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" My queen's not only innocent, but loves me. This, this is she, who drags me down to ruin! " But, could she scape without me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore, And never look behind ! " Down on thy knees, blasphemer as thou... "
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes ... - الصفحة 354
بواسطة John Dryden - 1808
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The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq: In Six Volumes, المجلد 4

John Dryden - 1717 - عدد الصفحات: 464
...Ruin ! But, could fhe fcape without me, with what hafte Would fhe let Hip her hold, and make to ihore, And never look behind ! Down on thy Knees, Blasphemer as thou art, And ask Forgivenefs of wrong'd Innocence. Vent, I'll rather die, than take it. Will you go? < Ant. Go! Whither?...

Bell's British Theatre,: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays ...

1776 - عدد الصفحات: 382
...as thou art, And afk forgivenefs of wrong'd innocence. feat, I'll rather die, than take it. Will yow go ? Ant. Go! Whither? Go from all that's excellent...Faith, honour, virtue, all good things forbid, ' That I fhould go from her, who fets my love ' Above the price of kingdoms. Give, you gods,' Give to your boy,...

Bell's British Theatre: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays, المجلد 5

John Bell - 1776 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...behind ! Down on thy knees, blafphemer as thou art, And a(k forgivenefs of wrong'd innocence, Pent. I'll rather die, than take it. Will you go ? Ant....*~-Faith, honour, virtue, all good things forbid, * That I fhould go from her, who fets my love * Above the price of kingdoms. Give, you gods,' Give to your boy,...

The Busy Body: A Comedy

Susanna Centlivre - 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 460
...innocent but loves me. " This, this is she who drags me down to ruin I" But could she 'scape without me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore And never look behind I Down on thy knees, blasphemer as thou art, And ask forgiveness of wrong'd innocence. Vent. I'll rather...

Bell's British Theatre, المجلد 16

John Bell - 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 458
...innocent but loves me. " This, this is she who drags me down to ruin !" But could she 'scape without me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shor« And never look behind I Down on thy knees, blasphemer as thou art, And ask forgiveness of wrong'd...

The British drama, المجلد 1

British drama - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 954
...innocent, but loves me. This, this is she, who drags me down to ruin ! But, could she escape without me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make...Will you go? Ant. Go ! whither ? go from all that's eiccllent ! Faith, honour, virtue, all good things, forbid That I should go from her, who sets my love...

The British Drama: Tragedies. 2 v

1804 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...loves me. This, this is she, who drags me down to ruin.! But, could she escape without me, with v»hat haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore,...innocence. Vent. I'll rather die than take it. Will YOH go? Ant. Go! whither? go from all that's excellent ! Faith, honour, virtue, all good things, forbid...

Sharpe's British Theatre, المجلد 16

1805 - عدد الصفحات: 282
...loves me. This, this is she who drags me down to ruln !" ut could she 'scane without me, with wuat haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore And never look hehind! Down ou thy knees, hlasphemer as thou art, And ask forgivenefs of wroug'd iunocence. Vefit....

The British Theatre; Or, A Collection of Plays: Which are Acted at the ...

Mrs. Inchbald - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 410
...innocent, but loves me. This, this is she who drags me down to ruin ! But could she 'scape without, me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make...knees, blasphemer as thou art, And ask forgiveness of wrong'd innocence. Vent. I'll rather die than take it. Will you go ? Ant . Go ! whither ? go from all...

Rule a Wife and Have a Wife: A Comedy in Five Acts

John Fletcher, David Garrick - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 410
...innocent, but loves me. This, this is she who drags me down to ruin ! But could she 'scape without me, with what haste Would she let slip her hold, and make to shore, Aiul never look behind ! Down on thy knees, blasphemer as thou art, And ask forgiveness of wrong'd...

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