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النشر الإلكتروني


Philips' Series of Large School-room Maps.

With the Physical Features boldly and distinctly delineated, and the Political Boundaries carefully colored. Size-5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished Constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S.

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OCEANIA, on a Scale of two degrees to an inch, shewing the situation of New Zealand and the Australian Colonies relatively to the shores of Asia and North America, with the intervening Islands.

Supplementary Maps to the Series.

SCHOOL WALL MAP OF THE WORLD, ON GALL'S CYLINDRICAL PROJECTION. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Size-6 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 7 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, £1 5s. PHILIPS' INDUSTRIAL MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES, with part of SCOTLAND; showing the Lines of Railway, the Seats of the Principal Manufactures, and the Districts of Mines and Minerals; distinguishing Canals and Navigable Rivers, tracing the Tracks of Foreign and Coasting Steam Vessels, marking the Position of Lighthouses, &c. Constructed from the most authentic sources, and revised by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. Size-6 feet by 4 feet 9 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished, £1 5s.

Philips' Smaller Series of School-room Maps.

Size-3 feet by 2 feet 6 inches. Mounted on rollers and varnished,

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The above are reductions of the large series, constructed by William Hughes, F.R.G.S., and are designed for use in Private Schools and Families. They are clearly and distinctly engraved, and embody an amount of information not to be had in any similar series of Maps.

Philips' New School Maps of the Counties of England.

Prepared expressly for use in Public Elementary Schools, to meet the requirements of the New Code; the Physical Features are boldly delineated, and the style of Engraving is clear and distinct; the Railway System is a prominent feature, and every necessary detail has been carefully given.

LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE. Size-5 feet 8 inches by 4 feet

6 inches. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G. S. Scale-13 mile to one inch. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 16s.

LANCASHIRE. Size-37 inches by 54 inches. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Scale 1 mile to one inch. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 10s. 6d.

YORKSHIRE. Size-37 inches by 54 inches. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Scale-3 miles to one inch. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 10s. 6d.

CHESHIRE. Size-33 inches by 44 inches.

Reduced from the

Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Scale-1 mile to one inch. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 7s. 6d.


Size-35 inches by 54 inches. Reduced from the Ordnance Survey. Drawn and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Scale-2 miles to 1 inch. Mounted on rollers and varnished, 12s.

Other Counties in Preparation.




Public Elementary Schools.



Specially adapted to the requirements of the New Code.

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.352 pp., strongly bound in cloth... 2 POETICAL READING BOOK ......352 pp., strongly bound in cloth... 2 FIRST POETICAL BOOK............160 pp., strongly bound in cloth... 1 0





The present entirely New Series of Reading Books has been prepared with much care and labour under the personal supervision of the Editor; and it is believed everything has been done which experience in teaching could suggest to adapt them to the educational requirements of the present time.

The special aim of the Publishers has been to produce thoroughly good and durable books: they direct the attention of Teachers and School Managers to the strength of the sewing and firmness of the binding, both important features, which cannot fail to recommend them for use in Elementary Schools.


A Class-Book of Modern Geograhpy, With Examination Questions, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. The Examination Questions are drawn from the result of much experience in tuition on the part of the Author, and will be found to add considerably to the value of the work, as a classbook for popular school use. New edition, 1875. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.


"Philips' Comprehensive School Atlas" is designed to accompany this

An Elementary Class-Book of Modern


By William Hughes, F.R.G.S. This volume is abridged from the larger class-book, and is designed for the use of less advanced pupils. New edition, 1875. Foolscap 8vo., Is. 6d.

"Philips' Atlas for Beginners" is designed to accompany this work.

A Class-Book of Physical Geography. With numerous Diagrams and Examination Questions, by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. This volume has been prepared for popular school use, and exhibits, in a clear and methodical manner, the principal facts respecting the Natural Features, Productions, and Phenomena of the Earth.-New edition, entirely re-written and extended, with a Map of the World. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

***"Philips' School Atlas of Physical Geography" is designed to accompany this work.

An Elementary Class-Book of Physical


With Diagrams, by William Hughes, F.R.G. S. Intended as a Companion Text Book to "Philips' Physical Atlas for Begin ners. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, Is.

An Elementary Treatise on Arithmetic For Schools and Colleges. By Thomas W. Piper, Normal Master and Lecturer in the National Society's Training College, Battersea, author of "Mental Arithmetic," &c., Crown 8vo., cloth, pp. 160, Is. 6d.

Advanced Arithmetic

For Schools and Colleges. By Thomas W. Piper, Normal Master and Lecturer in the National Society's Training College, Battersea, author of "Mental Arithmetic for Training Colleges," &c. Crown 8vo., cloth, pp. 336, price 3s. 6d.

A Class-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. With Tables of Chemical Analysis, and directions for their use; compiled specially for Pupils preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge Middle-Class Examinations, and the Matriculation Examinations of the University of London. By D. Morris, B.A., Teacher of Chemistry in Liverpool College. Crown 8vo., cloth, 2s. 6d.

Bible Reading Lessons,

For Secular and other Schools. Edited by Thomas A. Bowden,
B.A.Oxon. Foolscap 8vo., cloth. In Three Parts, each is.

Bowden's Manual of New Zealand

With Eleven Maps and Examination Questions. By Thomas A. Bowden, B.A., late Government Inspector of Schools, assisted by J. Hector, M. D., F.R.S., Geologist to the New Zealand Government. Two parts in One Vol., Foolscap 8vo., cloth, 3s. 6d.

Part 1.-Containing the General Geography of the Colony, with a sketch of its History and Productions.

Part 2.-Containing a descriptive account of each Province or Principal Division.

Bowden's Geographical Outlines of New Zealand,

With Two Maps, and Examination Questions. By Thomas A. Bowden, B.A.Oxon. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, Is.

Brewer's Manual of English Grammar,

Including the Analysis of Sentences, with copious Exercises. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, Is.

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