Mordaunt; sketches of life, characters, and manners in various countriesStirling & Slade, 1820 |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
acquaintance admired agreeable answer arrival Ashwood assured aunt auto-da-fé beauty behaviour believe brother character Collot d'Herbois Colonel Sommers conduct convinced Corsica count countenance d'Herbois Darnley dear Horatia dear Lady Diana Demure disposition dread endeavoured England expressed father favour fond fortune France French gentleman Gironde Girondists give GRINDILL happiness heard honour hope husband imagine informed JOHN MORDAUNT Juliet knew Lady Aspic Lady Deanport LADY DIANA FRANKLIN ladyship letter London Lord Deanport lordship Mango manner marchioness marriage married mind Miss Almond Miss Clifford MISS HORATIA CLIFFORD Miss Moyston Miss Proctor Mordaunt mother nature neral never Northumberland obliged observed opinion particular perceive person persuaded pleasure present prince of Condé racter reason received rejoined render replied resumed Robespierre seemed sensible soon spect surprised taste thing thought tion told town Travers Vevay wife wish woman women young lady
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 534 - This guest of summer, The temple-haunting. martlet, does approve, By his lov'd mansionry, that the heaven's breath Smells wooingly here : no jutty, frieze, Buttress, nor coigne of vantage, but this bird Hath made his pendent bed, and procreant cradle : Where they most breed and haunt, I have observ'd, The air is delicate.
الصفحة 125 - They rather choose to bear those ills they have Than fly to others that they know not of.
الصفحة 369 - Chancellor, with the assistance of the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, and the Duke of Clarence, be requested to write a chapter in the room of it ; and that Mr. Burke do see that it be truly canonical, and faithfully inserted.
الصفحة 553 - And speaking thick, which nature made his blemish, Became the accents of the valiant; For those that could speak low and tardily Would turn their own perfection to abuse, To seem like him. So that in speech, in gait, In diet, in affections of delight, In military rules, humours of blood, He was the mark and glass, copy and book, That fashioned others.
الصفحة 7 - Drew Priam's curtain in the dead of night, And would have told him half his Troy was burn'd ; But Priam found the fire ere he his tongue, And I my Percy's death ere thou report'st it.
الصفحة 528 - To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet, To smooth the ice, or add another hue Unto the rainbow, or with taper-light To seek the beauteous eye of heaven to garnish, Is wasteful, and ridiculous excess.
الصفحة 21 - The woman indulged him in his request ; he devoured the herring, drank plentifully, underwent a copious perspiration, and recovered. The French student inserted this aphorism in his journal : — A salt herring cures an Englishman in a fever. On his return to France, he prescribed the same remedy to the first patient in a fever to whom he was called. The patient died : on which the student inserted in his journal the following caveat : — NB Though a salt herring cures an Englishman, it kills a...
الصفحة 304 - ... description who never had an offer of marriage in their life : but Lady Diana had a very ample patrimony besides ; and I confess I never knew a woman of this description who had not a great many. Though your inquiries are confined to the Clifford family, yet, as I have mentioned this worthy lady, I will add another circumstance concerning her, which, I dare say, you will think interesting, notwithstanding that it occurred many years ago. At the age of twenty-two, Lady Diana was actually betrothed...
الصفحة 483 - DID not Ossian hear a voice? or is it the sound of days that are no more? Often does the memory of former times come, like the evening sun, on my soul.
الصفحة 573 - I'll obviate her intent, And unconcern'd return the goods she lent. Nor happiness can I, nor misery feel, From any turn of her fantastic wheel : Friendship's great laws, and love's superior powers, Must mark the colour of my future hours. From the events which thy commands create I must my blessings or my sorrows date ; And Henry's will must dictate Emma's fate. Yet while with close delight and inward pride...