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النشر الإلكتروني

head of the world's god, which truth he is out of, and there is no truth in him.

And the apostle saith, The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh and ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience.' Ephes. ii. 2.

And Christ calls him, 'The prince of this world,' John, xii. 31. and xiv. 30. and xvi. 11.

So the prince of this world is judged, and now shall the prince of this world be cast out; 'for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me,' saith Christ.

Now here all may see the prince of this world is judged by Christ, and cast out; he finds no disobedience in Christ, as he did in Adam and Eve.

So all may see how this prince of the world, that lies in wickedness, how he got into Adam and Eve by their disobedience; and he got into the Jews by disobedience to God's command and spirit which he gave them; for Christ said, 'They were of their father, the devil: and he hath gotten into the christians since by their disobedience to the command and voice of God and Christ Jesus, and the spirit which he hath poured forth upon all flesh; but Christ judges him, and casts him out; and though he came to Christ to tempt him, yet he finds nothing in him.

Now this prince of death and darkness, which compasseth the old earth of disobedience, and is a ruler and worker in the hearts of the children of disobedience, and brings his obedient people to walk and to have conversation according to the prince of the power of the air, that works in them, and rules in them, to fulfil the lusts of the flesh, and the desires of the same, in which nature they are children of wrath; and he works in them, and fills them with all manner of evil and blasphemy against God and Christ, and them that dwell in him, and have their habitation in heaven.

So all may see, that believe in the light of Christ, the beginning of this prince's kingdom, and the height of his authority, which was begun in and by the disobedience of Adam and Eve to God's command and voice; and he still rules in the hearts of all the disobedient to God and Christ, and to his spirit, grace and truth; and through men's disobedience thereunto, this god of the world's kingdom is upheld and enlarged.

I say, to such as disobey the God of truth's good spirit, and rebel against it, and vex and quench it, into the hearts of such disobedient ones, the god of the world, in whom there is no truth, gets.

For the spirit of God, (if man did obey it and hearken unto it,) it

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would be found stronger than that foul spirit that is out of truth, that rules in the disobedient ones.

And likewise they that do err from that faith that is the gift of God, and that Christ Jesus is the author and finisher of, and do hate the light of Christ Jesus, which Christ commands them to believe in, and walk despitefully against the Spirit of Grace, and despise the word of Grace in their hearts, and resist the motions of the Holy Ghost, and disobey the gospel, the power of God, and will not receive it; such disobedient ones, the god of the world, and prince of the air and of darkness, is the worker and ruler in their hearts, and their conversation is according to the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world; so that they are conformable to him, and bear his image and likeness in them, and are not conformable to God nor Christ, and bear not their image; so that they show forth in their words, ways, lives and conversations whose image they bear, and what god and prince they plead for, and worship and serve, to wit: 'The god of this world, in whom there is no truth: For his sin, evil, ungodliness and unrighteousness, imperfection and body of sin and death to the grave, they plead for, and say they must carry about them. And this god and prince of the world will allow them to profess all the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, so that they will plead for his works, that he, the world's god, that is out of truth, hath wrought in them.

Now here all are left without excuse, that come under the judgment of God and his son, who judges the world in righteousness; for Adam had something to disobey, and so had the Jews and the Christians, and all mankind. For the light, which Christ doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world withal, which is the life in him, by whom all things were made and created, which, if they believe in it, they are saved; and if not, they are by it condemned.

So this light is stronger than the prince of darkness, the world's god, that is out of truth, if people will believe in it.

Also, the grace and truth that comes by Jesus Christ, it is sufficient to teach and bring salvation. Paul had the experience of it; and God said, 'It should be sufficient for him in all his temptations and troubles.'

I say, this grace and truth is too strong for the prince of darkness, the world's god, who abode not in the truth, and there is no truth in him. And it is sufficient to teach people, and bring their salvation: And it is the world's god and his followers who say to the contrary.

For the true and living God and his holy apostle say, 'It is sufficient to teach them, and bring their salvation.'

Likewise the word of faith, which Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of, is sufficient to save, as Christ often said, Thy faith hath saved thee, and made thee whole.' And this faith is sufficient to give victory VOL. VI.


over the prince of the air, the world's god; and that which gives victory over him, and doth resist and subdue him, that shield is stronger than he and all his followers.

And also, the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, and the unction within, it is sufficient to teach and lead into all truth, which comes from the Holy One, and proceeds from the Father and the Son; I say, this is stronger than the world's god, and prince of death and darkness, in whom there is no truth, who is an unclean spirit. This holy, pure, clean spirit and unction from the Holy One, is too hard and too strong for that unclean spirit, that leads all the disobedient out of truth; but this Holy Spirit leads the obedient into all truth.

And as to the light, spirit and power, people may resist the motions of it in loving the prince of darkness, (the world's god,) more than the light, and the eternal, immortal, living god of truth, and Christ the prince of life; but the light and spirit is stronger than they, and the world's god, whom they serve.

The light itself will be their condemnation, and by the pure, Holy Spirit and power they will be judged; for Christ does judge the world, according to the gospel, the power of God; and who believe it and receive it, this everlasting gospel, the power of God, is over the prince of the world, and of death and darkness, the world's god, in whom there is no truth; and is stronger than he, whose dark unclean spirit and power had a beginning, and must have had an end, in the lake of fire; but the power of God, the gospel, is everlasting and without end, though it hath a beginning in men, to the saving of them; and therefore it is called The Gospel of Salvation: But in itself, the gospel, the power of God, is everlasting; and the light, which is the life in Christ, in itself is everlasting; and they that believe in it, come to have everlasting life.

And the word of God, in itself is everlasting, and is a hammer and a sword, and a fire upon the head of the world's god, and them that conform to him and follow him.

And the truth and the spirit of God in themselves are everlasting; though men may quench the motions of it in their hearts, that love the world's god, the prince of the air, more than Christ Jesus, the prince of life, and the eternal, immortal, everlasting God of truth.

And this world's god and prince of the air, in whom there is no truth, as Christ and the God of truth hath declared; and if there be no truth in this world's god, the prince of the air, then what is in him? Nothing but chaff, corruptions, sin, deceit and lies, falsehood, envy, malice, hatred, theft, murder, death, darkness, bondage, ungodliness, unrighteousness and unholiness, from this foul, unclean spirit, by which he burdens

and imbondages the creation, and makes it to groan, and all that obey him, and disobey God and Christ.

And whosoever obey that unclean spirit, or touch it, or join to it, in whom there is no truth, are defiled, and brought into bondage by it, and under a weighty yoke and heavy burden. And therefore Christ saith, *Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give rest unto your souls; for my yoke is easy and my burden light.

And this prince of the air and god of the world, who is out of truth; he hath his dark principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in his high places in the old earth; and he fills them full of air in words, and notions and imaginations, and puffs them up with lies and deceit in his dark power and principalities, and spiritual wickedness in the high places in the earth, where dwells his unrighteousness, with which he maintains and upholds his kingdom of darkness and


So with this his dark power and principalities he wrestles with flesh and blood: So this power of death, the world's god, he hath congregations of the dead, and he hath his dead faith, for the disobedient, (which he rules,) to make a profession of.

And he hath his vain and destroying religion for them to plead for. And he hath his worship, which is out of God's holy, pure spirit and truth, for his disobedient ones to serve and worship him in, in whom there is no truth: For the prince of the air, the world's god, is an unclean spirit, out of truth, and hath no truth in him.'

And he hath his dead ways to lead them in that disobey God's grace, truth, light and spirit. And hath a faith to his followers, but it is dead, and gives no victory. And a belief, but no overcoming on this side the grave, the world's god, that is out of truth: Nay, rather their belief is, That they have a body of sin and death, which they must carry to the grave;' which faith and belief, and body of sin, they have from the world's god, and not from the living God of truth; and it is not like the world's god, in whom there is no truth, should work any other faith or belief in them, or any thing else but this body of death and sin, when they disobey the living God of truth, which gives the living faith, that is the victory.

And the world's god, and the prince of the air, will suffer his obedient ones, in whom he works and rules, to talk of baptism and circumcision; but they must not believe that their body of death, and sins of the flesh, must be put off, which the god of the world hath wrought in them since they disobeyed the living God of truth, whilst they are on this side the grave; but those works which he hath wrought in them, they must carry to the grave with them; and that the floor of their hearts, minds and souls, shall not be thoroughly purged whilst they be upon the earth, but

that they must be purged in a purgatory, when they are dead; and whilst that they are upon the earth, they cannot do otherwise than sin, that is, to do the work of the god of the world, that is out of truth, and not the works of the living holy God of truth.

And Christ, who saith, Believe in the light,' and serve him in his living, holy, pure spirit and truth, which the world's god, that unclean spirit, is out of, and there is no truth in him. Yea, this world's god will suffer his messengers, ministers and professors, to cry against sin, as much as they will, and preach up sanctification and redemption, but they must not be made free from sin, nor cleansed, nor sanctified, nor redeemed, or to be made clean from this world's god, and the works which he, the prince of the air, hath wrought in them, whilst they be upon the earth.

And they must not have any assurance of their salvation and redemption from sin, or election here: This is the prince of the air's doctrine, who is out of truth, that he hath taught his ministers, messengers and apostles to preach and teach, in his dark school of disobedience, and that there is no victory over this prince, the world's god, and his works, whilst they are upon the earth, nor overcoming of him that is out of truth.

And now, as he hath gotten Adam and Eve into disobedience by his subtilty, so by his subtilty he would keep in disobedience, and death and darkness, all his children and servants.

And therefore, if any witness victory or overcoming on this side the grave of the world's god, and that which he hath wrought in them, and to have the same power and spirit the prophets and apostles had, this is called presumption by the world's god, and the disobedient that he rules in, and called by them 'A justifying of self.'

And to have an assurance of their election, and salvation, and life eternal here, as Christ the truth saith, They have that receive him and believe in him.'

This shakes the kingdom of the world's god, in whom there is no truth, and makes his followers, that disobey God's spirit and command, to rage against it.

Now the god of the world is called The prince of the air, who works and rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience;' and all the disobedient ones walk according to the course of this prince of the air, and wickedness, who is out of truth; and he works in them by his unclean spirit, and fills them with airy notions and conceits, which he hath in store for them; and with wickedness, death, darkness, corruption, vanity, folly, looseness and all unrighteousness, debate and deceit: By this his unclean ravenous spirit, he fills them with airy notions, words and lives, and with drunkenness, whoredoms, and all manner of uncleanness and wickedness, that proceed from this unclean spirit, that is out of truth,

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