Published Quarterly by the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, Wisconsin Entered as second-class matter August 31, 1919, at the post office at Madison, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized September 17, 1918. No. 1. The colonial citizens of New York City, by Robert Francis Seybolt. 40p. $0.50 No. 4. Scientific determination of the content of elementary school course in reading, No. 5. Cycles of prosperity and depression in the United States, Great Britain, and No. 6. A large estate in Egypt in the third century B.C.-A study in economic history, No. 7. The Distichs of Cato-Translated from the Latin with introductory sketch, by No. 8. Standard tests as aids in school supervision, by Frank Leslie Clapp. 56p. $0.50. No. 10. Changes in the size of American families in one generation, by Ray Erwin No. 11. The Ars Minor of Donatus-Translated from the Latin with introductory No. 12. Miraculae Sanctae Virginus Mariae. Translated from the Latin by Miss E. F. No. 13. History of the Byzantine Empire by A. A. Vasiliev. Vol. I. Translated from No. 14. History of the Byzantine Empire by A. A. Vasiliev. Vol. II. 502p. with Index. $3.00. COPYRIGHT 1930 BY THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN |