What Your Holy Spirit Says about PEACE: Genesis - Revelations Plus Word Games Questions and Ponders

الغلاف الأمامي
AuthorHouse, 03‏/07‏/2008 - 124 من الصفحات
A unique way to get to know your Holy Spirit by learning each and every one of God’s subject words.   Do you ever wonder how we can possibly remember or understand all of God’s words?  Here’s a fun way to do it!  Lets start by reading and studying the ""eye opening" scriptures that  talk about PEACE! This may help you comprehend, even retain God’s subject word "Peace" spiritually. 

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

نبذة عن المؤلف (2008)


My name is Laurie Ellen Bader.  I currently reside in Eau Claire, Wisconsin with my husband and two teen age boys.  I was born and raised in San Jose, California and am a middle child of 7 children.  I married my husband in 1988 and moved to Houston, TX suburb where my two children were born.  From there my family and I moved to the suburb of Dallas and then on to Eau Claire, WI since 1997.  I am a "stay at home" MOM!  And I have enjoyed every minute of taking care of my two very active teens.  My journey with God/Jesus have been an awesome walk!  This book has been compiled so you can learn what God actually said about Peace! So Let's begin and May the Peace of Jesus Christ be with you"!

Laurie Ellen Bader


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