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" Nor drum was heard, nor trumpet's angry sound; Nor swords were forged ; but void of care and crime. The soft creation slept away their time. The teeming earth, yet guiltless of the plough, And unprovoked, did fruitful stores allow : Content with food... "
Of the Nature of Things: In Six Books - الصفحة 543
بواسطة Titus Lucretius Carus - 1714
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ...

Edward Bysshe - 1710 - عدد الصفحات: 624
...foft Creation flept away their Time. The teeming Earth, yet guiltlefs of the Plough, Andunprovok'd, did fruitful Stores allow. Content with Food which...Bramble-berries gave the reft, And falling Acorns furnifh'd out a Feaft. The Flow'rs unfown in Fields and Meadows reign'd, And Weftern Winds immortal...

T. Lucretius Carus,: Of the Nature of Things, in Six Books ..., المجلد 1

Titus Lucretius Carus, Thomas Creech - 1714 - عدد الصفحات: 508
...ariftis. Flumina jam ladtis, jam flumina NeiSaris ibant, Flavaquede viridi ftillabant ilice mella. The teeming Earth, yet guiltlefs of the Plough, And unprovok'd, did fruitful Stores allow. The Flow'rs unfown, in Fields and Meadows reign'd, And Weftern Winds immortal Spring maintain'd. ....

The Complete Art of Poetry: In Six Parts, I. Of the Nature, Use ..., المجلد 2

Charles Gildon - 1718 - عدد الصفحات: 490
...but void of Care and Crime, The foft Creation flept away their Time. The teeming Earth, yet gulltlefs of the Plough, And unprovok'd, did fruitful Stores...freely bred, On Wildings' and on Strawberries they fed : • Cornel; and Bramble-berries gave the reft, And fulling Acroni furnillf d out a Feaft. The Flow'rs...

The virgin muse. Being a collection of poems from our most celebrated ...

Virgin muse - 1722 - عدد الصفحات: 250
...Nor. Swords were forg'd•, but void of Care Sii^r.ime, "•"he foft Creation paft away their Time. The teeming Earth, yet guiltlefs of the Plough, And...allow : Content with Food which Nature freely bred, Qn Wildings, and on Strawberries they fed. Cornels and Bramble.Berries gave the reft, And falling Acorns...

Original Poems and Translations, المجلد 2

John Dryden - 1743 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...found : Nor Swords were forg'd ; but, void of Care and Crim*t The foft Creation flept away their time. The teeming Earth, yet guiltlefs of the Plough, And...Wildings and on Strawberries they fed ; Cornels and Bramble- berries gave the reft, And falling Acorns furnifli'd out a Fcail. 1 The Flow'rs unfown in...

The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., المجلد 3

John Dryden - 1760 - عدد الصفحات: 526
...found : Nor fwords were forg'd ; but, void of care and crime, The foft creation flept away their time. The teeming earth, yet guiltlefs of the plough, And unprovok'd, did fruitful ftores allow : Content with food, which nature freely bred, On wildings and on ftrawberries they fed...

Collection of English Almanacs for the Years 1702-1835

1765 - عدد الصفحات: 688
...Гепп tnd* Morn o zi I>tife £8 F 19 il Silvefter. 9 3» 1 17 a U г 5б ert-iíc ti' S Зс -.- Content with Food, which Nature freely bred, On Wildings...Cornels and Bramble-berries gave the reft, And falling Acoras furnifti'd out a Feaft. 7 •Tfl ES?rm£ Qinritr legits on the «oih Ifcy of March,, »i M rmfci...

The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 392
...found: Nor fwords were forg'd; but, void of care and crime, The foft creation flept away their time. The teeming earth, yet guiltlefs of the plough. And unprovok'd, did fruitful ftores allow: Content with food, which nature freely bred. On wildings and on ftrawberries they fed...

The Young Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy,: Containing, the philosophy of ...

Benjamin Martin - 1772 - عدد الصفحات: 518
...Sound, Nor Swords were forg 'd: But void ef Care and Crime, Tl)e foft Creation jlept away the Time; The teeming Earth, yet guiltlefs of the Plough, And...Stores allow. Content with Food which Nature freely hred, On Wildings and on Strawberries they fed; Cornels and Bramble-berries gave the rejl ; And falling...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., المجلد 15

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - عدد الصفحات: 364
...found : Nor fwords were forg'd ; but, void of care and crime, The loft creation flept away their time. The teeming earth, yet guiltlefs of the plough, And unprovok'd, did fruitful ftores allow : Content with food, which nature freely bred, On wildings and on ftrawberries they fed...

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