The Archaeology of DeathRobert Chapman, Ian Kinnes, Klavs Randsborg Cambridge University Press, 22/10/1981 - 159 من الصفحات Evidence for the disposal of the dead is one of the most common classes of archaeological data; in both prehistoric and historic contexts, archaeologists have long used the remains of death and burial as a source for interpretations of society, culture and ethnic identity. This volume, bringing together studies on the disposal of the dead, explores the frontiers and potential of research and presents critical appraisals of theory about social organisation and culture change. It contains case studies from both North America and Europe and themes include the complex social factors behind burial in monuments and cemeteries, the relationship between status, diet, disease and mortality, the use of differential burial practices to define rank and the underlying reasons for major changes in burial patterns. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 14
الصفحة 2
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الصفحة 3
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الصفحة 13
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الصفحة 14
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الصفحة 16
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J Becker K R List of contributors vii Preface | 1 |
Social configurations and the archaeological study | 39 |
Onedimensional archaeology and multidimensional | 53 |
The emergence of formal disposal areas and | 71 |
Dialogues with death Ian Kinnes | 83 |
Various styles of urn cemeteries and settlement | 93 |
Burial succession and early state formation in Denmark | 105 |
Mortuary practices palaeodemography and palaeo | 123 |
Mortality age structure and status in the interpretation | 133 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Adult age and sex age at death analysis approach archaeological record Arikara artefacts barrows behaviour Binford Bronze Age Buikstra burial programme cemeteries centre changes cluster communities complex context cremation critical resources cultural dead Denmark dentino-enamel junction Deverel Rimbury dimensions disposal types distribution entropy ethnographic Europe evidence example excavated female formal disposal areas frequency funerary grave groups Horizon hypothesis included individuals inhumation interment Iron Age Jutland Klunk Knoll Koster Koster site land low-status male megalithic tombs ment Mesolithic middle Woodland Mississippian monumental mortuary practices mortuary sites mortuary treatment mounds Neolithic observed Omaha pathological bands pattern Pawnee period population prehistoric problems reflect relationship ritual runestones sample Saxe Schild settlement skeletal skeletons social organisation social ranking society sociotechnic status stone stress indicators striae of Retzius structure sub-adults suggest symbolised symbols Tainter variables Viking Age Wessex Wessex culture Woodland period zone