صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Or EXAMPLE of Grammatical Resolution.


IN the fifteenth year of the reign of Tibe

rius Cæfar, Pontius Pilate being governour of Judea, the word of God came unto John, the fon of Zacharias, in the wilderness.

2. And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptifm of repentance for the remiffion of fins.

3. And the fame John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.

4. Then faid he to the multitude, that came forth to be baptized of him: O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance.


5. And


5. And as all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; John answered, faying unto them all: I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.

6. Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that, Jesus also being baptized and praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape, like a dove, upon him; and lo! a voice from heaven faying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

1. In is a Preposition; the, the Definite Article; fifteenth, an Adjective; year, a Substantive, or Noun, in the Objective Cafe, governed by the Prepofition in; of, a Prepofition; the reign, a Substantive, Objective Cafe, governed by the Prepofition of; Tiberius Cæfar, both Substantives, Proper Names, Government and Cafe as before; Pontius Pilate, Proper Names: being, the present Participle of the Verb Neuter to be; governour, a Substantive; of Judea, a Proper Name, Government and Case as before; Pontius Pilate being governour, is the Cafe Absolute; that is, the Nominative Case with a Participle without a Verb following and agreeing with it; the meaning is the fame as, when Pilate was governour; the word, a Substantive; of God, a Substantive, Objective Cafe, governed by the Prepofition of; came, a Verb Neuter, Indicative Mode, Paft Time, third Person Singular Number, agreeing with the Nominative Case word; unto, a Prepofition; John a Proper Name; the fon a Substantive, put in Apposition to John; that is, in the fame Cafe, governed by the same Prepofition unto; of Zacharias, a Proper Name; in, a Prepofition; the wilderness, a Substantive, Government and Cafe as before.


2. And, a Conjunction Copulative; he, a Pronoun, third Person Singular, Masculine Gender, Nominative Case, standing for John; came, as before; into, a Preposition; all, an Adjective; the country, a Substantive; about, a Prepofition; Jordan, a Proper Name; Objective Cafes, governed by their Prepositions; preaching, the present Participle of the Verb Active to preach, joined like an Adjective to the Pronoun he; the baptism, a Substantive in the Objective Cafe following the Verb Active preaching, and governed by it; of repentance, a Subst. Government and Cafe as before; for, a Prep. the remission of fins, Substantives, the latter in the Plural Number, Government and Cafe as before. 3. And

3. And, (b. that is, as before ;) the fame, an Adjective; John, (b) had, a Verb Active, Indicative Mode, Paft Time, third Person Singular, agreeing with the Nominative Cafe John; bis, a Pronoun, third Person Singular, Poffefsive Case; raiment, a Substantive in the Objective Cafe, following the Verb Active had, and governed by it; of camel's, a Substantive, Possessive Case; hair, Substantive, Objective Cafe, governed by the Prepofition of, the fame as, of the hair of a camel; and, (b.) a, the Indefinite Article; leathern, an Adj. girdle, a Subst. about, (b.) bis, (b.) loins, Subst. Plural Number, Objective Cafe, governed by the Preposition about; and his (b.) meat, Subst. was, Indicative Mode, Past Time, third Perfon Singular of the Verb Neuter to be; locufts, Substantive, Plural Number, Nominative Cafe after the Verb was; and, (b.) wild, Adjective; honey, Substantive, the fame Cafe.

4. Then, an Adverb; faid, a Verb Active, Paft Time, third Person Singular agreeing with the Nominative Case he, (b.) to, a Prep. the multitude, Subst. Objective Cafe, governed by the Prep. to; that, a Relative Pronoun, its Antecedent is the multitude; came, (b.) forth, an Adverb; to, a Prep. and before a Verb the sign of the Infinitive Mode; be baptized, a Verb Paffive, made of the Participle Passive of the Verb to baptize, and the Auxiliary Verb to be, in the Infinitive

Infinitive Mode; of him, Pronoun, third Person Sing, ftanding for John, in the Objective Cafe, governed by the Prep of; O, an Interjection; generation, Subst. Nominative Cafe; of Vipers, Sub. Plural Number, Objective Cafe, governed by the Prep. of; who, an Interrogative Ponoun; hath warned, a Verb Active, Prefent Perfect Time, made of the Perfect Participle warned, and the Auxiliary Verb hath, third Person Singular, agreeing with the Nominative Case who ; you, Pronoun, second Perfon Plural, Objective Cafe, following the Verb Active warned, and governed by it; to flee, Verb Neuter, Infinitive Mode; from, a Prep. the Wrath, Subst. Objective Cafe, governed by the Prep. from; to come, Verb Neuter, Infinitive Mode, bring, Verb Active, Imperative Mode, second Person Plural, agreeing with the Nominative Cafe ye understood; as if it were, bring ye; forth, an Adverb; therefore, a conjunction; fruits, a Substantive Plural, Objective Cafe, following the Verb Active bring, and governed by it; meet, an Adjective joined to fruits, but placed after it, because it hath something depending on it; for repentance, a Substantive governed by a Preposition, as before.

5. And, (b.) as, a Conjunction: all, (b.) men, Subst. Plural Number; mufed, a Verb Active, Past Time, third Person Plural, agree

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