Chap. 2. That there is no Neceffity of im- mediate Revelation in order to a faving ERRATA. T HE Running Title of the Nine first Chapters should have been, of the Neceffity of immediate Revelation. p. 22. 1.11. beseeches. p. 75. 1. 9. the Law. p. 104. 1.14. the Gospel. p.107. 1. 20. is what. p. 109. 1.30. perception. P. 110. P. 20. on our. P.113. 1.20. Man-Christ. p. 126. 1.6. by the Light's stirring, moving and enabling. p. 149. 1.20. that is, it is. p.150. 1.16. it had. p. 170. 1.14. Water-Baptism. p. 179. 1.8, 10. So baptized. p. 185. 1. 35. Neceffity of the Spirit of Discerning for. p.194. 1.27. a rule. p. 197. 1.19. that Her. p. 198. 1. 29. by him. p.199. 1. 30. d. makes. and read which makes. p. 210, 1. 12. believes. p. 231. 1.2. import. p. 232. 1. 29. extend this. P. 235. 1. 11. d. Holy. p. 270. 1. 2. d. Of. p. 282. 1. 24. par. took. The State of the Question concerning the Neceffity of immediate Revelation in order to a faving Christian Faith. T HE Controverfies between us of the Established Church of England, and the People called Quakers, are not only many in Number, but of very great Importance. I shall therefore endevor in the following Papers to state and determine the Principal of them. Now the first Point about which we differ, is concerning the Neceffity of immediate Revelation in order to a saving Christian Faith. With this therefore I shall begin. And that my discourse upon this Head may be the better understood, I think it necessary for me to premise a few things. |