The Primitive City of TimbuctooAmerican Philosophical Society, 1953 - 297 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 48
الصفحة 139
... parents , not their adoptive ones . Foster mothers , unlike stepmothers , have no reason to try to create a favored ... parents and alms to the old and the poor and you are certain of success in life . Do not be like the man who ...
... parents , not their adoptive ones . Foster mothers , unlike stepmothers , have no reason to try to create a favored ... parents and alms to the old and the poor and you are certain of success in life . Do not be like the man who ...
الصفحة 207
... parents and their daugh- ter with regard to her pregnancy and delivery as the Arabs exhibit between parents and a son concerning his marriage . When a woman has passed her menstrual period by two weeks , she informs her husband of her ...
... parents and their daugh- ter with regard to her pregnancy and delivery as the Arabs exhibit between parents and a son concerning his marriage . When a woman has passed her menstrual period by two weeks , she informs her husband of her ...
الصفحة 264
... parents of the girl directly , not through an intermediary . He considers the dowry as purchase price and , after espousing the girl , he observes no in - law taboos with her parents . The parents are not permitted to visit their ...
... parents of the girl directly , not through an intermediary . He considers the dowry as purchase price and , after espousing the girl , he observes no in - law taboos with her parents . The parents are not permitted to visit their ...
The Rise and Fall of Timbuctoo | 3 |
A | 13 |
The City Quarters | 43 |
حقوق النشر | |
6 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abaradyu age-grade Alfa Allah Arab Arab slaves Arma Bambara baraka barbers Bela belief Berabich birth Bourem boys bride brother buctoo bush cadi Caillié camels caravan ceremony charms child circumcision cloth commercial common comrades concubine conflict corpse cowries cross-cousin culture custom Daga daughter deceased divorce Djenné economic ethnic group father feast fetish fetishist French Gabibi genii gifts girl grave grigri groom Hausa husband huts in-law Kabara kabi kambu Keyna kola nuts kondey Koran koterey marabouts marriage married merchants Mohammed Mohammedan Moroccan Morocco Moslem mosque mother native Negro Niger parents pattern person population prayer quarter recognized relatives religious ritual robes saints salt sand Sankore serfs shea butter shereef sister slippers social society Songhoi Sonni Ali status Sudan Sudanese supernatural taboo Taodeni term Timbuctoo tion town trade traits Tuareg urban vampire vendors Westermarck wife wives woman women Yakouba