewall: 1819.

PITKIN'S Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America, its connection with Agriculture and Manufactures: 1817.

POLITICAL MISCELLANIES, compiled by W. B. Giles: 1829.

SELECT PAMPHLETS, consisting of an exposition of the causes and character

of the war; and an examination of the British Doctrine which subjects to capture a Neutral Trade not open in time of peace: 1815. SEYBERT'S Statistical Annals of the United States of America: 1818.

THE AMERICAN REMEMBRANCER, or an Impartial collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, &c., relative to the Treaty (Jay's) with Great Britain: 1795. THE DIPLOMATIC Correspondence of the American Revolution. By Jared

Sparks: 1829.

THE DUPLICATE LETTERS; the Fisheries, and the Mississippi: documents relating to transactions at the negotiations of Ghent, collected and published by John Quincy Adams: 1822.

WAIT'S State Papers, and public documents of the United States: 1819. WATTERSTON AND VAN ZANDT'S Tabular Statistical Views of the United States: 1829.

BLOUNT'S Historical Sketch of the formation of the Confederation, particularly with reference to the Provincial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian tribes and the public territory: 1825.

DEBATES and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, convened in June, 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the Constitution of the United States: 1805,

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