In Discordance with the Scriptures: American Protestant Battles Over Translating the BibleOxford University Press, 2002 - 238 من الصفحات The story of the translation of the Bible in America begins with the King James Version. In fact, many Americans thought of the KJV as the foundational text of the Republic, rather than a cultural inheritance from Anglican Britain. In the nineteenth century, however, as new editions of the Greek New Testament appeared, scholars increasingly recognized significant errors and inconsistencies in the KJV. This soon 1ed to the Bible revision movement, whose goal was the uniting of all English-speaking Protestants behind one new, improved version of the Bible. Ironically, as Peter Thuesen shows in this fascinating history, the revision movement in fact resulted in a vast proliferation of English scripture editions and an enduring polarization of American Christians over versions of Holy Writ. The recurrent controversies over Bible translations, he argues, tell us less about the linguistic issues dividing conservatives and liberals than about the theological assumptions they have long held in common. |
Sharper Than Any TwoEdged Sword The Bible in Modern American Protestantism | 3 |
History Hagiography and the Consecration of the English Bible | 17 |
Bible Revision and the LateNineteenthCentury Imagination | 41 |
A gallery of photos | 67 |
Liberal Protestants and the Making of the RSV Bible | 67 |
BibleBurning RedHunting and the Strange Specter of Unholy Scripture | 93 |
Evangelicals and Liberals in the Quest for an Undefiled Book | 121 |
Virginity Lost Virginity Regained? Translation and Scripturalism Since 1965 | 145 |
Notes | 157 |
Bibliography | 203 |
221 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
almah American Bible American Standard Version anti-Catholicism Authorized Bible Vindicated Authorized Version Baptist Bible revision Bible Society Bible translation Bible’s Cambridge Carl McIntire Catholic Biblical century Chicago Press Christ Christianity Today conservative Council of Churches Culture David Otis Fuller denominational doctrinal ecumenical England evangelical Frei Fuller fundamentalist God’s Grand Rapids Greek Haven Hebrew Holy images inerrancy International Version interpretation Isaiah Jesus John King James Bible liberal Luther Weigle Lutheran Mauro medieval modern National Council Nelson and Sons Old Testament original Orlinsky Oxford University Press Philadelphia Philip Schaff Presbyterian Princeton Protestant Protestantism published Puritan Reformation religious Revised Bible Revised New Testament Revised Standard Version Revised Version revision movement RSV Committee Papers RSV controversy RSV translators RSV's scholars Scripture Standard Bible Committee story Sunday School textual criticism Theological Seminary Thomas Nelson tion tradition truth Tyndale's University of Chicago virgin birth William Tyndale Word Yale University Press York