Courting Betrayal: Jesus as Victim in the Gospel of JohnSheffield Academic Press, 1998 - 293 من الصفحات |
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According to John According to St accusation action attempt BAGD Barrett Beasley-Murray behaviour believe Beloved Disciple betrayal betrayer Biblical bread Brown Bultmann Carson chapter character Christ Christians Christology claims context crowd crucifixion Culpepper death of Jesus Dionysus discourse discussion emotional emphasis added eucharistic evangelist Father flesh footwashing Fourth Gospel glory Gospel According Gospel of John Haenchen hermeneutical History hostile hour identity indicates interpretation Jewish Jews Johannine community Johannine Jesus John's Gospel Judaism Judas Kysar Lazarus liberation theologies Lindars literary London meaning metaphor ministry miracle narrative notes pericope persecution perspective Peter Pharisees physical Pilate plot question reader reference rejection rejection of Jesus response role sacrifice scene Schnackenburg SCM Press seen shepherd significance simply sparagmos St John Stibbe story structure suffering suggests Synoptic temple temple incident Testament theme Theology threat trans understanding verse victim Victimology violence washing words καὶ