The African Repository, المجلدات 5-6American Colonization Society., 1967 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
4th July AFRICAN REPOSITORY Agent American Colonization Society annual appear Arabic arrival Ashmun Auxiliary Society benevolent Benin Bethelsdorp blessings Board of Managers Boors brethren Bushmen caboceer Cape Cape Town cause character Christian Church civilization Clapperton coast of Africa Collection by Rev colonists Colony Committee congregation consider contributions Donation duty efforts emancipation emigrants evil exertions favour feel friends Gerrit Smith Griqua happy honour hope Hottentots human increase influence inhabitants Inna Institution interest Jannah John Kentucky kraal labour land landdrost Legislature liberal Liberia London Missionary Society Lynchburg master means Mechlin meeting mind mission missionary Monrovia moral nation natives negro object Ohio opinion persons of colour population present race received religion removal resolution Resolved respect river savage settlement Sierra Leone slave-trade slavery slaves South South Africa spirit thing tion town trade Treasurer tribes United Vanderkemp vessel Virginia