Plutarch's Lives: Translated from the Original Greek, المجلد 7

الغلاف الأمامي
Samuel Campbell, 1822

من داخل الكتاب

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 82 - She sailed along the river Cydnus in a most magnificent galley. The stern was covered with gold, the sails were of purple, and the oars were silver. These, in their motion, kept time to the music of flutes and pipes and harps. The queen, in the dress and character of Venus, lay under a canopy embroidered with gold, of the most exquisite workmanship, while boys like painted Cupids stood fanning her on each side of the sofa, Her maids were of the most distinguished beauty, and, habited like the Nereids...
الصفحة 12 - As for his tent, the enemy took it, with all the riches it contained. After Megara was taken, the soldiers prepared to plunder it ; but the Athenians interceded strongly for that people, and prevailed. Demetrius was satisfied with expelling the garrison, and declared the city free. Amidst these transactions, he bethought himself of Stilpo, a philosopher of great reputation, who sought only the retirement and tranquillity of a studious life. He sent for him, and asked him, " Whether they had taken...
الصفحة 31 - ... face, received a considerable hurt. After he had recovered himself, he stretched out his hands towards heaven, and prayed either for victory, or that he might die before he was sensible that the day was lost. When the battle was begun, Demetrius, at .the head of his best cavalry, fell upon Antiochus. the son of Seleucus, and fought with so much bravery that he put the enemy to flight ; but by a vain and unseasonable ambition to...
الصفحة 82 - She lay, and leant her cheek upon her hand, And cast a look so languishingly sweet, As if, secure of all beholders...
الصفحة 82 - Twas heaven, or somewhat more: For she so charmed all hearts, that gazing crowds Stood panting on the shore, and wanted breath To give their welcome voice.
الصفحة 122 - Once, in an assembly of the people, he mounted the rostrum, and the novelty of the thing occasioned a universal silence and expectation ; at length he said, " People of Athens, there is a fig-tree in my yard, on which many worthy citizens have hanged themselves, and as I have determined to build upon the spot, I thought it necessary to give this public notice, that such as choose to have recourse to this tree for the aforesaid purpose may repair to it before it is cut down.
الصفحة 85 - When the day following came, the vessel was crowded with people ; and as soon as Antony had let down his line, she ordered one of her divers immediately to put a salt fish on his hook.
الصفحة 134 - So here it is," and held out her bare arm to be bitten. Others say that it was kept in a vase, and that she vexed and pricked it with a golden spindle till it seized her arm. But what really took place is known to no one.
الصفحة 82 - That men's desiring eyes were never wearied, But hung upon the object. To soft flutes The silver oars kept time; and while they played, The hearing gave new pleasure to the sight, And both to thought.
الصفحة 222 - I'll meet thee there.' When the apparition was gone, he called his servants, who told him they had neither heard any noise, nor had seen any vision.

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