Figure and Shape of Man's Body moft agreeable to his Place and Business 287. Stature and Size, which is much the best for Man's State 288. Structure of the Parts, which are [Without Botches and Blunders. Of the best Form. Moft accurately accommodated to their proper Lodgment of the Parts, as the [Five Senfes 297. Hand. Legs and Feet. Heart. Vifcera. Several Bones and Mufcles, &c. 298. Covering of all with the Skin. Provifion in Man's Body to Prevent Evils by the Situation of theEyes, Ears, Tongue, and Hand 300. Cure of Evils by means of Proper Emunctories 301. Diseases themselves making Discharges of Things more dangerous 303. Pain giving Warning, and exciting ourEndeavours. Confent of the Parts, effected by the Nerves, a Sample whereof is given in the Fifth Pair, branched to the Eye, Ear, &c. Political, fociable State. For the Prefervation and Security of which the Creator hath taken Care by Variety of Mens Faces 308. Voices. Quadrupeds. Of which I take no Notice, but wherein they differ from Man, viz. Prone Pofture, which is confiderable for The Parts miniftring to it, especially the Legs and (Strength and flow Motion 315. Agility and Swiftnefs. Walking and Running. Walking and Swimming. Walking and Flying. Walking and digging. 'Tra Traverfing the Plains. Traverfing Ice, Mountains, &c. Gather Food 317. Catch Prey. Climb, Leap, and Swim. Guard themselves. Carry Burdens, Till the Ground, and other Ufes S Answering the Length of the Legs 322. Correfponding to the feveral Species. {Correfponding Suited to their proper Food, whether Flefn, Grain, &c. Heart: Its Situation nearer the midft of the Body, than in Man. Nervous Kinds. A Sample of which is given in the diffe- The Parts concerned in their Motion 333. Feathers, which are Moft exactly made for Lightnefs and Strength. All well placed in every Part, for the Covering and Motion of the Body. Preened and dreffed 334. Wings, which are Made of the very beft Materials, viz. of Bones, light and strong; Joints exactly opening, fhut- Placed in the nicest Point of the Body of every Tail, which is well made, and placed to keep the Legs and Feet, which are made light for Flight, and incomparably accouter'd for their proper Occafions of Swimming 338. Catching Prey. Rooting. Hanging. Wading and Searching the Waters. Motion itself Performed by the niceft Laws of Mechanicks Other Parts of the Body, viz. the Head remarkable for the commodious Shape of itself 341. Forms of the Bill. Site of the Eye and Ear. Pofition of the Brain. Structure of the Larynx. Provifion by Nerves in the Bill for tafting and diftinguishing Food 344. Stomachs, one to S Macerate and prepare 345. Lungs incomparably made for Making the Body buoyant. In due Proportion to the Legs. To counterpoise the Body in Flight. State. Of which I take Notice of three Things, viz. their Migration remarkable for Their Accommodation for long Flights by long or elfe Incubation, which is confiderable for (The Egg, and its Parts 351. A&t itfelf; that thefe Creatures fhould betake themfelves to it, know this to be the Way to produce their Young, and with Delight and Patience fit fuch a due Number of Days. The Neglect of it in any, as the Ostrich, and the wonderful Provifion for the Young in that Cafe 354. Nidification. Of which before. Infects. Which altho' a defpifed Tribe, doth in fome Respects more fet forth the infinite Power and Wisdom of the Creator, than the larger Animals. The Things in this Tribe remarked upon are their Shaped, not fo much for long Flights, as for their Built not with Bones, but with what serves both for Eyes, reticulated to fee all Ways at once 360. Antennæ, and their Ufe 361. Legs and Feet made for Creeping 363. Swimming and Walking. Hanging on fmooth Surfaces. Leaping. Digging. Spinning and Weaving Webs and Cafes. Nicely diftended with Bones 365. Some incomparably adorned with Feathers and elegant Colours. Some jointed and folded up in their Elytra, and diftended again at Pleasure. In Number either Two, with Poifes. Four, without Poifes. Surprizing Minutenefs of fome of thofe Animals them- State: Secu [Security against Winter, by their Subfifting in a different, viz. their Nympha or Au- Living in Torpitude, without any Waste of Body or Laying up Provision before-hand. Prefervation of their Species by their Chufing proper Places, to lay up their Eggs and Sperm, fo that the SEggs may have due Incubation 373. Young fufficient Food. Care and Curiofity in repofting their Eggs in neat Order, and with the proper Part uppermost 382. Incomparable Art of Nidification, by being endow'd with Parts proper for, and agreeable to the feveral Ways of Nidification, and the Materials they use in it. Architectonick Sagacity to build and weave their Cells, or to make even Nature herself their Handmaid 384. Reptiles. Which agreeing with other Animals in fomething or other before treated of, I confider only their [Motion, which is very remarkable, whether we confider the Manner of it, as Vermicular 39+ Sinuous. Snail-like. Caterpillar-like. Parts miniftring to it. Scourge Man's Wickedness 398. Their eafy Capture and Maftery of their Prey. Watery Inhabitants confiderable for their Great Variety 401. Prodigious Multitudes. Vaft Bulk of fome, and furprizingMinutenefs of others 402 Refpiration. Adjustment of their Organs of Vifion to their Element. Infenfitive Inhabitants.. Among which having mentioned Foffils and others, I infift only upon Vegetables, and that in a curfory Manner upon their [Great Variety for the feveral Ufes of the World 404. Anatomy. Leaves 407. Flowers, and their admirable Gaiety. Genera |