JAMES HAYGARTH. THOMAS HARRISON. EDWARD HALE. THOMAS DRAINE. MATTHEW WHITING. NORRISON COVERDALE. ROBERT MAIRIS. WILLIAM COOKE. CHARLES PRATT. MATTHIAS DUPONT. WILLIAM HARWOOD. HENRY BULLOCK. To you, Gentlemen, my Jury, I present this small portion of the fruits of your integrity; which decided in my favour the Bill of Chancery filed against my life* : And to my learned counsel, THE HON. THOMAS ERSKINE; And their assistants, HENRY DAMPIER, Esq. * The fears of my printer (which I cannot call unfounded, in the present degraded state of the press) do not permit me to expose (as ought to be done) the circumstances producing, preceding, accompanying, and following my strange trial of six days for high treason: or to make any remarks on the important changes which have taken place in our criminal legal proceedings; and the consequent future lives of innocent English subjects. of the |