Light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers, and cessions of land for same from the States to the United States. Military establishment of the United States in 1787, and lands held for military purposes. Concerning the seat of the general Government.-FLAG of the United States.Device for a GREAT SEAL.-Device for copper coinage. Half pay. Commutation.-Invalids.-Pensions. -Acts of limitation. Vol. 2 contains the Laws of the United States, from March 4, 1789 to March 3, 1797. Vol. 3 contains do. from March 3, 1797, to March 3, 1805. Vol. 4 contains do. from March 3, 1805, to March 3, 1815. Vol. 5 contains, 1. A list of all acts and resolutions from 1789 to 1815. 2. A General Index to private acts from 1789 to 1815. 3. Statement of Receipts and Expenditures from 1789 to 1815. 4. A General Index Laws United States from 1789 to 1815. The series of Laws contained in the preceding volumes of the edition of Bioren and Duane, have been continued to March 3, 1845, by a 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th volumes: Vol. 6, Printed by Davis & Force in 1822, contains Laws of the United States Including Treaties, from March 3, 1815, to March 3, 1821, with an Index thereto. Vol. 7. Printed by P. Force in 1827. Ditto March 3, 1821, to March 3, 1827, do. With this volume there was printed a general index of all the Acts, Resolutions, Treaties, and other matter contained in the seven preceding volumes. It was prepared by Samuel Burch, under a resolution of the House of Representatives, and is one of the best, most full and systematic Indexes of the Laws of the United States extant, for the time it embraces, viz., March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1827. It has been separately bound. Vol. 8. Printed by W. A. Davis in 1835, and contains the Acts, Resolutions and Treaties from March 3, 1827, to March 3, 1833. Vol. 9. Printed by order of Congress in 1839, and contains the Acts, Resolutions and Treaties from March 3, 1833, to March 3, 1839. Vol. 10. Printed by J. and G. S. Gideon in 1845, and contains the Acts, Resolutions and Treaties, from March 3, 1839, to March 3, 1845. From March 3, 1845, to March 3, 1851, the Laws and Treaties will be found in pamphlet form. Sec. 3. The Public and General Statutes of the United States, from 1789 to 1827 inclusive, whether expired, repealed, or in force: arranged in chronological order, with marginal references, and a copious index: to which is added the Constitution and an Appendix: published under the inspection of Judge Story. Boston, 1827. Sec. 4. An edition of the Statutes at large was edited by Richard Peters, and published by Little & Brown, in 1845.* * This edition of the Statutes has been continued in pamphlet form for each session of Congress. Vol. 1 contains, 1. The Declaration of Independence. 2. The Articles of Confederation. 3. The Constitution of the United States. 4. The Public acts of Congress from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1799. Vol. 2 contains the Public Acts of Congress from March 3, 1799, to March 3, 1813. Vol. 3 contains do. do. from March 3, 1813, to March 3, 1823. Vol. 4 contains do. do. from March 3, 1823, to March 3, 1835. Also Acts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Act of Alabama to incorporate the Cahawba Navigation Com- Proclamations by the President of the United States on Commercial Affairs with Foreign Nations. Vol. 5 contains the Public Acts of Congress from March 3, 1835, to March 3, 1845. Also a Proclamation of the President on extinguishment of Indian title to land in Missouri. An act of Virginia relating to Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, February 27, 1829. Vol. 6 contains Private Statutes at large, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1845. Vol. 7 contains Treaties with Indian tribes, from September 17, 1778, to March 3, 1845. Vol. 8 contains the Treaties with Foreign Nations, from February 6, 1778, to March 3, 1845. Each of the preceding volumes contains an index to the matter therein; this 8th volume also contains: 1. Table showing relative chapters of this and other editions of the Laws. 2. Tables of Acts of Congress, from 1789, to 1845 inclusive, relating to the Judiciary. 3. Table of Acts of do. relating to Imports and Tonnage. 4. Table of Acts of do. relating to Public Lands. 5. Table of Acts of do. relating to the Post-Office. 5. Index to the five volumes of Public Statutes. 7. A General Index to the matter contained in the 8 volumes above mentioned. Sec. 4. The Acts of Congress in relation to the District of Columbia from July 16, 1790, to March 4, 1831 inclusive, and of the Legislatures of Virginia and Maryland, passed especially in regard to that District, or to persons or property within the same, with preliminary notes of the proceedings of the Congress, under the Cor.federation, as well as under the present Constitution, in regard to the permanent seat of the Government of the United States. Printed by William A. Lavis, 1831. CLASS No. 13. ABRIDGMENTS AND DIGESTS OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 1. DIGEST of all such Acts of Congress as concern the United States at large; all existing Treaties, &c., by William Graydon, in 1813. Sec. 2. DIGEST of the Laws of the United States, including an abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law, with Notes explanatory and historical, by Thomas F. Gordon. Printed in 1827. Sec. 3. AN ABRIDGMENT of the Acts of Congress now in force, excepting those of a private and local application, with notes of Decisions, giving construction to the same, in the Supreme Court of the United States, by Edward Ingersoll. Printed in 1825. Sec. 4. DIGEST of the Laws of the United States including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. By Thomas F. Gordon, printed in 1844. CLASS No. 14. INDEXES PREPARED IN CONFORMITY WITH ORDERS OR RESOLUTIONS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, RESPECTIVELY. Sec. 1. GENERAL INDEX to the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1827, including all Treaties entered into between those periods; in which the principles involved in acts for the relief of individuals, or of a private or local nature, are arranged under general heads, to which such principles appropriately belong: arranged to the edition commenced by Bioren, Duane & Weightman, in 1815, and subsequently continued by Davis & Force, and William A. Davis. (This is the most complete and useful index of the laws, up to March 3, 1827, extant; and it would add to the public convenience if a similar one were made of the laws from that period up to the present time.] Sec. 2. INDEX to the Executive Communications made to the House of Representatives, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1817: first, by a reference, in alphabetical order, to the printed and also to the manuscript reports, according to the subject-matter; second, by a reference to the same matter, arranged under the head of the department whence it came. Also, an Sec. 3. INDEX to all the printed Reports of Committees, alphabetically arranged, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1817: printed in 1824. Sec. 4. INDEX to the Executive Communications and Reports of Committees made to the House of Representatives, from December 3, 1817, to March 3, 1823: printed in 1823. Sec. 5. A DIGESTED INDEX to the Executive Documents (that is, all documents ordered to be printed) and Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, from March 3, 1823, to March 3, 1831, inclusive: printed in 1832. Sec. 6. A DIGESTED INDEX to the Executive Documents and Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, from March 4, 1831, to March 3 1839, inclusive. Sec. 7. INDEX, or alphabetical list of Private Claims which have been before the SENATE, from December 4, 1815, to March 3, 1849, with the proceedings of the Senate thereon: showing the names of the claimants; the nature or object of each claim; at what session, and in what manner, it was brought before the Senate; to what committee it was referred; the nature of the report, and (where special reports were made) the number of the report, if printed, and, if not, the date of the report; the number of the bill, distinguishing between Senate and House bills; the manner in which the claim was disposed of by the Senate; and, in cases where it passed both Houses, the date of the act of Congress: the whole compiled from the journals of the Senate, and by reference, when necessary, to the journals of the House of Representatives, the reports of committees, the bills of the two Houses, and the laws of the United States. Prepared by orders of the Senate of April 9, 1840, February 27, 1841, and February 8, 1849. CLASS No. 15. REPORTS OF THE DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. 1. By ALEXANDER JAMES DALLAS, from February term, 1790, to August term, 1800, inclusive. 2. By WILLIAM CRANCH, from August term, 1801, to February term, 1815, inclusive. 3. By HENRY WHEATON, from February term, 1816, to January term, 1827, inclusive. 4. By RICHARD PETERS, jun., from January term, 1828, to January term, 1842, inclusive. 5. By BENJAMIN C. HOWARD, from January term, 1843, to January term, 1851, inclusive. 6. Condensed Reports of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, containing the whole series of the decisions of the court from its organization to the commencement of Peters' Reports, at January term, 1827, with copious notes and parallel cases in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States. CLASS No. 16. PUBLICATIONS ON THE SUBJECT OF THE PUBLIC LANDS AND PRE VATE LAND CLAIMS UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES. 1. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, and other documents, having operation and respect to the Public Lands: collected, digested, and arranged, pursuant to the act of Congress, approved April 27, 1810, by Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury: revised, completed, and printed, under the act of January 20, 1817: ['This is a valuable treatise and compilation of charters, treaties, grants, cessions, compacts, resolutions, acts relating to the early history, acquisition, regulation, and disposition of the public lands, and evidence of the nature and exten. of private land claims.] 2. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, Spanish Regulations, and other documents, respecting the Public Lands: compiled, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of March 1, 1826, by M. St. C. Clarke, and printed by order of the House of Representatives of February 19, 1827: in one volume. 3. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Treaties, Regulations, and other documents, respecting the Public Lands; with the Opinions of the Courts of the United States in relation thereto, from 1826 to 1833: by M. St. C. Clarke, under a resolution of the House of Representatives of March 1, 1833. 4. DOCUMENTS, LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE, of the Congress of the United States, in relation to the Public Lands, from March 4, 1789, to June 15, 1824, in five volumes: compiled under the resolutions of the Senate of February 26, 1833, and January 3, 1834. Printed by Duff Green. 5. GENERAL PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS respecting the sale and disposition of the Public Lands; with Instructions issued from time to time by the Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of the General Land Office, and Official Opinions of the Attorney-General on questions arising under the land laws; in two parts, or volumes: Part 1 contains the laws from March 4, 1789, to July 9, 1838. Part 2 contains the instructions and pinions, from March 4, 1789, to August 17, 1838. Prepared and printed under the resolation of the Senate of February 28, 1837. CLASS No. 17. REVENUE LAWS, COMMERCIAI. REGULATIONS, DIGESTS OF TARIFF LAWS, &c. 1. A SELECTION OF ALL THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES in force, relative to commercial subjects, with marginal notes and references, classed under separate heads, viz.: Acts for collection of duties on imports and tonnage; Table of tonnage duty and fees of office; Registering, recording, enrolling, and licensing of ships or vessels; Mediterranean passports; Quarantine and health; Remission of fines, penalties, and forfeitures; Fisheries; Naturalization; Restriction of trade with an enemy; Letters of marque and reprisal; Salvage; Slave trade; Consuls and vice-consuls; Seamen in the merchants' service; Sea letters; British licenses; and for regulating foreign coins, &c.: by John Brice: 1814. 2. COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE FOREIGN COUNTRIES with which the United States have commercial intercourse: collected, digested, and printed, under the direction of the President of the United States, conformably to a resolution of the Senate of March 3, 1817. 3. A DIGEST OF THE COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT FOREIGN NATIONS with which the United States have intercourse: in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of January 21, 1823. 4. JONES'S DIGEST: being a particular and detailed account of the duties |