The Government of Ohio, Its History, Resources and Jurisprudence, Also, a Brief Outline of the Government of the United States...

الغلاف الأمامي
Moore & Quale, 1875 - 256 من الصفحات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 249 - The first section of the third article of the constitution declares that "the judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and such inferior courts as congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish.
الصفحة 19 - So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants of full age in the district upon giving proof thereof to the governor, they shall receive authority with time and place to elect representatives from their counties or townships to represent them in the general Assembly...
الصفحة 38 - Ohio to form a constitution and State government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes...
الصفحة 39 - Pennsylvania line aforesaid ; provided always, and it is hereby fully understood and declared by this convention, that if the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan should extend so far south that a line drawn due east from it should not intersect Lake Erie, or if it should intersect the...
الصفحة 89 - In case the alien applying to be admitted to citizenship has borne any hereditary title, or been of any of the orders of nobility in the Kingdom or State from which he came...
الصفحة 100 - SEC. 5. No person hereafter convicted of an embezzlement of the public funds shall hold any office in this State ; nor shall any person, holding public money for disbursement, or otherwise, have a seat in the general assembly until he shall have accounted for and paid such money into the treasury.
الصفحة 19 - ... extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious liberty, which form the basis whereon these republics, their laws, and constitutions, are erected; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions, and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in...
الصفحة 105 - The Governor shall be Commander-in-Chief of the military and naval forces ; and may call out such forces to execute the laws, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasion.
الصفحة 26 - Cuyahoga river : thence up the said river to the portage between it and the Tuscarawas branch of the Muskingum ; thence down that branch to the forks, at the crossing place above Fort Laurens ; thence with a line to be drawn westerly to the portage, on that branch of the Big Miami, on •which the fort stood that was taken by the French in 1752, until it meets the road from the lower Shawnese town to Sandusky ; thence south to the Scioto river, and thence with that river to the mouth, and thence...
الصفحة 99 - States, or any lucrative office under the authority of this state, shall be eligible to...

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