Then was Jefus led up of the spirit into the wilder Take no thought for the morrow, &c. VI. Though I speak with the tongue of nten and of an And Nathan Said unto David, thou art the man 98 - 347 III. Lord teach us to pray, as John, &c. V. I keep under my body, &c. - IX. Is any among you afflicted, &c. - 363 XI. We both labour and fuffer reproach, &c. 367 XIV. I fee the heavens opened, &c. XV. The kingdom of heaven is like a net, &c. 377 - Page 384 XX. What is a man profited? - 385 - 387 XXIII. Except ye be born of water and the Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans - 393 Illustrations used by St. Paul in his writings - 405 SER SERMON I. On comparing spiritual things with spiritual. [Preached at the Primary Visitation of the Bishop of Winchester, held at Southampton, July 15, 1788.] WHICH THINGS WE SPEAK, NOT IN THE WORDS, UAL. 1 : WHEN St. Paul planted the gospel at Corinth, he found his designs chiefly opposed by two kinds of people. The first were men of pleasure. Corinth lay VOL. IV. commodiously for trade; and trade produces B riches; |