صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

viz. All Things work together for Good to them that love God, to them who are the Called according to his Purpofe.

I have now fhewed from the infallible Word of God, the Way that leads to the Suffering of his, Wrath in this World, and to an endless Destruction in the next; and alfo the Way, and the fure Way to Safety, Comfort, and Happiness, here and for ever hereafter.

I fhall now conclude this Letter, with a brief Addrefs to thofe Sorts of Perfons, whom the righteous God has threatned with Punishments in this World.

And let me intreat fuch of you to consider the awful Threatnings denounced against you. You are the Objects, the miferable Objects of the divine Anger. The LORD's Indignation is against you, his terrible Controverfy is with you. You have been hitherto heaping up Wrath against the Day of Wrath; the Day of his wrathful Vifitation for


And tho' he may fuffer many Individuals, in each Sort of Sinners, to escape, in this World, his threatned Vengeance, yet Multitudes will be deftroyed, and by a dreadful Violence be fent to take their dreadful Abode with Devils reserved in Chains under Darkness to the final Judgment.

And you do not know, that you shall not be fome of this Multitude.

O ponder this in your Thoughts, and reason with yourselves in the following Manner, as you have good Cause to do fo, viz.

"How lamentable is my Condition! how fearful "are the Threatnings of the Almighty! how "fhall I be able to bear the Execution of them! "How bitter are the Reflections on the Iniquities "of my Heart and Life! What Advantage, "what Confolation have 1, or can I have from "thofe Sins, which I have indulged! How mon



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"ftrous, how heinous, how aggravated are the "Sins which I have been guilty of, and wilfully repeated, Times without Number! Alas! what will "become of me, if I ftill go on in my evil ways! "God be merciful to me a Sinner! a vile Sinner,'a "moft Hell-deferving Sinner! And may fuch a "one as I, hope for any Mercy? Is there a Way "for fuch a Tranfgreffor as I have been, to ob"tain Pardon, and Peace, and Reconciliation with "the holy God, whom I have so much, and fo "long offended?

"Yes, O my Soul! there is a fure Way, even "for the Chief of Sinners, to obtain all that "Mercy, Salvation and Happiness, which guilty and wretched Creatures do want.

"The DECLARATIONS, the kind Declarations "of God which I have read in this Letter, and "which are recorded in the facred Scripture, are un "deniable Proofs of it.


"And now, O moft gracious God, I humbly "praise and thank thee for them; I now renounce "all my Sins with Shame and Grief: I confefs them "with a Loathing of them, and acknowledge that "thou mightest moft juftly deftroy me. But, O "fpare me for Chrift's Sake! for thy Mercy Sake!

"I believe that the Lord Jefus is both able and "willing to fave even the Chief of Sinners, and fuch "a vile Sinner as I have been. I believe him to be "the promised Saviour! Lord increafe my Faith "Help me against Unbelief! I take the Bleffed Je"fus to be my Saviour, and humbly befeech thee "by thy holy Spirit, thoroughly to convert, renew, " and fanctify me! and do thou work continually in me both to will, and to do of thy good Plea "fure!

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"I now devote myself to thee, to be thine in an "everlasting Covenant! I befeech thee from this "Time to incline, and enable me to live according "to the holy Rules of thy Word." Amen, for Jefus Chrift his Sake.


"O my Soul reflect upon it, and confider the "wonderful Patience of God towards thee, in not "pouring out his Plagues upon thee, and fending "thee down quick into Hell! Think on the Riches "of his Mercy manifefted in giving thee this "Hour for renouncing thy Sins, and for accepting. "the Saviour whom his Love provided; and think

on his Grace in helping thee, by his holy Spirit, "to return to him through Chrift; and to truft in "Christ Jefus alone for Salvation.

"Happy Transaction, between God and "this Hour!

my Soul

"If I had remained thoughtlefs, and inconfide " rate, and perfifted in my evil Ways, fome de"ftroying Judgment might have put an end to my "Life while I was fo doing; and then the impor"tant Transaction could never, never be performed.

"But fince I have been through Grace enabled to "accept of Chrift, and am become one of his Dif

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ciples; fince I have devoted myself to God, and "renounced all my Tranfgreffions, I have great "Reason to delight in God, as my God, and to rejoice in Chrift Jefus, as being now my dear Lord, Mafter, and Redeemer.

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“And may well hope, that whatever Confufions, "and Calamities may happen in this Country, or "City, my Condition for Eternity is fafe, and will be happy. Now I may lay afide all Fears of Death, even when the killing Arrows fhall fall " thick around me.

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"For to a good Man, the Day of Death is bet

ter than the Day of his Birth, and when his Sou "becomes abfent from his Body, it will be prefent "with the Lord, and the earthy Houfe of this "Tabernacle (viz. of his Body) fhall be diffolved; "he has a Building of God, an House not made with "Hands, eternal in the Heavens. 2 Cor. v. I. "And although in this World I may have Trouble, yet I may well hope for Peace in Chrift Jefus; and therefore by the Help of the Holy "Spirit I will continue feeking to, and trufting in "the bleffed Jefus, and endeavour faithfully to ferve my God and Saviour to the utmoft End of "Life."

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Thus may every one that repents of his Sins, and thankfully accepts of Chrift to be his Saviour, and Lord, as he is freely offered to all Sorts of Sinners in the Gospel; thus, I fay, may every such Person reafon within himself, and be comforted.

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I will only add, that it is my earnest Prayer for those who have hitherto been regardless of God, of an Interest in Chrift and their Duty, and thoughtless of the Concerns of their immortal Souls, and hitherto walked in Ways of wilful Difobedience to the pure and holy Commandments of God, that they may by his Spirit have the foregoing Thoughts made their own, and their Souls inclined, and enabled to perform thofe Acts fignified by the Expreffions in the Addrefs to God.

O merciful God! hear this Prayer, and grant thefe Petitions for Jefus Chrift's Sake!`and for the glorious Manifeftation of the Energy and Sovereignty of thy Grace, and of the Riches of thy Love! Amen. And let every one that fhall read thefe Papers fay Amen.


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