2 With troubles worn, with pain oppress'd, to thee I cry'd, and thou didst save; Thou did'st support my finking hopes, my life did'st refcue from the grave. 3 Wherefore, ye Saints! rejoice with me," with me fing praises to the Lord; Call all his goodness to your mind, and all his faithfulness record. 4 His anger is but short; his love which is our life, hath certain stay; Grief may continue for a night, but joy returns with rising day! 5 Then what I vow'd in my distress, in happier hours I now will give, And strive, that in my grateful verse his praises may forever live. 6 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the bleft and undivided Three, The one fole Giver of all life, glory and praise for ever be. 1 HYMN XXV. 1 FUNERAL CONSOLATIONS. EAR what the voice from heav'n declares to those in Christ who die! "Releas'd from all their earthly cares, "they reign with him on high." 2 Then, why lament departed friends, or shake at death's alarms? Death's but the servant Jesus sends to call us to his arms. 3 If fin be pardon'd we're secure, 5 Then joyfully, while life we have, I HYMN XXVI. CHRIST's Commission to preach the GOSPEL. G St. Matth. Chap. x. O forth, ye Heralds, in my Name, The glorious Jubilee proclaim, 2 The joyful news to all impart, but harmless as the peaceful dove, 4 Freely from me ye have receiv'd, The fame COMMISSION, from St. Mark, xvi. 15,5c 2 3 4 "G "Explain to them my facred Word, "though Greeks reproach, and Jews blafpheme. They to the farthest nations spread THE END. HYMNS. Page A ALL-glorious God, what hymns of praise 223 218 C Chrift from the dead is rais'd, and made Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove, From whence these direful omens round, G God of the feas! thine awful voice H 215 216 ib. F 214 224 229 ib. Hear what the voice from heav'n declares 228 217 When all thy mercies, O my God, |