Richard Hooker: Prophet of AnglicanismA&C Black, 01/01/1999 - 362 من الصفحات This long-neglected figure is arguably the closest counterpart in the English Reformation to Luther and Calvin. This new biography is the culmination of fifteen years of intensive research into Hooker's life and thought. |
The Hookers of Exeter | 1 |
Growing up in John Hookers Exeter | 21 |
School Days | 41 |
Leaving the Nest | 57 |
The Oxford Years | 74 |
Leaving the Academic Cloister | 101 |
Debut in London | 115 |
Introduction to Church Politics | 129 |
Master of the Temple | 199 |
A Judicious Marriage | 221 |
Penman for the Church | 233 |
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity | 254 |
Pastor of Bishopsbourne | 278 |
The Final Years | 307 |
Richard Hookers Legacy | 327 |
342 | |
Appointment at the Temple | 151 |
The Great Debate Begins | 162 |
The Great Debate Continues | 177 |
356 | |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Anglican appointment archbishop Archbishop Whitgift authority bishop Bishopsbourne Book Burghley Calvin Calvinist Cambridge Canterbury career cathedral Catholic century Christ Christian Church of England clergy clerical Common Prayer congregation Corpus Christi College court Cranmer death defend doctrine doubt Drayton Beauchamp early Edwin Sandys Elizabeth Elizabethan English English Reformation established Church Exeter extremists faith father fellow Folger friends God's grammar Haugaard Heavitree Holy Hooker knew Hooker's sermons Ibid ideas important inns issues Izaak Joan John Churchman John Hooker John Jewel John Rainolds John Whitgift later learned lectures liturgy living London Lord master Middle Temple ministers never Oxford parish parliament Paul's Cross political preaching predestination presbyterian probably Protestant pulpit Puritan queen radical Reformation religion religious Richard Hooker Roger Sacrament Salisbury salvation Saravia scholars Scripture Sisson St Paul's Street Temple Church theology Thomas Cartwright tutor Walter Travers Walton Whitgift words worship