ESSAYS AND THOUGHTS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS, AND FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS, &c. TOGETHER WITH NINE PAPERS FROM THE OLLA PODRIDA; AND POEMS. BY THE RIGHT REÇEREND LATE LORD: BISHOP. OF NORWICH. THE Mind, dispatch'd pór het busy toil,:: COWPER'S CONVERSATION. London: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, No. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1808 PREFACE. THE Apophthegms and Maxims of Persons remarkable for their learning, wisdom, and piety, have ever been considered as ranking amongst the choicest treasures of literature: those of Bishop Horne, first printed under, the title of ESSAYS AND THOUGHTS on Various Subjects, and from Various Authors, &c.". at the end of his Life, by JONES, are certainly amongst the most valuable, not only on account of the importance of the instruction contained in them, but for the manner in which it is conveyed, being often in the most easy and familiar style, and sometimes with a humour and facetiousness peculiar to the Bishop. Mr. JONES, his lordship's chaplain and intimate friend, in the Prefatory Epistle to his Life, addressed to the late WILLIAM STEVENS, Esq. says, " I have heard it observed of him by a gen"tleman, who never was suspected of a want of |