| John Johnson - 1706 - عدد الصفحات: 464
...and difquieteth hirhfelf in vain] : he heapethup riches, and cannot tell who flrail gather them t8 And now, Lord, what is my hope : truly, my hope is even in thee. 9 Deliver me from all mine offences : and make me not a rebuke unto the foolifh. 10 [I became dumb,... | |
| Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1725 - عدد الصفحات: 158
...to Wifdom, Pfal. xc. 1 2. Deal thou with me, O Lord, according to thy Name, for fweet is thy Mercy. Lord, what is my Hope ? Truly my Hope is even in thee. O my Soul, tarry them the Lord's Leifure : Be ftrong and he (hall comfort thy Heart, and put thou thy... | |
| Complete collection, Thomas Deacon - 1734 - عدد الصفحات: 292
...fhadow, and difquieteth himfelf in vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who mall gather them. And now, Lord, what is my hope: truly my hope is even in thee. Deliver me from all mine offences : and make me not a rebuke unto the foolilh. I became dumb, and opened... | |
| Collection - 1749 - عدد الصفحات: 236
...fhadow, and difquieteth himfelf in vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who mall gather them. 8. And now, LORD, what is my hope : truly my hope is even in thee. 13. Hear my prayer, O LORD, and with thine ears confider my calling : hold not thy peace at rriy tears.... | |
| William Whiston - 1753 - عدد الصفحات: 380
...fhadow, and difquieteth himfelf in vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell 'who fhall gather them. And now, Lord, what is my hope : truly my hope is even in thee. Deliver me from all mine offences, and make me not a rebuke unto the foolifh. I became dumb, and opened... | |
| 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 410
...flladow, and difquieteth himfelf in vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who (hall gather them. i And now, Lord, what is my hope : truly my hope is even in thee. 'Deliver me from att mine offences : and make me not a rebuke unto the foolifh. I became dumb, and... | |
| 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...fiibmits to tEe ch^J' his own fufTerings — thathe had overcome tifements inflicted upon him. . J8 And now, Lord, what is my hope: truly my hope is even in thcc. 9 Deliver me from all mine offences : and make me not a rebuke unto the loolifh. 10 * I became... | |
| 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 500
...to murmur at the profperity of the from his afflidlion.s ; and humbly fubmiti to tfie . -8 And new, Lord, what is my hope: truly my hope is even in thee. 9 Deliver me from all mine offences: and make me not {L .rebuke unto the foolim. 10 * I became dumb,... | |
| John Brand, Henry Bourne - 1777 - عدد الصفحات: 466
...long, and mine Age is nothing in refpeff of Thee ; and verily every Man living is altogether Vanity. And now, LORD, -what is my Hope? Truly my Hope is even in Thee. Deliver me from all mine Offences^ and, 0 fpare me a little that I may recover my Strength, before... | |
| 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 688
...difquieteth him* felt 'in vain : he heapelh up riches, and cannot tell who ftiall gather them, > . And now, Lord, what is my hope : truly my hope is even in thee. Deliyer me from all mine offences : and make me not a rebuke unto the foolifli. 1 became dumb, and... | |
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