PUBLISHED BY. GEORGE PHILIP AND SON. SERIES OF SCHOOL ATLASES,' 1. PHILIPS' PREPARATORY ATLAS, containing . 4. PHILIPS' ELEMENTARY ATLAS FOR 5. PHILIPS' ELEMENTARY OUTLINE ATLAS. 16 Maps. Small 4to, in neat cover 6. PHILIPS' INITIATORY ATLAS FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. 12 Maps. 16mo, plain,, 3d.; colored 7. PHILIPS FIRST SCHOOL ATLAS. New and enlarged edition. Containing 24 Maps, full colored, bound in cloth 8. PHILIPS' SHILLING ATLAS OF MODERN GEOGRAPHY. 12 Maps. Imp. 4to, illustrated cover ... 9. PHILIPS' ATLAS FOR BEGINNERS, New and improved edition, with Index. Crown 4to, cloth.. 10. PHILIPS' HANDY SCHOOL ATLAS. 32 Maps, with Consulting Index. Crown 8vo, cloth, lettered II. PHILIPS' YOUNG SCHOLAR'S ATLAS. New edition. Containing 24 Maps. Imperial 4to., bound in cloth 12. PHILIPS' YOUNG STUDENT'S ATLAS. New edition. Containing 36 Maps. Imp. 4to, bound in cloth 0 6 I о I 0 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 ... 3 6 13. PHILIPS' INTRODUCTORY SCHOOL n, Publishers, London and Liverpool. George Philip and Son, Publishers, London and Liverpool. SERIES OF SCHOOL ATLASES-Continued, 24 5. d. 15. PHILIPS' STUDENT'S ATLAS. Containing 38 Maps, with Index. Imp. 8vo, strongly bound in cloth 7 6 16. PHILIPS' COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL ATLAS, containing 37 Modern and 7 Ancient Maps, with Index. Imp. 8vo, strongly hf.-bd., cloth sides 10 6 17. PHILIPS' PHYSICAL ATLAS FOR BEGIN- NERS. 12 Maps. Crown 4to, in stiff cover series of 16 Physical Maps. Med. fol., cloth, lettered 15 21. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF SCRIPTURE GEOGRAPHY, 12 Maps. Crown 4to, stiff cover I 22. The same Book, bound in cloth, lettered 23. PHILIPS' SMALLER SCRIPTURE ATLAS. 12 Maps, illustrated cover, 6d. ; cloth, lettered 24. PHILIPS SCHOOL ATLAS OF CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 18 Maps, with Consulting Index of Ancient and Modern Names. Med. 4to, cloth. 25. PHILIPS' HANDY CLASSICAL ATLAS. Con- taining 18 Maps. Medium 8vo, bound in cloth... 26. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF AUSTRALIA. 27. PHILIPS' SCHOOL ATLAS OF NEW ZEA 28. PHILIPS' IMPERIAL ATLAS OF OUTLINE MAPS. Two Series, each containing 12 Maps, 29. PHILIPS' IMPERIAL ATLAS OF BLANK. PROJECTIONS. Two Series, each containing 30. PHILIPS' OUTLINE ATLAS FOR BEGIN- NERS. Two Series, each containing 16 Maps, 31. PHILIPS' BLANK PROJECTIONS FOR BE- |