The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal ChurchT. Mason and G. Lane, 1840 - 206 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
according agents at New-York allowance Almighty Amen annual conference Answ appointed Band Societies baptism baptized beseech thee bishop bishop shall say book committee Book Concern charge Christ our Lord Christian circuit or station CONFERENCE shall include congregation deacon death didst discipline district doctrine duty editors ence eternal everlasting exhortation faith Father ference give glory God the Father God's Gospel grace grant hands hath heaven Holy Ghost Holy Spirit kingdom labour live Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Supper Mahoning Creek matrimony mercy Methodist Methodist Episcopal Church minister or preacher minister say mission Muskingum River New-York conference ordained person PITTSBURG CONFERENCE pray prayer preach presiding elder quarterly conference quarterly meeting conference Quest receive River sacraments say unto SECTION sheep sins thence things thou thy Church thy holy thy name tion Tombigbee River travelling preacher trial trustees unto thee Verily word yourselves